The Media Only Care About Mass Shootings that Agitate White Women

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
The author makes a valid point. The media pay little attention to black on black crime of any sort. They instead focus on the stories that comport with their desired narratives. Further, I do not know what has happened to young white women. I suspect it is the brainwashing that goes on in schools and universities. They general rule is that the young white American woman now exhibits the IQ of an old, rusty, empty paint can, with a personality to match. If I was a young dude I would not even want to bang them. I certainly would not cuck myself to get their clothes off. I would stick to immigrants and whores. THAT is how off-putting white young women have become. I mean, those white chicks at all the George "Fentanyl Floyd" riots in 2020...You could put them in the same room with Floyd's dead body and they would line up for an opportunity to grind on it. But black on black? Absolutely not!! These crazy chicks prefer to use abortion to mass murder their unborn babies. Now, what sense does THAT make?!?

I blame the parents for allowing their children to go out into the world while being so stupidly vulnerable to any whack-job suggestion out there. These kids have no moral character, no self-respect, no self-confidence, no ability to critically analyze issues, and no curiosity to question things around them. All this is the fault of the parents, save for the true retards. Kids need to fail so they can learn from it. They need to earn things of value to them, lest they adopt the toxic entitlement mentality. They need to be taught to be adults so that they can go out into Adult Land and not be taken advantage of by charlatans like the leftists in academia and the media. Otherwise, they are really not worth a shit to our body politic nor our society.

One of the main reasons why there is little to no recognition of black on black crime is because the slightest criticism of black killers results in days and days of blacks pulling their hair, rending their clothes and holy rollin' on the floor screaming racism. The result being whoever was unwise enough to accuse a black of dangerous behavior, to slink off to a corner apologizing for making the connection between black people and their unending capacity for wrong doing on every level.
The media has been politicized and weaponized by the Left for their benefit. They don't address black on black violence, they only care when a cop kills a black person. Who cares how many blacks were killed in Chicago over the weekend? The media doesn't, and neither does BLM or the Democratic Party. They don't care about crime in general or gun violence in general, they only care about mass shootings, especially if the weapon used is classified an assault weapon. They clamor for gun control laws even though not one proposed gun control law would have stopped any of the mass shootings.

NO - it's all about politics, power, and money.
One of the main reasons why there is little to no recognition of black on black crime is because the slightest criticism of black killers results in days and days of blacks pulling their hair, rending their clothes and holy rollin' on the floor screaming racism. The result being whoever was unwise enough to accuse a black of dangerous behavior, to slink off to a corner apologizing for making the connection between black people and their unending capacity for wrong doing on every level.

We have high crime areas because that's what the government wants.
I think that's what the democrats want. The GOP is the law and order party, while the democrats are the social justice party that lets violent criminals walk out of prison early. And their constituents let them get away with it.

There is no difference between the two.

Clinton signed one of the biggest police expansion and crime bills we have ever seen
Republicans talk a good game but they never do anything because crime pays (the government) Crime is why state and federal law enforcement gets the billions of dollars they do and nothing changes.

The "war on drugs" didn't do a god damned thing to lower drug use but it sure as hell got state and federal law enforcement tons of money allocated to them and it made the for profit prison system even more rich and powerful so they could buy ,more politicians to keep feeding the mill.
Sometimes I wonder why only young white girls go missing.
Democrats need to replenish their sex trafficking pipeline. They have a surplus of young coming in from the border but no blonde, blue eyed girls.

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