The Melting Pot

Try visiting Dearborn, Michigan. And a hundred other communities around the country where foreigners have set down roots in large numbers, all ethnically the same and NOT "American." In fact, when "Americans" go to those communities they are often made to feel unwelcome, at times violently so.

Historically, immigrants came to this country and insisted that their kids speak English, go to public schools, and assimilate as quickly as possible. The immigrants themselves, depending on how old they were when they came here, might not learn to speak English well, even if they watched American television constantly, but they wanted their kids to speak English without an accent.

If you think things aren't different now, you are not paying attention.
Yes. There were no accommodations for the Spanish speaking or any other immigrant kids when I was in school. Those coming in--coming in legally I might add--were indeed expected to learn enough English to understand English directions and warnings and road signs and other necessities and were required to take their citizenship exams that were printed in English and be able to take their citizenship oath in English. And they were expected to secure sufficient language instruction for the kids that they could be successful in American English speaking schools.

The oath all new citizens take:
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

I was privileged to help assimilate a Cuban family of a mom, dad and two elementary age kiddos who escaped Castro's Cuba during the worst of Castro's political persecutions. Mom and Dad were speaking really decent English within a year, sufficient to take their citizenship oath. The kids were home schooled and immersed in English as a second language and within that same year were ready to enroll as a 3rd and 5th grader in the public school. (Both those kids have now graduated college Magna cum Laude and I believe both have their doctorates now.)
The dad had been an educator in Cuba and he kept perfecting his English until he could qualify for his American teaching certification and was an educator until his retirement some years ago. The mom went to college to get her degree and became the city librarian.

And I will say that the vast majority of immigrants who are admitted by application and settle here legally, most becoming citizens, are an asset to the country and enrich us by being here.

But we also have snarky immigrants spitting on the American flag, flying the flags of their former countries, demanding special accommodations for their religion or whatever. And those are the legal ones.

I don't know what will become of the 8 to 10 million illegals Joe Biden has or will let into this country in his four years. Only the terrorists who are likely among them bear any allegiance to any country or group and that country or group is not American.
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No, it's not. You are becoming increasingly irrational.
Not at all

I want America to remain American

The melting pot idea will not work when globalists flood the nation with more foreigners than we can meld without allowing them to change us instead of America changing them
Yes. There were no accommodations for the Spanish speaking or any other immigrant kids when I was in school. Those coming in--coming in legally I might add--were indeed expected to learn enough English to understand English directions and warnings and road signs and other necessities and were required to take their citizenship exams that were printed in English and be able to take their citizenship oath in English. And they were expected to secure sufficient language instruction for the kids that they could be successful in American English speaking schools.

The oath all new citizens take:
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

I was privileged to help assimilate a Cuban family of a mom, dad and two elementary age kiddos who escaped Castro's Cuba during the worst of Castro's political persecutions. Mom and Dad were speaking really decent English within a year, sufficient to take their citizenship oath. The kids were home schooled and immersed in English as a second language and within that same year were ready to enroll as a 3rd and 5th grader in the public school. (Both those kids have now graduated college Magna cum Laude and I believe both have their doctorates now.)
The dad had been an educator in Cuba and he kept perfecting his English until he could qualify for his American teaching certification and was an educator until his retirement some years ago. The mom went to college to get her degree and became the city librarian.

And I will say that the vast majority of immigrants who are admitted by application and settle here legally, most becoming citizens, are an asset to the country and enrich us by being here.

But we also have snarky immigrants spitting on the American flag, flying the flags of their former countries, demanding special accommodations for their religion or whatever. And those are the legal ones.

I don't know what will become of the 8 to 10 million illegals Joe Biden has or will let into this country in his four years. Only the terrorists who are likely among them bear any allegiance to any country or group and that country or group is not American.
When my Dad's family migrated to Oz in the late 1940s they spent six months in a Camp West of Sydney learning English and working most days in manual jobs. They were LEGAL; not just blow-ins looking for what? Welfare and greener pastures? No; Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!! They were very much of the mind: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,”

You don't see a lot of that expressed much any more.

Unkotare shills for immigrants non-stop year after year. Apparently He is one of them? Or he profits $$$$ from more of them?
Possibly he was a big shot down yonder but on arrival here the competition put him well down in the bottom 3rd in ability to succeed financially.

He has realized for himself (and his klan) to gain wealth & power he must get the country dumbed down to the level of unproductive corrupt Mexico or Latin America.

Henceforth he is estactcally happy to accept 3 million un-vetted Latin, haitan, african males to dump in our coties annually. Let the rich pay to sort it out, or overwhelm the systems? Do not allow the white citizens to defend the rape & slaughter of his Children or business. Unkotare smiles As Obiden fulfills his lifelong dream.//
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But its getting unAmerican fast at about 12 million new foreigners a year are ushered in by biden and with your approval

there is another Unkotare on this site. The one who claims to teach wrestling (lol!) in El Paso but only to immigrants? Huh? What are these “schools”? Two secretive anti-American children discriminatory setups? What kind of immigrant needs to learn wrestling? Is this a priority for funding by deep state? $33T debt yet paying for wrestling coaches? Or $90K up in Boston to bring sandwhiches to the girls who forget lunch? Aye carumba!!!!!!!! ESL? How about English only then….why 2nd tier on our own tax dollars.

note: since El Paso was overran by the recent millions across the river……nary a peep outa “the teacher” down south?
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there is another Unkotare on this site. The one who claims to teach wrestling (lol!) in El Paso but only to immigrants? Huh? What are these “schools”? Two secretive anti-American children discriminatory setups? What kind of immigrant needs to lear wrestling? Is this a priority for funding by deep state?

note: since El Paso was overran byrecent million across the river……nary a peep outa “the teacher” down south?
Unkotare may be a teacher as he claims

And if so he may very well be padding his retirement by babysitting the hoard of foreign kids clogging up our education system
Not with this massive influx of ILLEGAL invaders.

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