The Media's Shameless Silence over Muslim Hate Crime


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
In broad daylight and heavy traffic on Aug. 14, Alsaegh paid the price for expressing love for the Jews. And it happened in the streets of St. Louis, right here in the heart of America. Author and courageous freedom fighter Nonie Darwish describes the horrific event:

As he was driving at 10:30 in the morning on Compton St. near Park Ave., a small white car cut him off and hit his car, while another car stopped behind him. The occupants of the cars, some of whom wore security guard-type uniforms, quickly entered Alsaegh’s car, pointing a gun at him. They pushed his upper body down against the steering wheel, stabbed him and pulled off his shirt to expose his back. Then, with a knife, they carved the Star of David on his back while laughing as they recited his pro-Jewish poem.


The FBI has concluded that this was a hate crime. Question: apart from the Nonie Darwish article, and a handful of other reports, where exactly is this horrific story of Sharia street justice in America being reported? It is nowhere in the media.

Pajamas Media » Star of David Carved on Infidel

Despicable crime. Despicable silence.
In broad daylight and heavy traffic on Aug. 14, Alsaegh paid the price for expressing love for the Jews. And it happened in the streets of St. Louis, right here in the heart of America. Author and courageous freedom fighter Nonie Darwish describes the horrific event:

As he was driving at 10:30 in the morning on Compton St. near Park Ave., a small white car cut him off and hit his car, while another car stopped behind him. The occupants of the cars, some of whom wore security guard-type uniforms, quickly entered Alsaegh’s car, pointing a gun at him. They pushed his upper body down against the steering wheel, stabbed him and pulled off his shirt to expose his back. Then, with a knife, they carved the Star of David on his back while laughing as they recited his pro-Jewish poem.


The FBI has concluded that this was a hate crime. Question: apart from the Nonie Darwish article, and a handful of other reports, where exactly is this horrific story of Sharia street justice in America being reported? It is nowhere in the media.

Pajamas Media » Star of David Carved on Infidel

Despicable crime. Despicable silence.
Islam should be outlawed in the US !!
In broad daylight and heavy traffic on Aug. 14, Alsaegh paid the price for expressing love for the Jews. And it happened in the streets of St. Louis, right here in the heart of America. Author and courageous freedom fighter Nonie Darwish describes the horrific event:

As he was driving at 10:30 in the morning on Compton St. near Park Ave., a small white car cut him off and hit his car, while another car stopped behind him. The occupants of the cars, some of whom wore security guard-type uniforms, quickly entered Alsaegh’s car, pointing a gun at him. They pushed his upper body down against the steering wheel, stabbed him and pulled off his shirt to expose his back. Then, with a knife, they carved the Star of David on his back while laughing as they recited his pro-Jewish poem.


The FBI has concluded that this was a hate crime. Question: apart from the Nonie Darwish article, and a handful of other reports, where exactly is this horrific story of Sharia street justice in America being reported? It is nowhere in the media.

Pajamas Media » Star of David Carved on Infidel

Despicable crime. Despicable silence.

This is the first I've heard of it.
dumb muslims...

I just like to say that because muslims get so pissed off when you generalize that they are dumb

but look at their civilizations

But Im sure our foreign policy is to blame for everything that happened even though we had no effect on them until little more than 40 yrs ago
I googled it and aside from a local paper and a few conservative blogs who reposted the PJM article, it was no where to be found. Where's Reuters, AP, even Fox News? WTH???
You don't get how the media works. To get full blown coverage it would have to be a group of Jews cutting the star into a Muslim's back.
Remember the census worker that everyone in the media speculated was a "right wing" hate crime? And it turned out to be suicide. And then there was the Columbia "noose" professor who turned out to be a fraud. Tons of stories. Yet this?

My crystal ball says not only is it being buried because of the pro-Muslim sentiment of the MSM, but also because of the poem. We all know papers are afraid when the "religion of peace" doesn't care for the message. Cartoons, or sneaker logos, and poetry can be quite dangerous for the messengers.
In broad daylight and heavy traffic on Aug. 14, Alsaegh paid the price for expressing love for the Jews. And it happened in the streets of St. Louis, right here in the heart of America. Author and courageous freedom fighter Nonie Darwish describes the horrific event:

As he was driving at 10:30 in the morning on Compton St. near Park Ave., a small white car cut him off and hit his car, while another car stopped behind him. The occupants of the cars, some of whom wore security guard-type uniforms, quickly entered Alsaegh’s car, pointing a gun at him. They pushed his upper body down against the steering wheel, stabbed him and pulled off his shirt to expose his back. Then, with a knife, they carved the Star of David on his back while laughing as they recited his pro-Jewish poem.


The FBI has concluded that this was a hate crime. Question: apart from the Nonie Darwish article, and a handful of other reports, where exactly is this horrific story of Sharia street justice in America being reported? It is nowhere in the media.

Pajamas Media » Star of David Carved on Infidel

Despicable crime. Despicable silence.

widely reporting anything against muslims... of course islamophobic....very non PC you know.
How is it against muslims if it's muslim on muslim crime?
I guess you can't be "pro-Jewish" and Muslim at the same time. He is an "infidel".
There is no excuse for that. Those Assholes should be prosecuted and deported back to Somalia after they do their time. Fuck Them.
Remember the census worker that everyone in the media speculated was a "right wing" hate crime? And it turned out to be suicide. And then there was the Columbia "noose" professor who turned out to be a fraud. Tons of stories. Yet this?

My crystal ball says not only is it being buried because of the pro-Muslim sentiment of the MSM, but also because of the poem. We all know papers are afraid when the "religion of peace" doesn't care for the message. Cartoons, or sneaker logos, and poetry can be quite dangerous for the messengers.

Another episode of right-wing violence that wasn't, kind of like the entire month of August's town halls:

* The Idiots at the Democratic Underground Message Board (DUMB) quickly posted a ‘Handy Guide to how Republicans and Fox News are responsible for Census worker being hanged'.
* Rachel Maddow suggested Sparkman was killed simply because ‘he was a federal employee'.
* Liberal bloggers were quick to accuse ‘right wing zealots' trying to ‘take their country back.
* Time chalked it up to government distrust, a sentiment fanned by ‘talk media, tea parties and white-hot town-hall meetings'.
* The Huffington Post immediately assumed this was a case of right-wing paranoia.
* True/Slant opined that the body of Sparkman should be shipped to Glenn Beck.
* Think Progress pointed the finger at Michelle Bachman and her ‘inflammatory and fear-mongering rhetoric against the Census'.
* New York Magazine linked the death to that of ‘some wide-eyed, hysterical woman' named Michelle Bachman. (The irony in this is that the reference to a wide-eyed, hysterical woman was made in an article mentioning Nancy Pelosi).
* AIDS-addled conspiracy theorist Andrew Sullivan immediately fingered “Southern populist terrorism, whipped up by the GOP and its Fox and talk radio cohorts.”

A U.S. Census worker found dead in a secluded Clay County cemetery killed himself but tried to make the death look like a homicide, authorities have concluded. - Census Worker's Death Was Suicide, Not Right-Wing Political Violence
This goes to show that jews cause trouble for everyone. Don't write about them and ignore their cause and you should be fine.

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