The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

a pic here of a nuke being used in the desert.

once again,pic of twin towers.

Looks identical to to me.:biggrin: :lmao:and these paid shills of the government and Israel are so desperate in their ramblings they want to try and convince me this was caused by mere jet fuel fires?

same thing,exploding UPWARDS and out apparently due to jet fuel fires.:haha::lmao:

comedy gold. only problem with their asinine juvenile rants that it was gasoline fires same as everyone in the world,they have never been able to explain bld 7.:biggrin:
comedy gold.

"Looks identical to to me."

Ugh.... so painfully stupid.... I'm out, you nutballs deserve each other. Enjoy being relegated to vomiting in each others faces on anonymous message boards, because that is the pinnacle for you freaks and your freakish ideas.
still more pesky facts the paid shills that have trolled my thread here on can only sling shit in defeat like the money trolls they are knowing they have been taken to school by me that Israel did 9/11.:D

Netanyahu: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away” • r/conspiracy

Seems this serve the Pope or die Spanish Inquisition from LA California like West Nazi Germany Virginia's KKK churchstate cops which threatened to kill all the Jews in NYC for their turn of the century second coming back in the mid 1970's certainly stimulates Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality cross conditioned way beyond therapy autistic responses of which not a fan.
still more pesky facts the paid shills that have trolled my thread here on can only sling shit in defeat like the money trolls they are knowing they have been taken to school by me that Israel did 9/11.:D

Netanyahu: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away” • r/conspiracy

That must be how ChristHitlers take up a pseudo religious stance as the World Trade Towers was where all the Jews in NYC were for 9/11 in schooling the nation as such. Islamidiotocracy propaganda cognitive dissonance.
What else needs to be said? You've proven yourself to be nothing but another lunatic conpiracy nut who professes to believe in non-existent invisible quiet dynamite.

There's no such thing and WTC7 does not exihibit the inescapable characteristics of an actual controlled demolition.

But thanks for playin' anyway.

god i hate talking with shills, sometimes it's necessary though so have to put up with it

this coming from someone who has absolutely no input whatsoever because there is no other explanation
here's the video of wtc7 coming down, if this isn't the result of a planned demolition you are the nut, i put it to others to make their own decision and hopefully not the bullshit one this plant is putting forward, who really has put nothing forward as proof of this not being a demolition. he refuses to answer what this is, i have told you the truth about this, believe who you want but 3000 families hope you figure it out and take action to avenge their deaths

This is a controlled demolition, the shill gives you no other explanation because, again, there is none

when shills like him and agents sayit and faun are challenged to watch videos like this excellent one here you posted that refute the governments version of events that fires brought down the towers and give irrefutable facts it was a controlled demolition,they do this in defeat EVERYTIME.


we now know what agent SAYIT looks like in real life.I found that pic of him by accident


The idiot debunked himself.

After spending days insisting invisible silent explosives were used, even describing how that was accomplished, he now says I should forget all about that.


that's right, it was the debris that collapsed wtc7

anyway, don't debate me, debate the facts put forward in the multitude of documents, documentaries, books and articles. they are experts who have lifetimes in their fields of expertise. hard to debate the facts isn't it?

how about the next thing you explain is about why there was thermite in the dust of the aftermath of the wtc collapse. go on, argue with the experts. there's more where that came from

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

have fun with explaining that one

you really took him to school major big time now.:up: doesnt he ever get tired of the shit on his face?:D

shills like him not only cannot explain bld 7 but they also cant cant explain the molten pools of steel that firefighters found which is impossible if it was due to just fires since jet fuel cannot melt steel. not can they explain either how if the towers collapsed just due to the fires,how come an unprecedented thing occured where the rescue workers could not find a doorknob,a telephone,a desk or ANY office thing which you ALWAYS find in a collapse of a building,and how come cars on streets where MELTED which is impossible due to jet fuel or how many levels deep underground,there were major holes in the ground which was unprecented due to just a mere collapse of a building.

jet fuel could not have done that,maybe in a fairy tale story which of course is what the 9/11 coverup commission is.

