The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

This shit again?....
sorry the truth that you cant debunk hurts you troll,:asshole:

sorry that you are too much afraid to watch these two videos that disprove the lies of the media you worship.:lmao:

It's like deja vu talking some 40 years ago with Rehnquist's super ego ChristHitler Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality for a second coming thru 9/11 for another 2,000 years of Islamidotocracy pseudo science.
This shit again?....
sorry the truth that you cant debunk hurts you troll,:asshole:

sorry that you are too much afraid to watch these two videos that disprove the lies of the media you worship.:lmao:

It's like deja vu talking some 40 years ago with Rehnquist's super ego ChristHitler Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality for a second coming thru 9/11 for another 2,000 years of Islamidotocracy pseudo science.
This shit again?....
sorry the truth that you cant debunk hurts you troll,:asshole:

sorry that you are too much afraid to watch these two videos that disprove the lies of the media you worship.:lmao:

It's like deja vu talking some 40 years ago with Rehnquist's super ego ChristHitler Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality for a second coming thru 9/11 for another 2,000 years of Islamidotocracy pseudo science.

on that note,notice how all the Bush dupes who defend the official version that like the chickenshit cowards they are,wont watch the videos cause the truth hurts? lol
in the 42 pages of this thread,as i knew they could not,NONE of the paid shills that defend the governments version of event could debunk the facts in my two videos in my op here that 9/11 was a joint CIA/MOSSAD OPERATION.they could only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:D:haha:

Actually you haven't done anything to prove the most basic missing pieces. You are quoting the Y2K conspiracy theorist that also "proved" with his "overwhelming facts" that the year 2000 would end the ability to use money in the world... Until it most surely didn't.

He also said the 04 earthquake/tsunami was man made, Katrina was used to test concentration camps, the Boston Marathon bombing was an inside job, as was Sandy Hook, Aurora, Colorado; Columbine, Colorado; Tucson, Arizona; San Bernardino, California; Orlando, Florida, Newtown, Connecticut, London Bombings, OKC bombing.... Syria is a US/Russian plot to replace humans with Cyborgs, the government is using chemicals to make us gay (the gay bomb), possibly using the flouride in our water, Obama is actually bezelbub or the leader of Al Qaeda, Malia and Sasha aren't actually his kids, Disney killed Carrie Fisher to help movie sales, the CIA spy's on us through our dishwashers and all this is carried out by the New World Order Pedophiles which killed Prince. Oh yeah, and the Government creates tornado's with their weather weapons...

1. How did they pull off the logistics to get this done?
2. Is that video old? he's using the already debunked "4000 jews" theory that video evidence has proven was NOT what was thought to have been said. Why does he need to use lies to support his argument? Shouldn't the truth be able to stand on it's own without the use of blatant lies to support it?

And finally the only proven person to be profiting on either side of these conspiracy theories is..... Alex Jones. His special water filters (gotta get the gay out of our water supply right?), his "how to survive the apocolypse books (gotta survive Y2K right?) are making millions.
This shit again?....
sorry the truth that you cant debunk hurts you troll,:asshole:

sorry that you are too much afraid to watch these two videos that disprove the lies of the media you worship.:lmao:

It's like deja vu talking some 40 years ago with Rehnquist's super ego ChristHitler Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality for a second coming thru 9/11 for another 2,000 years of Islamidotocracy pseudo science.
This shit again?....
sorry the truth that you cant debunk hurts you troll,:asshole:

sorry that you are too much afraid to watch these two videos that disprove the lies of the media you worship.:lmao:

It's like deja vu talking some 40 years ago with Rehnquist's super ego ChristHitler Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality for a second coming thru 9/11 for another 2,000 years of Islamidotocracy pseudo science.

on that note,notice how all the Bush dupes who defend the official version that like the chickenshit cowards they are,wont watch the videos cause the truth hurts? lol
There are conspiracies galore yet you still have an Internet connection.
It's like deja vu talking some 40 years ago with Rehnquist's super ego ChristHitler Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality for a second coming thru 9/11 for another 2,000 years of Islamidotocracy pseudo science.[/QUOTE]

on that note,notice how all the Bush dupes who defend the official version that like the chickenshit cowards they are,wont watch the videos cause the truth hurts? lol[/QUOTE]

