The media takes North Korea's side


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Many members of the national media hate President Trump so much that they’ll even defend North Korea if it keeps them consistent in their opposition to everything he does.

The Media Takes North Korea’s Side


Oh but leftist are just so easy to tell anything to. To lazy to research and can only use a source as their denial tactic. It works well for their fantasy world.
Yeah...I found it odd that the media and politicians often refer to Kim as a Despot, Tyrannical Dictator and megalomaniac but...Rocketman is far beyond the pale?
It does reveal the narrative. However, one would have to be completely obtuse not to notice up to this point.
Many members of the national media hate President Trump so much that they’ll even defend North Korea if it keeps them consistent in their opposition to everything he does.

The Media Takes North Korea’s Side


Oh but leftist are just so easy to tell anything to. To lazy to research and can only use a source as their denial tactic. It works well for their fantasy world.
Good Grief! What drivel!
Many members of the national media hate President Trump so much that they’ll even defend North Korea if it keeps them consistent in their opposition to everything he does.

The Media Takes North Korea’s Side


Oh but leftist are just so easy to tell anything to. To lazy to research and can only use a source as their denial tactic. It works well for their fantasy world.

You don't need inforwars to see this......chelsea handler is only half, maybe less, joking about trading Trump for the guy starving millions of people to death in North Korea.....

the left are insane...
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Many members of the national media hate President Trump so much that they’ll even defend North Korea if it keeps them consistent in their opposition to everything he does.

The Media Takes North Korea’s Side


Oh but leftist are just so easy to tell anything to. To lazy to research and can only use a source as their denial tactic. It works well for their fantasy world.

You don't need inforwars to see this......chelsea handler is only half, maybe less, joking about trading Trump for the guy starving millions of people to death in North Korea.....

the left are insane...

They are beyond insane there is a virus beyond mental illness with these freaks honest to gawd. Their stupidity is like a cancer.
To anyone thinking the left is not insane...look at this bauble copied from this forum!
A "liberal" interpretation of the meaning of the Star Spangled Banner. If this is not insane, well....

This is why:

Oh, say can you see, Asks if one can comprehend the reasons for white superiority.

By the dawn's early light, Told you so. White people are light skinned.

What so proudly we hailed, White supremacy. Notice how Hail is like Heil, as in Heil Hitler? Coincidence?

At the twilight's last gleaming? Reference to the bright smiles of black people, and a threat for maintaining order.

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, White people.

Through the perilous fight, Ward off the threat of progressive liberalism.

O'er the ramparts we watched, Observation of progressive liberalism.

Were so gallantly streaming. Fucking A

And the rocket's red glare, This is where white people kick serious ass.

The bombs bursting in air, Music to the ears

Gave proof through the night, You're damn right.

That our flag was still there. Burn one we'll make two more.

Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, That's right, fire NFL protesters and maintain a perilous fight.

For the land of the free, and the home of the brave." Applies to white people.
Kim Blob remains a BLOB, the President should not lower himself to trade insults with the Fat Boy; or the NFL, and NBA for that matter.

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