The MIA President


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
I just wish this guy would at least act like he gives a shit.

Obama Glad NBA Strike May Be Over

"Good deal!" President Obama said about the agreement that will hopefully result in the end of a lockout that has already affected the NBA schedule.

As CNN reports, President Obama was asked for his opinion after he finished his basketball game at Fort McNair. The Obama family will be attending a NCAA game in Towson, MD tonight to watch his brother-in-law (of Oregon State) coach.

Obama On NBA Tentative Agreement: "Good Deal!" | RealClearPolitics

Iraq has fallen apart, Afghanistan is doing the same, and this jerk is concerned about basketball.

Our troops are going without essentials, their supply-lines have been cut off and this POS is still just doing his own thing.

Would somebody please put an adult in the Oval Office.

Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan said an attack by the American-led NATO force based in Afghanistan that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers had triggered “rage” in the nuclear-armed nation and reversed progress in repairing ties with the U.S.

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar in a phone call with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton​ yesterday explained decisions made by the Cabinet’s defense committee to close border crossings to trucks shipping supplies for the U.S. military in Afghanistan and order American personnel out of the Shamsi Airbase in Baluchistan province within 15 days, according to an e-mailed statement from the foreign ministry.

Khar told Clinton of “the deep sense of rage felt across Pakistan at the senseless” loss of life, the statement said. The air attack on border posts “negates the progress made by the two countries on improving relations and forces Pakistan to revisit the terms of engagement,” yesterday’s statement cited Khar as saying.

Pakistan Says Air Attack Erases Progress in Repairing U.S. Ties - Businessweek

The Super-committee failed last week, the government is leaderless, and what is Obama doing?????

He's chilling out same as you and me. Do you think he's earned this time off? Did his trip to Hawaii, Australia, and Indonesia tire his lazy ass out???

Maybe he should have run for a job he liked, because it's pretty clear he doesn't like doing this one.

The reason I'm so ticked off is because I know guys that are under orders from that sorry fuck and their lives are on the line. :evil:

Is Obama Stupid and Lazy? | Western

University Spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated with a major in political science but without honors. Nevertheless, he was later admitted to Harvard Law School.

Being accepted by Harvard Law School without graduating with honors from Columbia suggests that Obama was admitted to Harvard based on race and perhaps, by that time, his growing reputation as a liberal political superstar.

Obama has also refused to release his Columbia thesis, which was about nuclear disarmament of the West. Perhaps Obama is fearful that his thesis, which likely advocates the disarming of the West at the peak of the Cold War, would be seen as incredibly stupid – which it would be.


Obama at Columbia University

Indeed, the only article anyone can find written by Obama during his undergraduate years is one published by the Sundial, a campus newspaper. Titled Breaking the War Mentality, it’s an idiotic piece that reads like something out of the mind of a 14 year old. Moreover, it simply repeats the propaganda lines of various campus anti-war groups. He writes favorably of nuclear freeze groups, of whom, we now know – thanks to the opening of KGB archives – were being manipulated by the Soviets.
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BS post of the day. Obama noted earlier he was not concerned with billionaires arguing over contracts. Pay attention for once.
I thought today was "Obama is a micromanaging dictator" day but I guess that's tomorrow. I've got my schedule mixed up!

Ive never seen Obama be accused of being a micro manager.

I thought you were the type to pay attention to the talking points.

A President as Micromanager: How Much Detail Is Enough? -

On Economy, Obama's Micromanager-in-Chief

Barack Obama, The Micromanager - Business Insider

Did you find anything on obama the asswipe?
Obama got into Harvard only because his dad studied Keynesian (macro wealth transfer) economics there. I thought everyone knew that.

Did you find anything on obama the asswipe?

Nope. I'm sure he has special staff to wipe his ass.....being that he's such an uppity guy and all.
Priorities...priorities...his excuse will to continue to blame others for his inaction...for his focus off of where it should be as he continues the Class Warfare centerpiece of his relection effort. It's all he has left.

Don Shula summed it (Obama and people like himself) up years ago...

“The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others.” ~Don Shula

Nope. I'm sure he has special staff to wipe his ass.....being that he's such an uppity guy and all.

you said that.. I didn't.
Obama got into Harvard only because his dad studied Keynesian (macro wealth transfer) economics there. I thought everyone knew that.


And why he wrote "Dreams From My Father". And why he follows it implicitly...and why his other writings are under lock and key.
Pakistan is closing its borders for the nato airstrike which will cut off supplies to our soldiers. But Obama goes golfing and worries about basketball.
I thought today was "Obama is a micromanaging dictator" day but I guess that's tomorrow. I've got my schedule mixed up!

Ive never seen Obama be accused of being a micro manager.

I thought you were the type to pay attention to the talking points.

A President as Micromanager: How Much Detail Is Enough? -

On Economy, Obama's Micromanager-in-Chief

Barack Obama, The Micromanager - Business Insider

Actually I dont. I would have never guessed based on other accounts.

So we have a rookie wanting to play CEO in business.

Hey did you know that right now. You can get a new GM for .09% with a credit rating of just 490? All over the Radio. Thats one hell of a plan.
I thought today was "Obama is a micromanaging dictator" day but I guess that's tomorrow. I've got my schedule mixed up!

Ive never seen Obama be accused of being a micro manager.

I thought you were the type to pay attention to the talking points.

A President as Micromanager: How Much Detail Is Enough? -

On Economy, Obama's Micromanager-in-Chief

Barack Obama, The Micromanager - Business Insider

lol, nice haymaker.

All it takes is a well placed jab or two.............they are lightweights, after all.
There is a way to erase the stigma associated with having admitted that one was, even for a fucking fleeting moment, a birther. I would inform you of this method, but I could be charged as an accessory in some states for doing so.

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