The military intelligence briefing was a cover up

As always, your contribution is, as it always is, typed by a true Trump zombie, who said absolutely nothing. Lol!
Who is "you all?" It was a total fuck up that our top military officials are trying to cover up, and they have been a total failure at doing it. Lol! Your own party is rating these scum bags out for an operation that never had an agenda or presented an eminent threat.

What was the eminent threat? You haven't the foggiest idea. Kudos to Mike Lee for standing up for something besides this reckless pos cry baby man child who got his poor feelings hurt by being impeached.
So the attack on the embassy wasn’t trumps Benghazi? You gotta make up your mind.. you even said so on here
Stay on topic Sling Blade. The total fuck up was the assassination. I never mentioned the embassy attack. You are planting lies.
View attachment 299177
Lol! WTF is that shit?
If you don't, someone should. The lies by Trump just keep piling on, and his chicken shit pos supporters are in bed with this thug; Rhodes on Trump’s accusation the Obama administration funded the Iranian missiles: ‘We’re better than this, our politics should be better than this’

What a coward Trump is to lie about the missle funding.

Trump supporters are so, so, pathetic. They are no better than Trump. They have zero self respect for themselves.
Is it bad memory or did Ollie North sell cruise missiles to Iran to fund the Contra fighters, after both houses of congress denied funding to stay out of that conflict, that President Reagan favored?
Nicolle Wallace astonished after GOP Senator breaks from Trump 'zombies,' criticizes Iran briefing

Even Mike Lee, A Republican, was sent a back with the seventy five minute briefing where the secretary of defense, the secretary of the Pentagon, and the Chairman Joint Chief of Staff told everyone not to discuss or debate the assassination of Soleimani because it would embolden Iran. Folks, this is a coverup by our top military officials to hide the wrong doing for the assassination. There was no eminent threat. They lied. The assassination was done because Trump was pissed about being impeached, and put everyone else at risk because he is a baby pos man child who cant take having himself exposed to the truth about his guilt. He's a sore loser so he goes and pouts like a whiny bitch at the expense of possible human life. And what do Trumps zombie followers do? They go and blame Obama. :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Trump said he ordered the killing of the Iranian general because he was planning something "imminent" that would kill Americans. The Trump administration briefed Congress today on that "imminent plan."

This was “probably the worst briefing I’ve seen, at least on a military issue, in the nine years I’ve served in the US Senate,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) told reporters after the Senate session.

“They did give us a window of the ‘imminent’ threat, but the window was so large that it doesn’t necessarily constitute ‘imminent,’” one lawmaker said, adding, “They gave us no time, place, or method. Instead, we got a historical overview of decades-long malign activities from Iran.

Republican Rand Paul said the briefing contained nothing imminent and there was nothing in it that he had not already read in the newspaper.

"Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas overwhelming means obliteration," President Donald J. Trump.

Yesterday, Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against U.S. military and coalition forces, targeting at least two military bases in Iraq.

“The American people should be extremely grateful and happy. No Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime. Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned, No American or Iraqi lives were lost.” President Donald J. Trump.

Hours ago, Two rockets crashed into the Iraqi capital's Green Zone, the high-security enclave where foreign embassies including the US mission are based, according to security sources.
Trump defeated Iran while on vacation at Mar-a-Lago lol wow
(1) Somebody please look up the difference between "eminent" and "IMMINENT." Big difference. "Imminent threat." That's the ticket.

(2) The idea that Trump is fearful of the [maybe, sort-of] impeachment trial is solely in the addled minds of the Left. He is irritated but not threatened. Supposing that he ordered this killing to distract attention from the impeachment fiasco? Pretty ridiculous.

(3) The justification for taking this definitive action against Iran is manifest. Whether there is/was an IMMINENT threat to American lives is totally a matter of opinion...unfortunately for the Left, it's Trump's opinion that prevails in such matters.

(4) Those who thought the Lefties couldn't look any more absurd than they do on the Impeachment Thing have been proven wrong.
Nicolle Wallace astonished after GOP Senator breaks from Trump 'zombies,' criticizes Iran briefing

Even Mike Lee, A Republican, was sent a back with the seventy five minute briefing where the secretary of defense, the secretary of the Pentagon, and the Chairman Joint Chief of Staff told everyone not to discuss or debate the assassination of Soleimani because it would embolden Iran. Folks, this is a coverup by our top military officials to hide the wrong doing for the assassination. There was no eminent threat. They lied. The assassination was done because Trump was pissed about being impeached, and put everyone else at risk because he is a baby pos man child who cant take having himself exposed to the truth about his guilt. He's a sore loser so he goes and pouts like a whiny bitch at the expense of possible human life. And what do Trumps zombie followers do? They go and blame Obama. :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Trump said he ordered the killing of the Iranian general because he was planning something "imminent" that would kill Americans. The Trump administration briefed Congress today on that "imminent plan."

This was “probably the worst briefing I’ve seen, at least on a military issue, in the nine years I’ve served in the US Senate,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) told reporters after the Senate session.

“They did give us a window of the ‘imminent’ threat, but the window was so large that it doesn’t necessarily constitute ‘imminent,’” one lawmaker said, adding, “They gave us no time, place, or method. Instead, we got a historical overview of decades-long malign activities from Iran.

Republican Rand Paul said the briefing contained nothing imminent and there was nothing in it that he had not already read in the newspaper.

"Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas overwhelming means obliteration," President Donald J. Trump.

