The MIA President

The links were posted, but you dumb fucks are too lazy to comprehend anything that goes against you thinking.

I really hate to say this, but your posts really show your biases affect you credibility. In other words, you don't have any.

Yeah, because me being a racist means that the linked article on Obama being a "Micromanager", from the Wall Street Journal, doesn't exist?

You have just displayed the lack of critical thinking that makes your ilk look like a bunch of anti-intelligence asshats.

So now we have two accounting's. One led by advisers and the other Micro manager.

He could easily be both.
Did obama interrupt his game long enough to apologize to Pakistan, or leave it up to Clinton?

How does someone be both a micromanager and STILL abdicate his office? It can be done. obama does it every day.

He zeroes in on things that he thinks make him look good and micro manages those things, while leaving alone the major things he can't deal with. Right now, with Pakistan he is completely in over his head. He has not said a word, not a word. How is he going to protect our people in the field out there? Not a clue. As a matter of fact, he might have an anti-clue. Things like this put him in such a dither, he can't even take advice from those who do know what they are doing.

With Pakistan enraged, the slightest fart from Iran will plunge the world into nuclear holocaust.
George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

jonox: George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)
When Obama gets up remotely near the amount of vacation time Bush Jr did, then you will have a valid point of complaint.. else this is just another bullshit anti-Obama thread.
Christ on a crutch, do we really need to go over those stats again?

So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.
Presidential vacations: How does Obama compare? - CBS News

I gotta side with Betty and her Boops on this one, gang.

Non-issue in my eyes.
Being Prez is a stressful job. If his B-i-L invites him to a game, why not????

Wonder how many Rangers games W attended

You don't know, do you.

W was a workaholic. He rarely relaxed. Obama is constantly relaxing.

Because of the current economy and conflict taking place in the Middle East Obama should be at least putting on a front that he gives a flying fuck about what's happening, but because he's lazy as shit and doesn't listen to anyone he's doing whatever he wants, which is act like he's not president.
When Obama gets up remotely near the amount of vacation time Bush Jr did, then you will have a valid point of complaint.. else this is just another bullshit anti-Obama thread.

I've seen this crap argument so many times.

The media claims that even although Bush and Reagan were working in their western white houses they must be assumed to have been on vacation. This is a bold-faced lie of course.

I can see that if they were in Martha's Vinyard, the Bahamas, or Hawaii. However both Bush and Reagan had everything they needed to do their jobs in their own ranches and fulfilled their duties while away from the White House. The same cannot be said about Obama.

There is no way in hell you can rightly say that Obama is a hard worker. He's never worked hard in his life. He never has been able to work like Bush, Reagan, or even Clinton. He is ill-suited for the job because of his lack of energy. Instead he spends long periods where he does nothing. He plays basketball, rides a bike with his kids, makes up excuses to give out awards, invites teams to the White House that won their championships in the 80s, just to break up the monotony.

He is simply a front man for an organization. He is not a hands-on president.

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Damn, ought to write a book. You could make a ton of dough employing all of the inside knowledge that you have.

But first, please pen a short essay convincing us that "W" was a workaholic. Please.
When Obama gets up remotely near the amount of vacation time Bush Jr did, then you will have a valid point of complaint.. else this is just another bullshit anti-Obama thread.

I've seen this crap argument so many times.

The media claims that even although Bush and Reagan were working in their western white houses they must be assumed to have been on vacation. This is a bold-faced lie of course.

I can see that if they were in Martha's Vinyard, the Bahamas, or Hawaii. However both Bush and Reagan had everything they needed to do their jobs in their own ranches and fulfilled their duties while away from the White House. The same cannot be said about Obama.

There is no way in hell you can rightly say that Obama is a hard worker. He's never worked hard in his life. He never has been able to work like Bush, Reagan, or even Clinton. He is ill-suited for the job because of his lack of energy. Instead he spends long periods where he does nothing. He plays basketball, rides a bike with his kids, makes up excuses to give out awards, invites teams to the White House that won their championships in the 80s, just to break up the monotony.

He is simply a front man for an organization. He is not a hands-on president.

LOL hypocrite!

Bush Jr spent almost half his time on vacation at his ranch! Sure he had the tax payer build it into a mini White House, and was never really not running the country, but the same argument can be used for Obama, who has had much less time off relative to Bush Jr. So what if Obama likes to watch Basketball? It is not like Bush never took in a baseball game or watch it on tv (while choking on a freaking pretzel..).... or crash his bike...

As for Obama never working.. LOL and that is coming from the party that had the "golden boy" Bush Jr? The man who not only got his daddy to help him avoid Vietnam, but also had his daddy's friends fund many of his failed companies? Bush Jr never worked a day in his life either and most of his jobs were utter failures.. it was only when he went the politician way that he got some what successful .. and even that was not on his own. . he was either too drunk or high most of the time! Bush Jr (and Sr) were handed their silver spoon lives thanks to an influential family.. you cant claim that for Obama or Clinton for that matter.

Sir you are a grade A hypocrite.
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Damn, ought to write a book. You could make a ton of dough employing all of the inside knowledge that you have.

But first, please pen a short essay convincing us that "W" was a workaholic. Please.

Guess you weren't paying attention while he was President.

After watching him for 8 years you couldn't pick that up????

