The Misinformation about the two major criticisms of Obama


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

We have had 22 months of private sector job growth. A factor for that is the success of Obama's stimulus plan. And while It may be true that the unemployment rate is higher now than when Obama took office, we were losing 100,000's of more jobs per month under Bush than Obama.

There is also no proof that Obama's policies can be directly attributed to the current unemployment rate. Take regulations, for example:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration.

Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs Overall? Not So Much - ProPublica

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2010 and 2011


The idea that Obama is responsible for massive government spending in his term thus far is simply not true:

The Mythical Obama Spending Binge | The New Republic

The Truth About Who's Responsible For Our Massive Budget Deficit - Business Insider
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Okay, guy, nice try.

First, 22 months of limp growth because companies just don't want to hire unless they absolutely have to isn't a matter of pride.

Second, Obama has presided over 6 trillion in new debt in three years. That's a terrible state of affairs.
Limp growth?

what did the republicans give us last time arround?

fully errect failure
What are you blathering about??

UE for most of Bush's time in office was around 6%.

It went up to around 7% his last yr in office.

If you think this economy is doing great then you are blind, an idiot or both. Jeeze.
just ignore the numbers and pretend claud, Inm sure that will win you an election
just ignore the numbers and pretend claud, Inm sure that will win you an election

Perhaps you are ignoring the numbers.

The unemployment rate was 4.2% in January 2001, 4.6% in September 2006, and 7.2% in December 2008. Employment peaked in late 1999 and declined through 2008.[67]

Thats from Wiki.

As I said. If you think this economy is doing great you are and idiot.
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Okay, guy, nice try.

First, 22 months of limp growth because companies just don't want to hire unless they absolutely have to isn't a matter of pride.

Second, Obama has presided over 6 trillion in new debt in three years. That's a terrible state of affairs.

6.7 trillion, actually...

US Federal Debt by Year - Charts Tables History
Recent US Federal Debt Numbers
FY 2012 $16.7 trillion
FY 2011 $15.5 trillion
FY 2010 $13.5 trillion
FY 2009 $11.9 trillion
FY 2008 $10.0 trillion

Billy wouldn't know a fact if it bit his ass.
just ignore the numbers and pretend claud, Inm sure that will win you an election

Perhaps you are ignoring the numbers.

The unemployment rate was 4.2% in January 2001, 4.6% in September 2006, and 7.2% in December 2008. Employment peaked in late 1999 and declined through 2008.[67]

Thats from Wiki.

As I said. If you think this economy is doing great you are and idiot.

you forget we have tape of Bush standing in front of the American people and saying the economy is headed for a depression.

That was BEFORE Obama was elected.
Okay, guy, nice try.

First, 22 months of limp growth because companies just don't want to hire unless they absolutely have to isn't a matter of pride.

Second, Obama has presided over 6 trillion in new debt in three years. That's a terrible state of affairs.

6.7 trillion, actually...

US Federal Debt by Year - Charts Tables History
Recent US Federal Debt Numbers
FY 2012 $16.7 trillion
FY 2011 $15.5 trillion
FY 2010 $13.5 trillion
FY 2009 $11.9 trillion
FY 2008 $10.0 trillion

Billy wouldn't know a fact if it bit his ass.

Obviously you didn't read my sources. Try reading the facts. Just because the spending was higher under Obama, it doesn't mean it was his doing.
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just ignore the numbers and pretend claud, Inm sure that will win you an election

Perhaps you are ignoring the numbers.

The unemployment rate was 4.2% in January 2001, 4.6% in September 2006, and 7.2% in December 2008. Employment peaked in late 1999 and declined through 2008.[67]

Thats from Wiki.

As I said. If you think this economy is doing great you are and idiot.

you forget we have tape of Bush standing in front of the American people and saying the economy is headed for a depression.

That was BEFORE Obama was elected.


You were trying to say UE under Bush was high.

I was showing you it wasn't.

UE under Barry has been and is bad. I didn't say it was his fault but it is what it is.

