The Media (branch of the DNC) is as Responsible for this Violence as the Rabid Leftist Animals in the Streets


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
How far has the media gone from the days of even pretending to impartiality? The violence we see in the streets is their fault as much as anyone's. The brainless animals in the streets burning, looting, attacking families are just following the commands of their handlers who urge them on both directly and indirectly. The gross irresponsibility of the media today is criminal. Just look at how the left wing media 'reports' the news these days. Every word and phrase chosen to influence those remaining few leftists who can read. Every line reeking of what some idiots clearly hope will lead the weak-minded in the partisan direction demanded by the dishonest scum who pretend to be 'journalists.'

The headline of a recent Washington Post story about the left-wing extremist violence in DC reads:

"After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls"

"Violence erupts" doesn't even suggest who instigated and perpetuated that violence. An alert reader might notice something about the violence erupting after "thousands of Trump supporters rally in DC" all day with no incidents, but the Post will never recognize that. They want their malleable readers to get the impression that the violence just sort of happened. Who caused it to happen? Ah, who can say? Give me a fucking break. This kind of journalistic malfeasance leads the brainless just where the leftist puppeteers want them. It's all so clumsy and obvious that you would expect people to see right through it, but the drones on the left have been conditioned enough to swallow it whole.

There are so many more examples of this kind of threat to truth, democracy, and our Republic.
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Standard fascist stuff, making up stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify fascist brownshirt violence gainst Jews/liberals.



Just one of many instances that occurred in DC on Saturday. Saturday night was worse.
Saturday during the march. However, as the day wound down and Trump supporters were in smaller numbers the terrorists took to the streets to attack. Children, the elderly, black women were all attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in D.C.

There is video of an alleged switchblade knife being taken from a female Black Lives Matter terrorist who had reportedly been knocked out by Proud Boys.


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Standard fascist stuff, making up stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify fascist brownshirt violence gainst Jews/liberals.
Standard fascist stuff, making up stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify fascist brownshirt violence gainst Jews/liberals.
Exactly – typical of the fascist right: make up lies and misinformation in an effort to demonize and silence its political opponents; repeat those lie often enough in the hope they’re perceived to be ‘true.’
After the dishonest, irresponsible headline, the Post article offers this sentence:

" President Trump’s supporters had celebrated for hours on Saturday, waving their MAGA flags and blaring “God Bless the U.S.A.” as they gathered in Washington to falsely claim that the election had been stolen from the man they adore. "

Readers are expected to absorb but not examine critically, this bit of propaganda posing as 'reporting.'

They have to note that supporters of the president "celebrated for hours on Saturday," but they don't feel obligated to emphasize that those hours were without violence. Then the bias gets more obvious and blatant. They slip in the judgement word "falsely," expecting it to be read as a cold, hard fact and not a matter still being determined through procedure and adjudication. Don't pay too much attention to the word itself, just let it sink in. After all, 'WE' all know, right? Right? wink-wink.
But wait, there's more! The bias is raised another notch by noting that supporters of the president "adore" him. This, obviously, is intended to make supporters of the president sound like fawning acolytes rather than citizens with legitimate concerns over the outcome of the election and the process by which it was conducted. They want the feeble-minded reader to get the impression (but not to think about it too much!) that Trump is just like Kim Jong-Un with "adoring" victims of tyranny and brainwashing instead of the brilliant, cosmopolitan, and most important unquestionably right and righteous warriors for truth on the left! It all comes across like the musings of a dim-witted child who fancies himself 'clever.'

The shamelessly biased and insidious media is nothing like 'clever.' They don't even bother trying to hide their agenda anymore, because they can sense that they don't have to. They play word games for the benefit of the truly stupid, and figure they are too monolithic in their bias to give a shit what anyone else thinks.
How far has the media gone from the days of even pretending to impartiality? The violence we see in the streets is their fault as much as anyone's. The brainless animals in the streets burning, looting, attacking families are just following the commands of their handlers who urge them on both directly and indirectly. The gross irresponsibility of the media today is criminal. Just look at how the left wing media 'reports' the news these days. Every word and phrase chosen to influence those remaining few leftists who can read. Every line reeking of what some idiots clearly hope will lead the weak-minded in the partisan direction demanded by the dishonest scum who pretend to be 'journalists.'

The headline of a recent Washington Post story about the left-wing extremist violence in DC reads:

"After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls"

"Violence erupts" doesn't even suggest who instigated and perpetuated that violence. An alert reader might notice something about the violence erupting after "thousands of Trump supporters rally in DC" all day with no incidents, but the Post will never recognize that. They want their malleable readers to get the impression that the violence just sort of happened. Who caused it to happen? Ah, who can say? Give me a fucking break. This kind of journalistic malfeasance leads the brainless just where the leftist puppeteers want them. It's all so clumsy and obvious that you would expect people to see right through it, but the drones on the left have been conditioned enough to swallow it whole.

There are so many more examples of this kind of threat to truth, democracy, and our Republic.

Proud Boys are getting violent again eh? Well, that's par for the course - IDIOTS!
And on it goes:

" But that was before the people who oppose their hero showed up and the mood shifted, growing angrier as 300 or so counterprotesters delivered a message the president’s most ardent backers were unwilling to hear: The election is over. Trump lost. "

You're starting to see the pattern now, right? Here we've got "hero," "ardent backers," and a declaration that comes from the Post as much as it is 'reporting' on what others said: "The election is over. Trump lost." They are careful to emphasize that via punctuation.

Paging Mr. Orwell.....Mr. Orwell, you're wanted at the front desk....
Standard fascist stuff, making up stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify fascist brownshirt violence gainst Jews/liberals.



Just one of many instances that occurred in DC on Saturday. Saturday night was worse.
Saturday during the march. However, as the day wound down and Trump supporters were in smaller numbers the terrorists took to the streets to attack. Children, the elderly, black women were all attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in D.C.

There is video of an alleged switchblade knife being taken from a female Black Lives Matter terrorist who had reportedly been knocked out by Proud Boys.



God I hate the left.
Standard fascist stuff, making up stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify fascist brownshirt violence gainst Jews/liberals.
Exactly – typical of the fascist right: make up lies and misinformation in an effort to demonize and silence its political opponents; repeat those lie often enough in the hope they’re perceived to be ‘true.’

OMG !!!! Are you fucking serious?!!!

You pieces of shit wrote the book on demonizing and silencing the opposition!!

Jesus fuckingchrist what goddamn nerve you have!!
Here's some more from the Post:

" Tensions bled into early Sunday morning, when an argument exploded between a small group of counterprotesters and a man holding a Trump flag as he hung on to a pole. Suddenly, police tackled two people in a crosswalk, slamming them to the street."

Know what "an argument exploded between a small group of counterprotesters and a man holding a Trump flag" really means? It means a Trump supporter was jumped and beaten by a bunch of criminals.

Know what "Suddenly, police tackled two people in a crosswalk, slamming them to the street" really means? It means that police doing their jobs and trying to restore order are fascist thugs (not the actual thugs only very carefully alluded to in the article) who are unpredictably violent.

Bullshit after bullshit after bullshit.

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