When was the last time Obama did between 20-30 miles on a mountainbike or ran 10 miles???

When was the last time Obama did anything physically extreme????
When Obama gets up remotely near the amount of vacation time Bush Jr did, then you will have a valid point of complaint.. else this is just another bullshit anti-Obama thread.

I've seen this crap argument so many times.

The media claims that even although Bush and Reagan were working in their western white houses they must be assumed to have been on vacation. This is a bold-faced lie of course.

I can see that if they were in Martha's Vinyard, the Bahamas, or Hawaii. However both Bush and Reagan had everything they needed to do their jobs in their own ranches and fulfilled their duties while away from the White House. The same cannot be said about Obama.

There is no way in hell you can rightly say that Obama is a hard worker. He's never worked hard in his life. He never has been able to work like Bush, Reagan, or even Clinton. He is ill-suited for the job because of his lack of energy. Instead he spends long periods where he does nothing. He plays basketball, rides a bike with his kids, makes up excuses to give out awards, invites teams to the White House that won their championships in the 80s, just to break up the monotony.

He is simply a front man for an organization. He is not a hands-on president.

LOL hypocrite!

Bush Jr spent almost half his time on vacation at his ranch! Sure he had the tax payer build it into a mini White House, and was never really not running the country, but the same argument can be used for Obama, who has had much less time off relative to Bush Jr. So what if Obama likes to watch Basketball? It is not like Bush never took in a baseball game or watch it on tv (while choking on a freaking pretzel..).... or crash his bike...

As for Obama never working.. LOL and that is coming from the party that had the "golden boy" Bush Jr? The man who not only got his daddy to help him avoid Vietnam, but also had his daddy's friends fund many of his failed companies? Bush Jr never worked a day in his life either and most of his jobs were utter failures.. it was only when he went the politician way that he got some what successful .. and even that was not on his own. . he was either too drunk or high most of the time! Bush Jr (and Sr) were handed their silver spoon lives thanks to an influential family.. you cant claim that for Obama or Clinton for that matter.

Sir you are a grade A hypocrite.

And you're full of shit.

In case you haven't noticed I don't care what the media says and I don't fall for their false images. I did my own research.

This wouldn't be the first time they gave us the wrong impression.

I haven't even mentioned Obama's current drug don't start bringing up shit that happened while Bush was in college.

Btw, Obama was described as a plump child while growing up, but something he's doing is keeping the weight off of him. Why is it he looks almost like Ike Turner, huh???? You can be assured it's not because he runs marathons.
It's called walking and chewing gum at the same time. Bush couldn't do it...

That's an opinion without factual evidence to prove it.

I guess if you want you can do what Obama always does is blame everything on Bush, except the accomplishments of Bush's military which Obama never passes on any opportunity to pound his chest over.

I provided evidence that Obama shirks his responsibilities and chooses to sit on the shoulders of the gifted. What evidence can you site to prove your opinions about Bush?
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George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

jonox: George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

LMAO......the above was posted on, a blogger site, by a guy going by the handle "jonox".

Excellent source.

The lack of validity of the source is self-explainatory.

Yes, if I want accurate information I will ask jonox the watchcap wearing liberal.....who when asked about his sources said "I just Googled it or something...".
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Damn, ought to write a book. You could make a ton of dough employing all of the inside knowledge that you have.

But first, please pen a short essay convincing us that "W" was a workaholic. Please.

Guess you weren't paying attention while he was President.

After watching him for 8 years you couldn't pick that up????

When was the last time Obama did between 20-30 miles on a mountainbike or ran 10 miles???

When was the last time Obama did anything physically extreme????

He threw a baseball like a sissy girl one time. does that count? :eusa_angel:
Damn, ought to write a book. You could make a ton of dough employing all of the inside knowledge that you have.

But first, please pen a short essay convincing us that "W" was a workaholic. Please.

Guess you weren't paying attention while he was President.

After watching him for 8 years you couldn't pick that up????

When was the last time Obama did between 20-30 miles on a mountainbike or ran 10 miles???

When was the last time Obama did anything physically extreme????

He threw a baseball like a sissy girl one time. does that count? :eusa_angel:

Yes, he often dreamed of becoming a majorleague baseball.
Damn, ought to write a book. You could make a ton of dough employing all of the inside knowledge that you have.

But first, please pen a short essay convincing us that "W" was a workaholic. Please.

Guess you weren't paying attention while he was President.

After watching him for 8 years you couldn't pick that up????

When was the last time Obama did between 20-30 miles on a mountainbike or ran 10 miles???

When was the last time Obama did anything physically extreme????

ah, workoutaholic.

when obama is shooting some hoops, he is just screwing off.

when w was riding his bike, and not hitting a cop or hitting his head, he was working.
Damn, ought to write a book. You could make a ton of dough employing all of the inside knowledge that you have.

But first, please pen a short essay convincing us that "W" was a workaholic. Please.

Guess you weren't paying attention while he was President.

After watching him for 8 years you couldn't pick that up????

When was the last time Obama did between 20-30 miles on a mountainbike or ran 10 miles???

When was the last time Obama did anything physically extreme????

He threw a baseball like a sissy girl one time. does that count? :eusa_angel:

I prefer him riding his sissy girl bicycle.


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