The Mao


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

the left forgets about. Repression, gulags, political persecution leading to as many as 100 million Chinese dying at the hands Mao. The KMT was no prize and had their faults but killing 100 million and supporting communist expansion was not among them.
Not forgotten, just ignored by mainstream media historians. The pathetic Truman administration paid off the loyalist Chinese effort in WW2 by sending a former U.S. General George Marshall, who had zero experience in foreign policy appointed to Secretary of State, to disarm the loyalist nationalist Chinese and pave the way for Chairman Mao's revolution. Thank you George Marshall. To compound the criminal negligence of the Truman administration, old WW! general Doug MacArthur was appointed to deal with the Korean invasion and turned it into a three year quagmire with the Chinese Communist incursion.

the left forgets about. Repression, gulags, political persecution leading to as many as 100 million Chinese dying at the hands Mao. The KMT was no prize and had their faults but killing 100 million and supporting communist expansion was not among them.

Does the left forget? No, I don't think so.

You act like all the people on the left are united and all the people on the right.

Was Mao a Communist? No.

He was a Maoist, he liked his own power. I don't think he did much in the way of promoting Communism, only those things which he thought would get him more power. Sounds like a certain Chinese leader we all know today...

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