The Madison Cawthorn "Hit Job" Saga by the GOP Continues - SEX TAPE LEAK COMING


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2021

*This topic also will serve for if/when the video leaks*

What the hell is with the GOP trying to take this young man out? Yes, he spoke out about GOP orgies in D.C but that does not mean you have to LEAK this material and try to destroy him. Thoughts?

*This topic also will serve for if/when the video leaks*

What the hell is with the GOP trying to take this young man out? Yes, he spoke out about GOP orgies in D.C but that does not mean you have to LEAK this material and try to destroy him. Thoughts?

what wrong with him having sex?

i suppose if Barney Frank and survive running a prostitution ring out of his house…this guy can survive having some sex..

*This topic also will serve for if/when the video leaks*

What the hell is with the GOP trying to take this young man out? Yes, he spoke out about GOP orgies in D.C but that does not mean you have to LEAK this material and try to destroy him. Thoughts?

That's politics........ It's been used for hundreds of years all over the world by every and all sides, and continues today. As long as there is politics we humans will work to destroy or use our opposition in whatever manner we can get away with. This is not condoning or condemning, it's simply fact.
Oh you old fuddy duddies. Clutch your pearls and pretend you never went a little out there joking around with your mates. Only difference is they didn't have cellphone cameras back in the black and white days.

Now I think Madison Cawthorn is a light-weight joke as far as any sort of substance or policy issue, but get used to seeing this kind of stuff. The older you get, the more candidates you are going to see who have cellphone vids from high school and college that can be spun anyway someone wants to spin them.

*This topic also will serve for if/when the video leaks*

What the hell is with the GOP trying to take this young man out? Yes, he spoke out about GOP orgies in D.C but that does not mean you have to LEAK this material and try to destroy him. Thoughts?

?? You guys were condemning him for an inappropriate relation with an employee just like 4 days ago. I'd think you'd be glad the gop is attacking him.

Go Madison Go Madison Go!

Boom boom if you love Madison say Whey-Yo...WHEY-YOOOOOOOOO

1 word to describe it: sexy sexy sexy!
there's magic in the air
i can't breathe but i don't care
when Madison moves in on me i swear
it's like everything moves in slow motion


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