While other forums which ban topics & comments saying there's no evidence of a Fourth Reich crusade as is being supported like the patriot act of those burning Bush's rescripting the old testament, find it about as useful watching said videos as believing a SCOTUS Chief Justice edict of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" after this Christian nation had stolen & in all probability burned more than 24 of each of the US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, old glory, old testament & Israeli flag over 3 1/2 years with a KKK churchstate of immaculate drug conception homocidal sociopsychopathic suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities threatening in a similar manner under color of law.
hard to believe that this being the month of september and everything,there have been no posts on this thread.
La Ram Fan and i were speaking recently and i am checking out this thread. Something that cannot be ignored or forgotten about is wtc7, ask anyone who believes in the official story how it fell. it was a controlled explosion, and was never hit by a plane or was in the way of the two towers. That alone should cause people to doubt what was said by the United States government of the time. There are so many facts that you can't deny and show this was a false flag attack to invade the middle east, that happens, some say things like this are conspiracy theories, and they are but true ones. The word conspire is a word for a reason, and America was conspired against. Who benefits most from invading the middle east? Israel. America is being used as a fly swatter to smush nations of it's choosing. La Ram Fan mentioned a good book, 9/11 Evil by Victor Thorn, i have also read this book, which details Israeli involvement in 9/11 and am attaching the book in ePub (created from calibre if anyone else wants to make ePubs of documents) so as to read easier in tablets and e-book readers. Definitely worth the read for anyone that is either already aware and also definitely for anyone who is not but interested. It is better to be skeptical than naive, make the switch if you currently are


  • 9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor
    736.3 KB · Views: 18
La Ram Fan and i were speaking recently and i am checking out this thread. Something that cannot be ignored or forgotten about is wtc7, ask anyone who believes in the official story how it fell. it was a controlled explosion, and was never hit by a plane or was in the way of the two towers. That alone should cause people to doubt what was said by the United States government of the time. There are so many facts that you can't deny and show this was a false flag attack to invade the middle east, that happens, some say things like this are conspiracy theories, and they are but true ones. The word conspire is a word for a reason, and America was conspired against. Who benefits most from invading the middle east? Israel. America is being used as a fly swatter to smush nations of it's choosing. La Ram Fan mentioned a good book, 9/11 Evil by Victor Thorn, i have also read this book, which details Israeli involvement in 9/11 and am attaching the book in ePub (created from calibre if anyone else wants to make ePubs of documents) so as to read easier in tablets and e-book readers. Definitely worth the read for anyone that is either already aware and also definitely for anyone who is not but interested. It is better to be skeptical than naive, make the switch if you currently are

The problem with your conspiracy theory is that you cannot explain how a demolition crew could rig a building to come down without a soul in the building knowing what was happening. Not the employees, not the janitors, not the maintenance crews, not the security people. You seem to think that it would be no problem to rig explosives to load bearing columns and beams and not have to move a desk, kick a hole in The drywall, take down a picture, nothing. It's absolutely absurd.
La Ram Fan and i were speaking recently and i am checking out this thread. Something that cannot be ignored or forgotten about is wtc7, ask anyone who believes in the official story how it fell. it was a controlled explosion, and was never hit by a plane or was in the way of the two towers. That alone should cause people to doubt what was said by the United States government of the time. There are so many facts that you can't deny and show this was a false flag attack to invade the middle east, that happens, some say things like this are conspiracy theories, and they are but true ones. The word conspire is a word for a reason, and America was conspired against. Who benefits most from invading the middle east? Israel. America is being used as a fly swatter to smush nations of it's choosing. La Ram Fan mentioned a good book, 9/11 Evil by Victor Thorn, i have also read this book, which details Israeli involvement in 9/11 and am attaching the book in ePub (created from calibre if anyone else wants to make ePubs of documents) so as to read easier in tablets and e-book readers. Definitely worth the read for anyone that is either already aware and also definitely for anyone who is not but interested. It is better to be skeptical than naive, make the switch if you currently are

