The Mainstream Media's choice for President 2020

According to the link, Avenatti said. “"We can't relive 2016. I love this country, our values and our people too much to sit by while they are destroyed."

This slime ball stole from his clients' trust funds, attempted to extort Nike, committed bank fraud and failed to pay his taxes for years. This pompous scum portrays himself as the paragon of virtue but is nothing but an immoral con artist. He may conjure up a defense against the extortion charge; however the charges of misappropriations of clients' trust funds will be difficult, if not impossible, to defend. He has no defense whatsoever to the charges of bank fraud.

“Avenatti also allegedly defrauded a bank in Mississippi by submitting to the lender false tax returns in order to obtain three loans totaling $4.1 million for his law firm and coffee business in 2014,” the L.A. U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

“The phony returns stated that he earned $4,562,881 in adjusted gross income in 2011, $5,423,099 in 2012, and $4,082,803 in 2013, according to the affidavit. Avenatti allegedly also claimed he paid $1.6 million in estimated tax payments to the IRS in 2012 and paid $1.25 million in 2013.”

“In reality, Avenatti never filed personal income tax returns for 2011, 2012 and 2013 and did not make any estimated tax payments in 2012 and 2013. Instead of the millions of dollars he claimed to have paid in taxes, Avenatti still owed the IRS $850,438 in unpaid personal income tax plus interest and penalties for the tax years 2009 and 2010,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. “Avenatti also submitted a fictitious partnership tax return for his law firm.”

Read more at Stormy time: Michael Avenatti arrested for 'extorting Nike' - WND - WND

CONCLUSION: Avenatti will be doing some serious prison time. He will be disbarred, disgraced. and penniless. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
If he does, it will be the first time a candidate runs for president while serving prison time.

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