This is why MAGA is an unyeilding force.

attempting to imprison the leading candidate against your party is the very definition of tyranny .
They keep rationalizing that if Trump wasn't guilty he wouldn't be in this position and yet most legal experts agree that Alvin Bragg overstretched the limits of the connections between the events that he pieced together to make this schizophrenic jigsaw puzzle into one piece, with the help of a jury tampering judge.
Ok policy position
Trump's policies benefited America
Biden's benefited others
Others including Biden's bank account. But then again every president that's been in office has benefited financially from it in some way.
"...attempting to imprison the leading candidate against your party is the very definition of tyranny ."

'the very definition of tyranny'*

Unless, of course, that leading candidate committed felonies, was arrested for them, underwent American jurisprudence of arraignment, grand juries, vetted trial juries sifted via competent voir dire by the defendant's own hired attorneys, and then that jury-of-his-peers unanimously found that 'leading candidate' guilty as charged.

34 times.

So there is that, not unimportant qualifier to poor poster Yidnar's incomplete suggestion.


'the very definition of tyranny'*

Unless, of course, that leading candidate committed felonies, was arrested for them, underwent American jurisprudence of arraignment, grand juries, vetted trial juries sifted via competent voir dire by the defendant's own hired attorneys, and then that jury-of-his-peers unanimously found that 'leading candidate' guilty as charged.

34 times.

So there is that, not unimportant qualifier to poor poster Yidnar's incomplete suggestion.
Yeah the only problem is nobody's buying it except for the people who bought it before the trial. The entire proceeding was extremely unconvincing, reeked of jury tampering, and has been laughed at by many legal experts as a chewing gum and string case pieced together in desperation overseen by a biased judge.

'the very definition of tyranny'*

Unless, of course, that leading candidate committed felonies, was arrested for them, underwent American jurisprudence of arraignment, grand juries, vetted trial juries sifted via competent voir dire by the defendant's own hired attorneys, and then that jury-of-his-peers unanimously found that 'leading candidate' guilty as charged.

34 times.

So there is that, not unimportant qualifier to poor poster Yidnar's incomplete suggestion.
Those indictments will be over turned
Yeah the only problem is nobody's buying it except for the people who bought it before the trial. The entire proceeding was extremely unconvincing, reeked of jury tampering, and has been laughed at by many legal experts as a chewing gum and string case pieced together in desperation overseen by a biased judge.
This is why it's going to be overtirnedb
You can retire the overused "convicted felon" doesn't hold any water. Honestly man, how childish and stupid can you be? Do you think Trump is suddenly now a different person after the verdict? A tag name inserted by a kangaroo court will have no consequence.

Dictator? Oh on day one all democratic political machinery will mysteriously cease to exist?

No, sadly.
It's a talking points response being passed out from liberal Central that's all. They've all been told to make sure they continue to use the two words convicted felon in all of their speech.
It will have the same effect as the good economy verbiage on the listening public.

Half of those brain dead fucks believe all of it.

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