The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

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This retarded shit is still going on?

what's your opinion on wtc7 Toro?

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

This retarded shit is still going on?

what's your opinion on wtc7 Toro?

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?

This retarded shit is still going on?

what's your opinion on wtc7 Toro?

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.
what's your opinion on wtc7 Toro?

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side

It was a combination of both debris damage and uncontrolled fire. No it was not a controlled demolition. Seriously, do something better with your time. ;)
Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side


Back to the invisible silent dynamite. <smh>
Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side

It was a combination of both debris damage and uncontrolled fire. No it was not a controlled demolition. Seriously, do something better with your time. ;)

something better than avenging 3,000 American murders and exposing the truth about who orchestrated this to happen? tomorrow is 9-11, i'd suggest to anyone reading this to watch the above video (on 9-11 or any other day), facts are facts and are hard for them to argue with. the documentary is an hour and a half and very well worth your time. let other people know as well
I posted the video by jones several years ago and the paid trolls on this board acted like children.Just threw childish insults and got into name calling not addressing any of his facts so I have no doubt they will do the same exact same thing with this video on Israels involvement as well and not address one single item in it.they are so predicatable.:cuckoo:

Here is the one I posted back then the paid shills ignored and will do so again of course that the CIA was involved up to their ears and high ranking superior officers in the FBI told the lower lever honest ones to back off the investigation.

Here is the one on Israels involvement which they will do the same on.

Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD - 12160

You should know that Alex Jones has admitted to lying and playing a "character" when he says stupid shit like that.
Today's pop-culture educated public gives the CIA much too much credit. They haven't gotten anything right since WW2 and they were illegally used by JFK to recruit and train a Cuban invasion army and they failed at that. The truth is that the gigantic bloated CIA couldn't organize a trip to the john much less coordinate with crazy jihadists to bring down the WTC.
Ummm, JFK didn't come up with the Bay of Pigs plan. It was handed to him upon assuming office. He decided to let it proceed, but only gave it half-hearted support, which is one reason why it failed.

As for the CIA, we usually hear of its failures, but rarely ever hear of its successes for reasons that should be obvious.

Bay of Pigs Invasion - Cold War -
Kennedy had inherited Eisenhower’s CIA campaign to train and equip a guerilla army of Cuban exiles, but he had some doubts about the wisdom of the plan. The last thing he wanted, he said, was “direct, overt” intervention by the American military in Cuba: The Soviets would likely see this as an act of war and might retaliate. However, CIA officers told him they could keep U.S. involvement in the invasion a secret and, if all went according to plan, the campaign would spark an anti-Castro uprising on the island.
OK. I can finally reveal the truth and put this story to rest. Bush and Cheney flew the planes (wearing yarmulkes and Star of David shoulder patches of course) and parachuted just before impact. Rumsfeld planted the explosives that caused the buildings to implode. Karl Rove drove the van with the 5 dancing Israeli's (which was only a diversion.) No plane flew into the Pentagon. Bibi Netanyahu planted that bomb.
That clears it up nicely!

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side


Back to the invisible silent dynamite. <smh>

not sure why i want to respond to a shill, either you or any others, just wanted to clear up an earlier issue that you loved to try and fool others with

been a while since watching the above video (9/11 mysteries: demolitions) so watched it again this morning

looks like the ones orchestrating 9/11 didn't muffle the sounds of explosions and didn't point the explosion inward (also it was thermite they used) The explosions were heard, the squibs seen exploding and explosions even rocked cameras and seismology devices. again this is all shown and heard in the mentioned documentary. and yes they talk about wtc7 in addition to the two towers

the explosions were loud, seen and detected
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side


Back to the invisible silent dynamite. <smh>

not sure why i want to respond to a shill, either you or any others, just wanted to clear up an earlier issue that you loved to try and fool others with

been a while since watching the above video (9/11 mysteries: demolitions) so watched it again this morning

looks like the ones orchestrating 9/11 didn't muffle the sounds of explosions and didn't point the explosion inward (also it was thermite they used) The explosions were heard, the squibs seen exploding and explosions even rocked cameras and seismology devices. again this is all shown and heard in the mentioned documentary. and yes they talk about wtc7 in addition to the two towers

the explosions were loud, seen and detected


Now you're calling yourself an idiot.

In one post you went from saying they used invisible silent inward explosives -- to saying they didn't.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side

It was a combination of both debris damage and uncontrolled fire. No it was not a controlled demolition. Seriously, do something better with your time. ;)

well sockpuppet shill,if you want him to do something better with his time,he COULD be like you and your fellow agent shill agent sayit and take all the excellent money your handlers pay you guys to come here and troll threads and toot the tales of the government but unlike you,he has a conscience and is not stupid enough as you two are,that money will buy him happiness trolling threads like this tooting the horn for the government.:D

real experts? you mean those real experts of over a 1000 architects and enginners who who put their careers on the line that fires did not cause the collapse of the towers as well as some demolition experts? THOSE experts? :lmao:or the ones that are on the governments payroll and work for government agencys such as NIST.great REAL experts there.:lmao:same as sayit shill,you really enjoy getting shit on your face embarrassing yourself as he has done here the last several years as well.
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Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side