Yesterday, Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against U.S. military and coalition forces, targeting at least two military bases in Iraq.

“The American people should be extremely grateful and happy. No Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime. Iran appears to be standing down, which is a good thing for all parties concerned, No American or Iraqi lives were lost.” President Donald J. Trump.

Hours ago, Two rockets crashed into the Iraqi capital's Green Zone, the high-security enclave where foreign embassies including the US mission are based, according to security sources.

Nice cut and paste and a good excample of why sheep should not try and influence other sheep. In the new your times article posted in another thread Lee was pissed because Esper stepped on Lee's dick. He didn't bow down and lick his nuts. Mike Lee is endimic of what makes Washington rotten. Some little Mormon snatch getting pissed because he wasn't addressed as royalty.
Nicolle Wallace astonished after GOP Senator breaks from Trump 'zombies,' criticizes Iran briefing

Even Mike Lee, A Republican, was sent a back with the seventy five minute briefing where the secretary of defense, the secretary of the Pentagon, and the Chairman Joint Chief of Staff told everyone not to discuss or debate the assassination of Soleimani because it would embolden Iran. Folks, this is a coverup by our top military officials to hide the wrong doing for the assassination. There was no eminent threat. They lied. The assassination was done because Trump was pissed about being impeached, and put everyone else at risk because he is a baby pos man child who cant take having himself exposed to the truth about his guilt. He's a sore loser so he goes and pouts like a whiny bitch at the expense of possible human life. And what do Trumps zombie followers do? They go and blame Obama. :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Somewhere, someplace, a village is missing it's idiot.
When Trump makes a bad decision in the powder keg known as the Middle East, people die.

In October, Trump ordered a retreat of American troops in northeast Syria where they were providing support for our Kurdish allies, allies in the fight against ISIS terrorists. As a consequence of that retreat order, hundreds of our allies were killed and thousands were forced to leave their homes. They joined the sea of refugees in and around Syria.

On Friday, in accordance with Trump's orders, Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani, was assassinated by a drone strike.

Two days later, the Pentagon confirmed missile strikes on the Ain Assad Airbase in western Iraq and a base in Irbil in northern Iraq.

Iranian military commanders are extremely cognizant of American warplanes in the region, and they anticipated a reaction from U.S. forces.

Four hours after the rocket attacks on Iraqi military bases fortified by hundreds of American troops, a Ukrainian airliner was shot down soon after taking off from a Tehran airport by Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles.

"CBS News has learned U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down the jetliner in the hours after the Iranian missile attack on U.S. targets earlier this week. The plane was believed to have been mistakenly targeted."

176 people killed in the crash: 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedish, four Afghan, three German and three British nationals.

The 176 people killed are considered collateral losses of Trump's order to take out the Iranian general. Without the assassination, there would not have the attack on Iraqi military bases. Without the attack on the bases, the Iranian military forces would not have been on heightened alert. Without the heightened alert, the airliner would not have been shot down. The airliner was shot down four hours after the rocket attack.

Anyway you look at it, Trump's order caused the death 176 innocent people.

Or you can believe coincidence.
When Trump makes a bad decision in the powder keg known as the Middle East, people die.

In October, Trump ordered a retreat of American troops in northeast Syria where they were providing support for our Kurdish allies, allies in the fight against ISIS terrorists. As a consequence of that retreat order, hundreds of our allies were killed and thousands were forced to leave their homes. They joined the sea of refugees in and around Syria.

On Friday, in accordance with Trump's orders, Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani, was assassinated by a drone strike.

Two days later, the Pentagon confirmed missile strikes on the Ain Assad Airbase in western Iraq and a base in Irbil in northern Iraq.

Iranian military commanders are extremely cognizant of American warplanes in the region, and they anticipated a reaction from U.S. forces.

Four hours after the rocket attacks on Iraqi military bases fortified by hundreds of American troops, a Ukrainian airliner was shot down soon after taking off from a Tehran airport by Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles.

"CBS News has learned U.S. officials are confident Iran shot down the jetliner in the hours after the Iranian missile attack on U.S. targets earlier this week. The plane was believed to have been mistakenly targeted."

176 people killed in the crash: 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedish, four Afghan, three German and three British nationals.

The 176 people killed are considered collateral losses of Trump's order to take out the Iranian general. Without the assassination, there would not have the attack on Iraqi military bases. Without the attack on the bases, the Iranian military forces would not have been on heightened alert. Without the heightened alert, the airliner would not have been shot down. The airliner was shot down four hours after the rocket attack.

Anyway you look at it, Trump's order caused the death 176 innocent people.

Or you can believe coincidence.

Nicolle Wallace astonished after GOP Senator breaks from Trump 'zombies,' criticizes Iran briefing

Even Mike Lee, A Republican, was sent a back with the seventy five minute briefing where the secretary of defense, the secretary of the Pentagon, and the Chairman Joint Chief of Staff told everyone not to discuss or debate the assassination of Soleimani because it would embolden Iran. Folks, this is a coverup by our top military officials to hide the wrong doing for the assassination. There was no eminent threat. They lied. The assassination was done because Trump was pissed about being impeached, and put everyone else at risk because he is a baby pos man child who cant take having himself exposed to the truth about his guilt. He's a sore loser so he goes and pouts like a whiny bitch at the expense of possible human life. And what do Trumps zombie followers do? They go and blame Obama. :auiqs.jpg:What a joke.

Somewhere, someplace, a village is missing it's idiot.
You won't be debating anything.

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