Wise up dummy.
just ignore the numbers and pretend claud, Inm sure that will win you an election

why do you ignore the most important number......there are 1.8 million LESS people employed now than there were before the stimulus passed.

To me that is not growth...that is contraction as it pertains to the employment market.
[ame=]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
Bush crashed the world wide economy with his failed leadership.

The American people watched you clowns back EVERYTHING he did like he was the second coming.

I know you people want to pretend this history does not exsist but it clearly does.

Your party has NOTHING to offer this country but failure

We have had 22 months of private sector job growth. A factor for that is the success of Obama's stimulus plan. And while It may be true that the unemployment rate is higher now than when Obama took office, we were losing 100,000's of more jobs per month under Bush than Obama.

There is also no proof that Obama's policies can be directly attributed to the current unemployment rate. Take regulations, for example:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration.

Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs Overall? Not So Much - ProPublica

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2010 and 2011


The idea that Obama is responsible for massive government spending in his term thus far is simply not true:

The Mythical Obama Spending Binge | The New Republic

The Truth About Who's Responsible For Our Massive Budget Deficit - Business Insider

Liberals were never very good at math.

We have had 22 months of private sector job growth. A factor for that is the success of Obama's stimulus plan. And while It may be true that the unemployment rate is higher now than when Obama took office, we were losing 100,000's of more jobs per month under Bush than Obama.

There is also no proof that Obama's policies can be directly attributed to the current unemployment rate. Take regulations, for example:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

the number of layoffs nationwide caused by government regulation is minuscule and shows no evidence of getting worse during the Obama administration.

Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs Overall? Not So Much - ProPublica

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2010 and 2011


The idea that Obama is responsible for massive government spending in his term thus far is simply not true:

The Mythical Obama Spending Binge | The New Republic

The Truth About Who's Responsible For Our Massive Budget Deficit - Business Insider

Liberals were never very good at math.

Math is based 100% on logic.

Thats why liberals are never really very good at math.
And this clown in the White House is flying around touting his SOTU speech, the same one he had for the last couple of years, while people are still losing jobs, their homes and everything they have worked for. He's spending millions of taxpayer money, campaigning. The stoopid folks like TM can't get past "Bush's Fault".

You can't fix anything blaming others. If this joker would step up and do his job instead of partying, golfing and flying all over the place we might see a quicker recovery............I'm not better off than I was three years ago. He told me he would leave if I wasn't, he's a liar!!:eusa_liar:
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Bush crashed the world wide economy with his failed leadership.

The American people watched you clowns back EVERYTHING he did like he was the second coming.

I know you people want to pretend this history does not exsist but it clearly does.

Your party has NOTHING to offer this country but failure

You people?

You are a pathetic should be ashamed of yourself.

Yup. According to TDM Bush crashed the world and her Dems stood around with their hands in their pockets and had absolutely nothing to do with anything. They were all innocent bystanders. Dodd, Frank and all the Dem members of Congress included.

Don't know about divider but she's a partisan idiot.

We have had 22 months of private sector job growth. A factor for that is the success of Obama's stimulus plan. And while It may be true that the unemployment rate is higher now than when Obama took office, we were losing 100,000's of more jobs per month under Bush than Obama.

There is also no proof that Obama's policies can be directly attributed to the current unemployment rate. Take regulations, for example:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence

Do Regulations Really Kill Jobs Overall? Not So Much - ProPublica

Table 2. Reason for layoff: Extended mass layoff events, separations, and initial claimants for unemployment insurance, private nonfarm sector, selected quarters, 2010 and 2011


The idea that Obama is responsible for massive government spending in his term thus far is simply not true:

The Mythical Obama Spending Binge | The New Republic

The Truth About Who's Responsible For Our Massive Budget Deficit - Business Insider

Liberals were never very good at math.

Math is based 100% on logic.

Thats why liberals are never really very good at math.

And cons can't seem to handle cognitive dissonance very well.

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