Yeah, he sure took me to school by flip-flopping his story. :rolleyes:
god i hate talking with shills, sometimes it's necessary though so have to put up with it

this coming from someone who has absolutely no input whatsoever because there is no other explanation
here's the video of wtc7 coming down, if this isn't the result of a planned demolition you are the nut, i put it to others to make their own decision and hopefully not the bullshit one this plant is putting forward, who really has put nothing forward as proof of this not being a demolition. he refuses to answer what this is, i have told you the truth about this, believe who you want but 3000 families hope you figure it out and take action to avenge their deaths

This is a controlled demolition, the shill gives you no other explanation because, again, there is none

when shills like him and agents sayit and faun are challenged to watch videos like this excellent one here you posted that refute the governments version of events that fires brought down the towers and give irrefutable facts it was a controlled demolition,they do this in defeat EVERYTIME.


we now know what agent SAYIT looks like in real life.I found that pic of him by accident


The idiot debunked himself.

After spending days insisting invisible silent explosives were used, even describing how that was accomplished, he now says I should forget all about that.


that's right, it was the debris that collapsed wtc7

anyway, don't debate me, debate the facts put forward in the multitude of documents, documentaries, books and articles. they are experts who have lifetimes in their fields of expertise. hard to debate the facts isn't it?

how about the next thing you explain is about why there was thermite in the dust of the aftermath of the wtc collapse. go on, argue with the experts. there's more where that came from

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

have fun with explaining that one

you really took him to school major big time now.:up: doesnt he ever get tired of the shit on his face?:D

shills like him not only cannot explain bld 7 but they also cant cant explain the molten pools of steel that firefighters found which is impossible if it was due to just fires since jet fuel cannot melt steel. not can they explain either how if the towers collapsed just due to the fires,how come an unprecedented thing occured where the rescue workers could not find a doorknob,a telephone,a desk or ANY office thing which you ALWAYS find in a collapse of a building,and how come cars on streets where MELTED which is impossible due to jet fuel or how many levels deep underground,there were major holes in the ground which was unprecented due to just a mere collapse of a building.

jet fuel could not have done that,maybe in a fairy tale story which of course is what the 9/11 coverup commission is.

Yeah, he sure took me to school by flip-flopping his story. :rolleyes:

a controlled demolition is a controlled demolition. can you explain why thermite was in the wtc dust?
when shills like him and agents sayit and faun are challenged to watch videos like this excellent one here you posted that refute the governments version of events that fires brought down the towers and give irrefutable facts it was a controlled demolition,they do this in defeat EVERYTIME.


we now know what agent SAYIT looks like in real life.I found that pic of him by accident

The idiot debunked himself.

After spending days insisting invisible silent explosives were used, even describing how that was accomplished, he now says I should forget all about that.


that's right, it was the debris that collapsed wtc7

anyway, don't debate me, debate the facts put forward in the multitude of documents, documentaries, books and articles. they are experts who have lifetimes in their fields of expertise. hard to debate the facts isn't it?

how about the next thing you explain is about why there was thermite in the dust of the aftermath of the wtc collapse. go on, argue with the experts. there's more where that came from

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

have fun with explaining that one

you really took him to school major big time now.:up: doesnt he ever get tired of the shit on his face?:D

shills like him not only cannot explain bld 7 but they also cant cant explain the molten pools of steel that firefighters found which is impossible if it was due to just fires since jet fuel cannot melt steel. not can they explain either how if the towers collapsed just due to the fires,how come an unprecedented thing occured where the rescue workers could not find a doorknob,a telephone,a desk or ANY office thing which you ALWAYS find in a collapse of a building,and how come cars on streets where MELTED which is impossible due to jet fuel or how many levels deep underground,there were major holes in the ground which was unprecented due to just a mere collapse of a building.

jet fuel could not have done that,maybe in a fairy tale story which of course is what the 9/11 coverup commission is.
Yeah, he sure took me to school by flip-flopping his story. :rolleyes:

a controlled demolition is a controlled demolition. can you explain why thermite was in the wtc dust?
Well, no, you said they used explosives and planted them inward to conceal the sight and sound of the explosions.

