Zone1 The man who was executed Friday...


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
The man who was executed Friday had had previous conflicts with law enforcement officials. He was of Near Eastern descent. He never presented a birth certificate, but claimed to be thirty-three years old. He was unemployed, homeless, had no visible means of support, and no fixed address. Once he complained that he had “nowhere to lay his head.”

He frequently socialized with people of questionable character. Religious authorities disapproved of the fact that he was an occasional Sabbath breaker. High placed officials in the health industry complained that his unauthorized cures made it difficult for them to “earn a decent profit.” Prosperous conservatives criticized him for distributing free loaves and fishes at one of his gatherings. They said that giving out free stuff encouraged dependency.

Recently he barely escaped arrest when he attacked those who were changing money from one currency to another, claiming that they were charging too much.

At the time of his arrest a member of his gang cut off the ear of one of the arresting party. Another gang member belonged to a well known terrorist organization.

He was executed along with two murders, each of whom had prior felony convictions.

After he died the executed felon’s body was claimed by a wealthy member of the community, who interred it in his family plot.

He had been the leader of a fringe religious movement that was politically subversive, calling for the redistribution of wealth. His movement does not seem to have survived the death of its founder.
The man who was executed Friday had had previous conflicts with law enforcement officials. He was of Near Eastern descent. He never presented a birth certificate, but claimed to be thirty-three years old. He was unemployed, homeless, had no visible means of support, and no fixed address. Once he complained that he had “nowhere to lay his head.”

He frequently socialized with people of questionable character. Religious authorities disapproved of the fact that he was an occasional Sabbath breaker. High placed officials in the health industry complained that his unauthorized cures made it difficult for them to “earn a decent profit.” Prosperous conservatives criticized him for distributing free loaves and fishes at one of his gatherings. They said that giving out free stuff encouraged dependency.

Recently he barely escaped arrest when he attacked those who were changing money from one currency to another, claiming that they were charging too much.

At the time of his arrest a member of his gang cut off the ear of one of the arresting party. Another gang member belonged to a well known terrorist organization.

He was executed along with two murders, each of whom had prior felony convictions.

After he died the executed felon’s body was claimed by a wealthy member of the community, who interred it in his family plot.

He had been the leader of a fringe religious movement that was politically subversive, calling for the redistribution of wealth. His movement does not seem to have survived the death of its founder.
the part IN BOLD is the only part you got almost right----He was a leader in the Pharisee movement and his movement did survive
But He did get His revenge on those Romans. Christianity spread all over the world and Italy is now the central point of Catholicism.
be not so cynical---He was not seeking revenge---it is an accident of history
be not so cynical---He was not seeking revenge---it is an accident of history

God doesn't do anything by "accident."

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).
I never understood why Christians would support Capital Punishment after Jesus was wrongly executed
you (probably inadvertently) made a very important point. Back in the day---
Jewish jurisprudence not only avoided capital punishment ALTOGETHER---but
never executed on a charge of "he thinks he is the messiah" and, certainly did
not do crucifixion EVER!!! The Pharisee partyline on capital punishment is so
NEGATIVE---that Israel rejected it entirely except in very restricted circumstances----the islamo-nazi hero EICHMANN was hanged---just one
case. Jesus was executed by Rome for insurrection against Rome. Execution
by Rome was very common for THOUSANDS OF YEARS
The man who was executed Friday had had previous conflicts with law enforcement officials. He was of Near Eastern descent. He never presented a birth certificate, but claimed to be thirty-three years old. He was unemployed, homeless, had no visible means of support, and no fixed address. Once he complained that he had “nowhere to lay his head.”

He frequently socialized with people of questionable character. Religious authorities disapproved of the fact that he was an occasional Sabbath breaker. High placed officials in the health industry complained that his unauthorized cures made it difficult for them to “earn a decent profit.” Prosperous conservatives criticized him for distributing free loaves and fishes at one of his gatherings. They said that giving out free stuff encouraged dependency.

Recently he barely escaped arrest when he attacked those who were changing money from one currency to another, claiming that they were charging too much.

At the time of his arrest a member of his gang cut off the ear of one of the arresting party. Another gang member belonged to a well known terrorist organization.

He was executed along with two murders, each of whom had prior felony convictions.

After he died the executed felon’s body was claimed by a wealthy member of the community, who interred it in his family plot.

He had been the leader of a fringe religious movement that was politically subversive, calling for the redistribution of wealth. His movement does not seem to have survived the death of its founder.
The only thing to do here then is to label any of his followers as "MAGA" extremists, ban all of his writings from schools across the nation, and tell the FBI to go infiltrate his organizations as the President declares him the biggest threat to national security

But that is just me.

Thanks for playing.

Oh, and go to church. We know you won't but you know you should.
I want my jelly-beans---AND the rabbit feet----because they are usually
Just remember there were good people on both sides of the crucifiction.
Trump's press release, a la Charlottesville?

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The only thing to do here then is to label any of his followers as "MAGA" extremists, ban all of his writings from schools across the nation, and tell the FBI to go infiltrate his organizations as the President declares him the biggest threat to national security

But that is just me.

Thanks for playing.

Oh, and go to church. We know you won't but you know you should.
Yes, and mock the day in which we celebrate his sacrifice and resurrection by banning religious symbols, and declaring it a day to recognize people with sexual disorders in a positive light.
The man who was executed Friday had had previous conflicts with law enforcement officials.

no, not one ... their notoriety was not known to - them.

surly not the person the christians associate the acronym - good - friday ... for who they stylized for their own false religion using them as cover for their crimes and false heavenly personifications - their religion of servitude and denial.

or the refutation by jesus and those others - of judaism, the liar moses their false commandments, abraham's hereditary idolatry among the many other anomalies of the prevailing religion.

those in the 1st century were paradisians as a&e adherents to the original heavenly religion of antiquity who taught liberation theology, self determination for each individual as the means to accomplish the goal of judgement and admission to the everlasting ... no where found in any of the three desert religions.
Yes, and mock the day in which we celebrate his sacrifice and resurrection by banning religious symbols, and declaring it a day to recognize people with sexual disorders in a positive light.
You are still allowed to show religious symbols….you just can’t force Government to display them for you

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