The Monster in the Middle East (video)

What about the b.s. that you and your friends throw, Amity? By the way, how about you boycotting any of the medical and technical innovations coming out of Israel? You don't want to appear to be a hypocrite, do you? Meanwhile, isn't it great Amity, that the Chinese are so looking forward to doing business with the Israelis, as well as other countries? They see what great things come out of such a tiny country; and imagine if they didn't have such savage neighbors and didn't have to spend so much money on defense, how many more wonderful things would be coming out of Israel which would benefit mankind.

Yes, I do maintain a thorough boycott of Israel myself. Savage neighbors?
....boycotts, divestment, sanctions....

The U.S. has been footing the bill for Israeli aggression all these years, not the Israelis.

LIES as the US did not come on the scene until the 1980's, and then only with loans

You know, if we seriously cut the ties to Israel, all of this would vanish overnight.

So would 6 million Jews and shortly afterwards 6 million Palestinians when the arab muslims took them out
B.S. Cute, but B.S.
Gimme boycotts, divestment, sanctions!

But thanks for posting. It was enjoyable.

Here Amity, especially for you

Especially for you Lipush:

Later to be admitted that it was all a Palestinian lie and the children were herded towards the fire to increase the death rate. The school was used by the Palestinians to store weapons and fire rockets from, so the IDF fired at the primary site next door to the school
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