Now you say there were no explosions.

You're clearly making this shit up as you go along.
The idiot debunked himself.

After spending days insisting invisible silent explosives were used, even describing how that was accomplished, he now says I should forget all about that.


that's right, it was the debris that collapsed wtc7

anyway, don't debate me, debate the facts put forward in the multitude of documents, documentaries, books and articles. they are experts who have lifetimes in their fields of expertise. hard to debate the facts isn't it?

how about the next thing you explain is about why there was thermite in the dust of the aftermath of the wtc collapse. go on, argue with the experts. there's more where that came from

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

have fun with explaining that one

you really took him to school major big time now.:up: doesnt he ever get tired of the shit on his face?:D

shills like him not only cannot explain bld 7 but they also cant cant explain the molten pools of steel that firefighters found which is impossible if it was due to just fires since jet fuel cannot melt steel. not can they explain either how if the towers collapsed just due to the fires,how come an unprecedented thing occured where the rescue workers could not find a doorknob,a telephone,a desk or ANY office thing which you ALWAYS find in a collapse of a building,and how come cars on streets where MELTED which is impossible due to jet fuel or how many levels deep underground,there were major holes in the ground which was unprecented due to just a mere collapse of a building.

jet fuel could not have done that,maybe in a fairy tale story which of course is what the 9/11 coverup commission is.
Yeah, he sure took me to school by flip-flopping his story. :rolleyes:

a controlled demolition is a controlled demolition. can you explain why thermite was in the wtc dust?
Well, no, you said they used explosives and planted them inward to conceal the sight and sound of the explosions.

Now you say there were no explosions.

You're clearly making this shit up as you go along.

now i say there were no explosions? now you are making up shit. before being corrected i said the sounds were muffled and the explosions inward, then after finding out about what happened after refreshing my knowledge they didn't even Bother to muffle or conceal the explosions, they were seen, heard, and felt by seismology devices, i just figured they would try to conceal what they were doing but they didn't

so how did thermite get in the rubble? thermite will melt steel beams, jet fuel will not
OMG can any of the psycho troofers on this thread write a sentence using punctuation?

It's disgusting enough having to tolerate totally engrossed angry frustrations of super ego homicidal sociopsychopathic suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities whose master plan of having it's national religion KKK churchstate herd all the Jews in NYC into the World Trade Centers for 9/11 in order to have their master race exterminate more expediently than herding Jews into railroad cars for train rides to Holocaust concentration camps; but then again it's not one nation under God with equal justice under law as sentences of being banned from websites can attest to failures of every form of tyranny over the mind of man for so many years.
OMG can any of the psycho troofers on this thread write a sentence using punctuation?

It's disgusting enough having to tolerate totally engrossed angry frustrations of super ego homicidal sociopsychopathic suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities whose master plan of having it's national religion KKK churchstate herd all the Jews in NYC into the World Trade Centers for 9/11 in order to have their master race exterminate more expediently than herding Jews into railroad cars for train rides to Holocaust concentration camps; but then again it's not one nation under God with equal justice under law as sentences of being banned from websites can attest to failures of every form of tyranny over the mind of man for so many years.

so no comment about 9/11?
Here's a book of facts about your precious Jews involvement in 9/11

9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor Thorn


  • 9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor
    1.2 MB · Views: 16
OMG can any of the psycho troofers on this thread write a sentence using punctuation?

It's disgusting enough having to tolerate totally engrossed angry frustrations of super ego homicidal sociopsychopathic suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities whose master plan of having it's national religion KKK churchstate herd all the Jews in NYC into the World Trade Centers for 9/11 in order to have their master race exterminate more expediently than herding Jews into railroad cars for train rides to Holocaust concentration camps; but then again it's not one nation under God with equal justice under law as sentences of being banned from websites can attest to failures of every form of tyranny over the mind of man for so many years.

so no comment about 9/11?