The problem with your conspiracy theory is that you cannot explain how a demolition crew could rig a building to come down without a soul in the building knowing what was happening. Not the employees, not the janitors, not the maintenance crews, not the security people. You seem to think that it would be no problem to rig explosives to load bearing columns and beams and not have to move a desk, kick a hole in The drywall, take down a picture, nothing. It's absolutely absurd.

if you're looking for the undeniable proof please check out the following documentaries if you haven't. 9/11 was the defining moment of recent America, take a few hours to watch these. if you disagree with what they say for some reason let us know after that. if these youtube links go down just do another youtube search for the title

Loose Change Official transcript

911 Mysteries part 1 demolition

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth about 9/11 Official
La Ram Fan and i were speaking recently and i am checking out this thread. Something that cannot be ignored or forgotten about is wtc7, ask anyone who believes in the official story how it fell. it was a controlled explosion, and was never hit by a plane or was in the way of the two towers. That alone should cause people to doubt what was said by the United States government of the time. There are so many facts that you can't deny and show this was a false flag attack to invade the middle east, that happens, some say things like this are conspiracy theories, and they are but true ones. The word conspire is a word for a reason, and America was conspired against. Who benefits most from invading the middle east? Israel. America is being used as a fly swatter to smush nations of it's choosing. La Ram Fan mentioned a good book, 9/11 Evil by Victor Thorn, i have also read this book, which details Israeli involvement in 9/11 and am attaching the book in ePub (created from calibre if anyone else wants to make ePubs of documents) so as to read easier in tablets and e-book readers. Definitely worth the read for anyone that is either already aware and also definitely for anyone who is not but interested. It is better to be skeptical than naive, make the switch if you currently are

predfan is one of USMB's resident paid shills i was telling you about,he always covers his ears and closes his eyes when he is backed up against the wall on bld 7,as you can see from his reply,he ignored that pesky fact on bld 7.

He put me on ignore years ago when he was trolling a thread one time talking trash how the warren commission was correct and that oswald was the lone assassin and when i posted pesky facts he could not refute that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters and told him i was waiting for him to address my evidence,he got mad and started calling me names and has had me on ignore ever since.:D he hates it when he cant refute pesky facts on bld 7 and he will eventually put you on ignore as well when you post those pesky facts he cant dodge:D
La Ram Fan and i were speaking recently and i am checking out this thread. Something that cannot be ignored or forgotten about is wtc7, ask anyone who believes in the official story how it fell. it was a controlled explosion, and was never hit by a plane or was in the way of the two towers. That alone should cause people to doubt what was said by the United States government of the time. There are so many facts that you can't deny and show this was a false flag attack to invade the middle east, that happens, some say things like this are conspiracy theories, and they are but true ones. The word conspire is a word for a reason, and America was conspired against. Who benefits most from invading the middle east? Israel. America is being used as a fly swatter to smush nations of it's choosing. La Ram Fan mentioned a good book, 9/11 Evil by Victor Thorn, i have also read this book, which details Israeli involvement in 9/11 and am attaching the book in ePub (created from calibre if anyone else wants to make ePubs of documents) so as to read easier in tablets and e-book readers. Definitely worth the read for anyone that is either already aware and also definitely for anyone who is not but interested. It is better to be skeptical than naive, make the switch if you currently are

The problem with your conspiracy theory is that you cannot explain how a demolition crew could rig a building to come down without a soul in the building knowing what was happening. Not the employees, not the janitors, not the maintenance crews, not the security people. You seem to think that it would be no problem to rig explosives to load bearing columns and beams and not have to move a desk, kick a hole in The drywall, take down a picture, nothing. It's absolutely absurd.

if you're looking for the undeniable proof please check out the following documentaries if you haven't. 9/11 was the defining moment of recent America, take a few hours to watch these. if you disagree with what they say for some reason let us know after that. if these youtube links go down just do another youtube search for the title

Loose Change Official transcript

911 Mysteries part 1 demolition

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth about 9/11 Official

Unfortunately you are wasting your breath on this troll,he NEVER watches videos that shoot down the governments fairy tale version of events.
If anyone doubts that there are pro-Israel shills here or elsewhere, let me share the following

