The "Mass Shooting" Narrative from the MSM and Politicians


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
This is a perfect example.
The MSM and Politicians like to point out the "Mass Shootings" that occur in this country. They will take a news article and give little detail as to what exactly happened.
But if you follow the leads, you will see that the vast majority of these shootings, are inner city, gang, and urban thugs shooting each other.

These killings are not the same as a mental case walking into a School. Yet, the MSM and the politicians recognize the lack of reasoning from a good portion of the population and continue with their propaganda. So if someone tells you there are over 300+ mass shootings and we need gun reform, tell them we need cultural reform in many of our inner city neighborhoods.
The shootings that don't match the gun grabbers narratives are quickly memory holed by MSM.
They never acknowledge if you take out black on black attacks, the rates of violent crime bottom out like Hunter on a bender.

For instance, whenever a shooter is stopped by a good guy with a gun or it's clear the shooter is a deranged leftist, these drop off the radar once the facts start to emerge.
Only info that advances the anti-2A & white people are evil dogma are amplified & used as a propaganda tool to attack law abiding gun owners
This is a perfect example.
The MSM and Politicians like to point out the "Mass Shootings" that occur in this country. They will take a news article and give little detail as to what exactly happened.
But if you follow the leads, you will see that the vast majority of these shootings, are inner city, gang, and urban thugs shooting each other.

These killings are not the same as a mental case walking into a School. Yet, the MSM and the politicians recognize the lack of reasoning from a good portion of the population and continue with their propaganda. So if someone tells you there are over 300+ mass shootings and we need gun reform, tell them we need cultural reform in many of our inner city neighborhoods.
Yes! Cultural reform, but more in Americans' attitudes toward the value of human lives.
Both are a result of guns being too readily available

Agree that guns are too readily available to the ghetto rats and the leftist loons that have been shooting up the schools, but if we try to take them away, y'all will just screech too loud to tolerate.


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