Back to the invisible silent dynamite. <smh>

not sure why i want to respond to a shill, either you or any others, just wanted to clear up an earlier issue that you loved to try and fool others with

been a while since watching the above video (9/11 mysteries: demolitions) so watched it again this morning

looks like the ones orchestrating 9/11 didn't muffle the sounds of explosions and didn't point the explosion inward (also it was thermite they used) The explosions were heard, the squibs seen exploding and explosions even rocked cameras and seismology devices. again this is all shown and heard in the mentioned documentary. and yes they talk about wtc7 in addition to the two towers

the explosions were loud, seen and detected

yeah do not reply to these shills like agent faun,agent sayit,and the last agent shill i just got done taking to school.complete waste.thats what they want you to do with them,take their bait so they can waste your time in hope of derailing any truth discussing on this topic. as you can see,not one defender of the 9/11 commission report has watched either of the two videos i posted in the OP that proves beyond a doubt it was a joint CIA/mossad operation so dont ever bother with them.i dont.
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Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side

It was a combination of both debris damage and uncontrolled fire. No it was not a controlled demolition. Seriously, do something better with your time. ;)

something better than avenging 3,000 American murders and exposing the truth about who orchestrated this to happen? tomorrow is 9-11, i'd suggest to anyone reading this to watch the above video (on 9-11 or any other day), facts are facts and are hard for them to argue with. the documentary is an hour and a half and very well worth your time. let other people know as well

the something better he wants you to do is read a stephen king novel or watch NFL football instead of exposing the murder of 3000 citizens by the CIA and mossad.:haha::lmao::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side


Back to the invisible silent dynamite. <smh>

not sure why i want to respond to a shill, either you or any others, just wanted to clear up an earlier issue that you loved to try and fool others with

been a while since watching the above video (9/11 mysteries: demolitions) so watched it again this morning

looks like the ones orchestrating 9/11 didn't muffle the sounds of explosions and didn't point the explosion inward (also it was thermite they used) The explosions were heard, the squibs seen exploding and explosions even rocked cameras and seismology devices. again this is all shown and heard in the mentioned documentary. and yes they talk about wtc7 in addition to the two towers

the explosions were loud, seen and detected


Now you're calling yourself an idiot.

In one post you went from saying they used invisible silent inward explosives -- to saying they didn't.


i was saying they could, and they would have been able to, but they didn't, all the better for us to catch them with

and shill, i always corrected you on silent invisible explosives which you never recognize. muffled and directed inward, but that would be less of a trick for you to play on people wouldn't it
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This retarded shit is still going on?

what's your opinion on wtc7 Toro?

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

you mean YOUR nonsense:rofl::rofl::rofl:

hey shill,love how in all your ramblings you never mentioned that those GOVERNMENT paid engineers knew they would lose their jobs if they told the truth.

oh and you are for sure looking at the mirror when calling someone a retard same as agent sayit has the last several years he has been here:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:That is because being retarded is ignoring how many people around the country have lost their jobs around the country for speaking out the truth that fires did not cause the collapse of the towers,being retarded is ignoring all the REAL experts,over a thousand architects and engineers what they have said,being retarded is ignoring what demolition experts have said,being retarded is ignoring what he mentioned, ignoring what all the first responders said,being retarded is ignoring what many of the witnesses said of hearing explosions in the basemen 10 seconds before the plane hit it above if there even was a plane.being retarded is ignoring is again,ignoring what witnesses said,many being firefighters and first responders,many of them experienced in the sound of explosives who were insulted by the governments version of events calling the investigation a half baked farce.:rolleyes:

sorry little troll but i think all these people i listed have just a little bit more credibility than the people working for these corrupt government agencys you listed do.:itsok::itsok:


I know this is what you are doing right now as we speak,crying to your handlers for a raise after this ass beating i just gave you.

this is what you look like right now crying to your boss after getting your ass handed to you on a platter be me now.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: this is what agent sayit looks like in real life ALSO folks.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:


This retarded shit is still going on?

what's your opinion on wtc7 Toro?

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?

he can only cry in defeat with shit on his face when like agent sayit always does when you back him up against the wall with wt7 with nowhere to run.

this is him crying in defeat right now to his boss after that ass beating you gave him on bld 7 he cant get around.:haha::lmao:

Anyone who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job is a retard.

And I got tired of arguing with retards a long time ago.

Scholars, patriots, first responders and family members of those lost on 9/11 are not "retards"

any response to what happened that demolished wtc7 or no comment?
Shouldn't you be querying the consensus of the engineers who investigated the collapse, instead of cherry-picking the minority opinion of non-experts and begging for answers on a message board? Or is it that you tried that and found out that they don't agree with your nonsense?

the experts agree as well

so what's your opinion then?
The experts do not agree with your nonsense.

My opinion is that the building collapsed due to damage from debris and from fire. It is also my opinion that the idea it was demolished is utterly absurd and raises impossible questions.

i don't see how debris would make wtc7 collapse in a free fall the way it did, nor how fire would collapse it left right and middle in the way it did either. this was a controlled demolition and there is no doubt whatsoever. there actually are many experts who see and say the exact same thing, here is a documentary by one who goes into great length and detail about just this topic. It is your view that has no real experts on it's side

agents faun,sayit,toto,and this new sockpuppet troll do this everytime you post videos like the excellent one you just posted with pesky facts they cant debunk ore refute that since they know you take them to school that the towers came down by demolition.everytime you post these videos like this excellent one you asked the troll to watch,they do this-:scared1: EVERYTIME.:rofl:

as well as this also

just like clockwork.never fails their dodgeball game they play
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