From 2006 to 2011 there was an official app called the Internet Megaphone which alerted supporters of Israel to online polls, articles and anything else they wanted to put sway on. The app was discontinued in 2011 but the website Give Israel Your United Support (GIYUS) still operates through their rss feed which is the same thing without the app

here are links about this

Israel's newest PR weapon: The Internet Megaphone

Megaphone desktop tool - Wikipedia
Seen them before. Still doesn't explain how a demolition crew was able to rig those buildings to go down and no one saw them do it.

i believe the 9-11 demolitions documentary and the book mentioned, 9-11 evil, both go into the specifics of how this was done. been a while but nighttime, weekend, holiday, unoccupied floor

at best what happened was that intelligence agencies, American, Israeli, found out about the plan, and not only didn't stop it but helped it along to further their Middle East objectives
Seen them before. Still doesn't explain how a demolition crew was able to rig those buildings to go down and no one saw them do it.

i believe the 9-11 demolitions documentary and the book mentioned, 9-11 evil, both go into the specifics of how this was done. been a while but nighttime, weekend, holiday, unoccupied floor

at best what happened was that intelligence agencies, American, Israeli, found out about the plan, and not only didn't stop it but helped it along to further their Middle East objectives

The planting of explosives in enough quantities and in the correct places would require alterations in the interior of the building. Offices torn up, holes in walls, miles of wire strewn about the place. In addition, these buildings have security 24-7
it can all be done. the owner of the world trade centers was in on it as well, the buildings were health dangerous money pits about to be going to have to be destroyed anyhow, and he had them insured for gobs of money also. when you have the owner (Jewish) in on it as well the rest isn't hard to pull off
it can all be done. the owner of the world trade centers was in on it as well, the buildings were health dangerous money pits about to be going to have to be destroyed anyhow, and he had them insured for gobs of money also. when you have the owner (Jewish) in on it as well the rest isn't hard to pull off

You are ignoring the hundreds of employees in the building. Were they in on it too? Even the ones that died that day? Martyred for the cause did they?
La Ram Fan and i were speaking recently and i am checking out this thread. Something that cannot be ignored or forgotten
The problem with your conspiracy theory is that you cannot explain how a demolition crew could rig a building to come down without a soul in the building knowing what was happening. Not the employees, not the janitors, not the maintenance crews, not the security people. You seem to think that it would be no problem to rig explosives to load bearing columns and beams and not have to move a desk, kick a hole in The drywall, take down a picture, nothing. It's absolutely absurd.

Maybe as absurd as after some 40+ years it's only one nation under God with equal justice under law if some Arab came back from the dead 2000+ years ago from someone accidently finding how medical assistance from CPR &/or mouth to mouth resuscitation to bring the dead back to life in creating an abomination to a jihad that had to be killed on a cross with some son of God immaculate conception to keep the dead dead or what would be a modern day Darwin Award candidate for riding a wooden chariot into a volcanic plume of lava or an earthquake generated gas fissure with a burst into flames result on the way to not enough left to carbon date; according to a supreme swastika up Uranus court of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality law.
La Ram Fan and i were speaking recently and i am checking out this thread. Something that cannot be ignored or forgotten
The problem with your conspiracy theory is that you cannot explain how a demolition crew could rig a building to come down without a soul in the building knowing what was happening. Not the employees, not the janitors, not the maintenance crews, not the security people. You seem to think that it would be no problem to rig explosives to load bearing columns and beams and not have to move a desk, kick a hole in The drywall, take down a picture, nothing. It's absolutely absurd.

Maybe as absurd as after some 40+ years it's only one nation under God with equal justice under law if some Arab came back from the dead 2000+ years ago from someone accidently finding how medical assistance from CPR &/or mouth to mouth resuscitation to bring the dead back to life in creating an abomination to a jihad that had to be killed on a cross with some son of God immaculate conception to keep the dead dead or what would be a modern day Darwin Award candidate for riding a wooden chariot into a volcanic plume of lava or an earthquake generated gas fissure with a burst into flames result on the way to not enough left to carbon date; according to a supreme swastika up Uranus court of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality law.

Are you off your meds?

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