The mindless inanity of the NY CT and CA 'assault weapon' bans.

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
A picture is worth a thousand words:

There is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons'.

Not one.
Well now, lets just ban semi-automatics, period. Rifle or handgun. Because the mindless knee jerk reaction of you people is going to result in exactly that. The resentment of the gun lobby and the insistence that ever more guns out here is going to prevent these weekly random shootings has about reached critical mass. The NRA and those of you with these guns either come up with some rational approaches to the problem, or those that don't like the guns, period, will. And that will be the Australian approach. And we know that has worked.
Well now, lets just ban semi-automatics, period. Rifle or handgun. Because the mindless knee jerk reaction of you people is going to result in exactly that. The resentment of the gun lobby and the insistence that ever more guns out here is going to prevent these weekly random shootings has about reached critical mass. The NRA and those of you with these guns either come up with some rational approaches to the problem, or those that don't like the guns, period, will. And that will be the Australian approach. And we know that has worked.
Actually gun bans do not work and gun free zones are wacko magnets.
Maybe that is because gun grabbers are wackos themselves and love their own murderous kind?

Stalin was a mass murderer too, well before he took power and you lefties love him.
Well now, lets just ban semi-automatics, period. Rifle or handgun. Because the mindless knee jerk reaction of you people is going to result in exactly that.
-Pointing out that there is no sound argument for the necessity and.or the constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons' is neither mindless nor knee-jerk.
-Pointing out the mindless inanity of the current 'assault weapons' bans is neither mindless nor knee-jerk.

Now then.... can you supply a sound argument for the necessity and.or the constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons', or not?
Well now, lets just ban semi-automatics, period. Rifle or handgun. Because the mindless knee jerk reaction of you people is going to result in exactly that. The resentment of the gun lobby and the insistence that ever more guns out here is going to prevent these weekly random shootings has about reached critical mass. The NRA and those of you with these guns either come up with some rational approaches to the problem, or those that don't like the guns, period, will. And that will be the Australian approach. And we know that has worked.

You guys really are stupid……how many murders were committed with all rifles in 2014…….

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder by rifles of all types….. 248

Murder by knife….. 1,567

Murder by blunt object….. 434

Murder by bare hands….. 660

Murder by other method not
Stated…….. 830

country of over 320 million people……with over 320 million guns in private hands

And over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense

You want to confiscate and ban guns over 248 murders by rifles of all kinds

You guys are freaking mentally ill
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How is it that so many people support this mindless, inane ban, but refuse to even try to defend it when challenged?
Well now, lets just ban semi-automatics, period. Rifle or handgun. Because the mindless knee jerk reaction of you people is going to result in exactly that. The resentment of the gun lobby and the insistence that ever more guns out here is going to prevent these weekly random shootings has about reached critical mass. The NRA and those of you with these guns either come up with some rational approaches to the problem, or those that don't like the guns, period, will. And that will be the Australian approach. And we know that has worked.

Why limit law abiding citizens to pump action, lever action, bolt action, or revolver when criminals will not be so limited?

And I assume the police will have to turn in their semi-autos as well, right?
Why limit law abiding citizens to pump action, lever action, bolt action, or revolver when criminals will not be so limited?

And I assume the police will have to turn in their semi-autos as well, right?

It makes perfect sense if you assume that all those who support such restrictions, and who do not do so out of extreme ignorance, are willfully on the side of criminals and tyrants,and against that of law-abiding citizens.
A picture is worth a thousand words:

There is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons'.

Not one.

California has a magazine ban too so the magazine is too large. I think the other states mentioned also have mag bans in the works if not already enacted.
California has a magazine ban too so the magazine is too large. I think the other states mentioned also have mag bans in the works if not already enacted.
I included the pics of the mags just so the generally ignorant anti-gun loons understood that these rifles are designed for detachable mags.

Note how none of them have responded..
Amazing how they go silent when we ask for an actual conversation…then accuse us of not discussing the issue.
Amazing how they go silent when we ask for an actual conversation…then accuse us of not discussing the issue.
Happens every time - when you insist on a sound argument, they scatter like cockroaches.
A picture is worth a thousand words:

There is no sound argument for the necessity and/or constitutionality of banning 'assault weapons'.

Not one.

You're right, ban them all.

You agree that there is no sound argument for banning guns, so you want to ban all of them.

A typical ideological nutballs response to a reasonable point; through the table over and declare a win.

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