The Hunter Biden hearing and why it's nonsense.

It is nonsense because when Hunter walked in unannounced and took over with a camera crew filming, the GOP should have had the Sergeant At Arms there arrest him on the spot for contempt of Congress but they didn't.
Right after they arrest all the GOP congresscritters for their noncompliance, right?
Hey dummy, no republican would provide cover for the crackhead and xiden. And that's exactly what that video was about.

YOu mean no tRumpling crackhead would dare tell the truth about Cheeto Jesus
CORRUPT Biden bribes, extortion, influence peddling, money laundering, tax evasion will be the start of our audit of corrupt Dems.
Or possibly they just think differently over there. They do have a previous example of how to elect a dictator that destroys their country.

IOW they been there and done that.

Not at all.

The UK uses FPTP and literally has a two party system, or even worse, it's mostly a one and two three quarters and a quarter system with the let split.

The two main left wing parties got 1,000 less votes than the Tories and gained 150 seats less (out of 650).

This is the 2017 German federal election.

The CDU/CSU (equivalent of the Republicans) gained 37.27% of the vote with FPTP. They gained 231 seats out of 299. That's 77.25% of the seats, for just over a third of the votes.

However they have Proportional Representation. They got about 33% of the vote, losing more than 4% of the total vote from the same people (which makes Trump look like a total ignoramus when he claims the number of people voting in the House for Reps should be the same as voted for him) at the same time on the same day.

They ended up with 246 seats out of 709, which was 34.69% of the seats.

Clearly this isn't about how the people think. This is about how the electoral system functions.

People went into the FPTP vote knowing they had a choice between two political parties.

Baden-Württemberg had a 34.4% for the CDU with PR, but they gained ALL the FPTP seats.

The FDP, a center right party gained ZERO seats with FPTP but 80 with PR, 7% voted for them at a local level and 10.75% voted for them with PR.

Clearly when people are given a VIABLE choice between two political parties, they'll more likely vote for one of the viable parties or AGAINST one of the viable parties.

When they're given a PR choice, their mentality will change.
Trump doesnt verbally attack millions of average Americans because they dont vote for him .. Trump verbally goes after the powerful that attack him ... yes Briben calling millions of Americans a threat to democracy is very toxic .


Not real Americans

Oh yes the BLM riots that cost close to 2 billion in damages, 1,500-ish businesses ruined, people beaten to death and murdered.

Throw in the rapes, the looting and the oh ya, let’s call it peaceful protests over a guy that likes to beat up pregnant women, steal and overdose on illegal drugs etc. Truly a racist American hero.
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We knew you weren't gonna like it.
Your little boyfriend Hunter is still a LOSER! Can't pay his Alimony. Made a LOT of money and has none to speak of. He is a DRUG ADDICT and that is forever (don't be surprised when he relapses and does drugs again), :)
Your little boyfriend Hunter is still a LOSER! Can't pay his Alimony. Made a LOT of money and has none to speak of. He is a DRUG ADDICT and that is forever (don't be surprised when he relapses and does drugs again), :)
Like I said, we knew you weren't gonna like it.

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