The most classlest President in history:10 mega political families attend her funeral. No show Obama

He is going to have one hell of a legend by historians. Clintons and Kennedys attended. Rosalynn Carter attended. I actually felt sorry for Michelle. Governor Jerry Brown looked like he was trying to hold her together.

Smarmy little bastard is shown now for all the world to see.

You should read the link and see all who attended out of respect for the office of the First Lady.

He had better things to do. Attend a tech convention. That's Obama.

I really really hate him. He is the definition of scumbucket.

Mourners arrive for Nancy Reagan's funeral services in California

She did not post that! I'm sure Tiny "Daniel Boone" Dancer did not post that!!!
yo adrian! no mas!

Yo, as long as a Conservative lives? You will hear me! Love It!!!

Look Obama has fucked up on the world stage. There is no grey here.

10 Presidential families attend including Kennedys but he fucks off to some convention.

Just shows him to be what we always knew. A punk from Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecago picked by old Uncle swim faster Teddy.
Subjective partisan tripe, devoid of merit.

The right's ridiculous mantra that Obama is 'always wrong' is as moronic as it is untrue.
yo adrian! no mas!

Yo, as long as a Conservative lives? You will hear me! Love It!!!

View attachment 66920

Speaking of choice...
I'm just guessing of course, because I won't presume to know what God's thinking, but I'm guessing all those mega-political family members who chose-----CHOSE (not protocol) to go to Nancy Reagan's funeral are going to hell for celebrating the life of what most Republicans call a baby killer, Mrs. Reagan also held liberal positions on
marriage equality, embryonic stem cell research, etc... makes me wonder how Mrs. Reagan might have felt about gun control?

“Our welfare program making abortions available to under aged girls regardless of their families financial situation and without informing family” amounted to “government at the highest level interfering in family relationships.”

Tragically by 1994, the former first lady Nancy Reagan went on record as supporting abortion along with former first lady Barbara Bush:



“I don’t believe in abortion,” Nancy Reagan said.

On the other hand I believe in a woman’s choice. That puts me somewhere in the middle, but I don’t know what to call that,” she added.


By 2002, Nancy Reagan was pushing embryonic stem cell research something pro-lifers opposed:



Nancy saw the move as a way to find a cure for Alzheimer’s something President Ronald Reagan suffered from prior to his death.

And-----and, of course, everyone knows pre Roe v. Wade, Mrs. Reagan's Husband, CA Governor Ronald Reagan; "In 1967, as one of the nation’s first abortion laws it legalized abortion when the pregnancy threatened the physical or mental health of the mother and also allowed abortion in cases of rape. The law restricted abortion after 20 weeks."
yo adrian! no mas!

Yo, as long as a Conservative lives? You will hear me! Love It!!!

View attachment 66920

Speaking of choice...
I'm just guessing of course, because I won't presume to know what God's thinking, but I'm guessing all those mega-political family members who chose-----CHOSE (not protocol) to go to Nancy Reagan's funeral are going to hell for celebrating the life of what most Republicans call a baby killer, Mrs. Reagan also held liberal positions on
marriage equality, embryonic stem cell research, etc... makes me wonder how Mrs. Reagan might have felt about gun control?

“Our welfare program making abortions available to under aged girls regardless of their families financial situation and without informing family” amounted to “government at the highest level interfering in family relationships.”

Tragically by 1994, the former first lady Nancy Reagan went on record as supporting abortion along with former first lady Barbara Bush:



“I don’t believe in abortion,” Nancy Reagan said.

On the other hand I believe in a woman’s choice. That puts me somewhere in the middle, but I don’t know what to call that,” she added.


By 2002, Nancy Reagan was pushing embryonic stem cell research something pro-lifers opposed:



Nancy saw the move as a way to find a cure for Alzheimer’s something President Ronald Reagan suffered from prior to his death.

And-----and, of course, everyone knows pre Roe v. Wade, Mrs. Reagan's Husband, CA Governor Ronald Reagan; "In 1967, as one of the nation’s first abortion laws it legalized abortion when the pregnancy threatened the physical or mental health of the mother and also allowed abortion in cases of rape. The law restricted abortion after 20 weeks."

Yo, ask Ronnie? Oh, you can`t!

It was a deliberate dis and everyone knows it. Obama has to appeal to the basest elements of his base base.
It was a deliberate dis and everyone knows it. Obama has to appeal to the basest elements of his base base.

Why, is he going to run for office?

Are you drunk tonight?
He said the Republicans can ride in the back of the bus.

He said small business owners didn't really build their business.

He said that Americans are bitter clingers to God and guns.
Obama never does anything by accident.

He knows that by missing Nancy Reagan's funeral, he is insulting the memory of Ronald Reagan, which will please his thug followers.

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