Must be a crying shame after all these years being still perplexed trying to wrap your mind around why all the Jews in NYC weren't herded into the World Trade Center for 9/11 & why those Arab terrorists in Florida that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 for the master plan didn't come to be ?
that's right, it was the debris that collapsed wtc7

anyway, don't debate me, debate the facts put forward in the multitude of documents, documentaries, books and articles. they are experts who have lifetimes in their fields of expertise. hard to debate the facts isn't it?

how about the next thing you explain is about why there was thermite in the dust of the aftermath of the wtc collapse. go on, argue with the experts. there's more where that came from

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

have fun with explaining that one

you really took him to school major big time now.:up: doesnt he ever get tired of the shit on his face?:D

shills like him not only cannot explain bld 7 but they also cant cant explain the molten pools of steel that firefighters found which is impossible if it was due to just fires since jet fuel cannot melt steel. not can they explain either how if the towers collapsed just due to the fires,how come an unprecedented thing occured where the rescue workers could not find a doorknob,a telephone,a desk or ANY office thing which you ALWAYS find in a collapse of a building,and how come cars on streets where MELTED which is impossible due to jet fuel or how many levels deep underground,there were major holes in the ground which was unprecented due to just a mere collapse of a building.

jet fuel could not have done that,maybe in a fairy tale story which of course is what the 9/11 coverup commission is.
Yeah, he sure took me to school by flip-flopping his story. :rolleyes:

a controlled demolition is a controlled demolition. can you explain why thermite was in the wtc dust?
Well, no, you said they used explosives and planted them inward to conceal the sight and sound of the explosions.

Now you say there were no explosions.

You're clearly making this shit up as you go along.

now i say there were no explosions? now you are making up shit. before being corrected i said the sounds were muffled and the explosions inward, then after finding out about what happened after refreshing my knowledge they didn't even Bother to muffle or conceal the explosions, they were seen, heard, and felt by seismology devices, i just figured they would try to conceal what they were doing but they didn't

so how did thermite get in the rubble? thermite will melt steel beams, jet fuel will not
"now i say there were no explosions?"

You moron, thermite does not explode. If your claim now is that thermite brought those buildings down, then yes, you are now saying there were no explosions.

See? When you don't know what you're talking about and you just make shit up as you go along, you end up saying stupid shit like you're doing now.
Here's a book of facts about your precious Jews involvement in 9/11

9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor Thorn
Oh, no! A Jew hater blames Jews for 9.11. Didn't see that coming. :lol:
Here's a book of facts about your precious Jews involvement in 9/11

9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor Thorn
Oh, no! A Jew hater blames Jews for 9.11. Didn't see that coming. :lol:

if you have issue with Anything in that book (9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor Thorn) something you don't think is factual then please bring it to our attention, anyone else, definitely read it. Facts are facts. they are not my facts, they are The facts. if there's ever a discrepancy between what i say and what the experts say, believe the experts, who by the way are all on our side, it's the frauds that say otherwise
Here's a book of facts about your precious Jews involvement in 9/11

9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor Thorn
Oh, no! A Jew hater blames Jews for 9.11. Didn't see that coming. :lol:

if you have issue with Anything in that book (9-11 Evil - Israel's Central Role in the September 11 , 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Victor Thorn) something you don't think is factual then please bring it to our attention, anyone else, definitely read it. Facts are facts. they are not my facts, they are The facts. if there's ever a discrepancy between what i say and what the experts say, believe the experts, who by the way are all on our side, it's the frauds that say otherwise
Something is not a fact merely because you say it is. Need I remind you, you claimed it was a fact that explosives brought building 7 down before changing your mind and saying it was thermite and not explosives?

That author has zero credibility so I have zero interest in wasting my time searching for facts in yet another one of his pieces of garbage.

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