The most devastating political ad I've ever seen.

Because it's in his own voice. The "real" Trump.

Problem is, since the Dims have turned the population into a bunch of amoral secular human vermin, they won't understand what is so bad about the commercial.

Because it's in his own voice. The "real" Trump.

no mention of benghazi or email. or using the khans.
also if your using children, you'd have to try to explain to them the lewinsky affair too.

people don't like seeing kids used as political pawns.

we will point that out, if you can't. :)
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Because it's in his own voice. The "real" Trump.

Kinda like this is HIllary in her own voice, right?

The problem with "at the time" is that at no time were any of the emails marked classified. Even the GOP head of the FBI admits that. In fact, 110 emails when through 52 chains, clearly stated in your video. That means hundreds of people saw these emails, none of which originated with Hillary Clinton and not a single person flagged any of them. Experts and not one flagged any of those emails. And that is why the GOP head of the FBI said no prosecutor would take this case.

It's like a kid running out into the street gets hit by someone not speeding and not drunk. And right wingers endless saying "But they were driving the car so they must be guilty" and the States Attorney refusing to indict them because they knew no crime had been committed.

It's the same with Hillary. So Republicans insist she must be guilty. They want it so bad that it must be true.

But it isn't. 30 years of smears and they lost every time. Every single time.

Because it's in his own voice. The "real" Trump.

Kinda like this is HIllary in her own voice, right?

The problem with "at the time" is that at no time were any of the emails marked classified. Even the GOP head of the FBI admits that. In fact, 110 emails when through 52 chains, clearly stated in your video. That means hundreds of people saw these emails, none of which originated with Hillary Clinton and not a single person flagged any of them. Experts and not one flagged any of those emails. And that is why the GOP head of the FBI said no prosecutor would take this case.

It's like a kid running out into the street gets hit by someone not speeding and not drunk. And right wingers endless saying "But they were driving the car so they must be guilty" and the States Attorney refusing to indict them because they knew no crime had been committed.

It's the same with Hillary. So Republicans insist she must be guilty. They want it so bad that it must be true.

But it isn't. 30 years of smears and they lost every time. Every single time.

Aren't you tired of getting slapped silly on that BS YET?

Because it's in his own voice. The "real" Trump.

Kinda like this is HIllary in her own voice, right?

The problem with "at the time" is that at no time were any of the emails marked classified. Even the GOP head of the FBI admits that. In fact, 110 emails when through 52 chains, clearly stated in your video. That means hundreds of people saw these emails, none of which originated with Hillary Clinton and not a single person flagged any of them. Experts and not one flagged any of those emails. And that is why the GOP head of the FBI said no prosecutor would take this case.

It's like a kid running out into the street gets hit by someone not speeding and not drunk. And right wingers endless saying "But they were driving the car so they must be guilty" and the States Attorney refusing to indict them because they knew no crime had been committed.

It's the same with Hillary. So Republicans insist she must be guilty. They want it so bad that it must be true.

But it isn't. 30 years of smears and they lost every time. Every single time.

Your Hill-Beast water-carryin' has gotten old. Almost 6 out of 10 Americans think she should've been indicted. Loser.
I am so damn tired of seeing this commercial. Being in a swing state stinks during the election cycle.
I am so damn tired of seeing this commercial. Being in a swing state stinks during the election cycle.
Lol what swing state are you in? We will be living in North Carolina hopefully come election time right now we are in Tennessee and I am already tired if it hell anytime I hear her voice I hit mute
I am so damn tired of seeing this commercial. Being in a swing state stinks during the election cycle.
Lol what swing state are you in? We will be living in North Carolina hopefully come election time right now we are in Tennessee and I am already tired if it hell anytime I hear her voice I hit mute

He's in Pennsylvania like in Pittsburgh.
I am so damn tired of seeing this commercial. Being in a swing state stinks during the election cycle.
Lol what swing state are you in? We will be living in North Carolina hopefully come election time right now we are in Tennessee and I am already tired if it hell anytime I hear her voice I hit mute

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Trump and Hillary have been to Pittsburgh quite a few times already. I expect the number of visits to increase quite a bit. Since the media market here also includes Eastern Ohio we get inundated with ads every election cycle.
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I am so damn tired of seeing this commercial. Being in a swing state stinks during the election cycle.
Lol what swing state are you in? We will be living in North Carolina hopefully come election time right now we are in Tennessee and I am already tired if it hell anytime I hear her voice I hit mute

He's in Pennsylvania like in Pittsburgh.


Because it's in his own voice. The "real" Trump.

Kinda like this is HIllary in her own voice, right?

The problem with "at the time" is that at no time were any of the emails marked classified. Even the GOP head of the FBI admits that. In fact, 110 emails when through 52 chains, clearly stated in your video. That means hundreds of people saw these emails, none of which originated with Hillary Clinton and not a single person flagged any of them. Experts and not one flagged any of those emails. And that is why the GOP head of the FBI said no prosecutor would take this case.

It's like a kid running out into the street gets hit by someone not speeding and not drunk. And right wingers endless saying "But they were driving the car so they must be guilty" and the States Attorney refusing to indict them because they knew no crime had been committed.

It's the same with Hillary. So Republicans insist she must be guilty. They want it so bad that it must be true.

But it isn't. 30 years of smears and they lost every time. Every single time.

Your Hill-Beast water-carryin' has gotten old. Almost 6 out of 10 Americans think she should've been indicted. Loser.

Just shows you how good the GOP is at smears. Look how many Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim or he was born in Kenya.
GOP are swine. They love to bring down everyone into the dirt where they live and prosper.
'Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.'
Derpo doesn't know what a devastating political ad is.... this comes close!

It's one thing to run a political ad. Another to use the government to go after political foes. Like Bush did with the IRS. Republicans accuse Obama of doing the same, but the facts tell a different story. Especially since the head of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee.

Hillary never attacked a Gold Star Family and then said she made many sacrifices. What sacrifices has Trump made? Didn't stay in a five star hotel? Out of caviar? Had to (gasp) wipe his own ass?


Because it's in his own voice. The "real" Trump.

Kinda like this is HIllary in her own voice, right?

The problem with "at the time" is that at no time were any of the emails marked classified. Even the GOP head of the FBI admits that. In fact, 110 emails when through 52 chains, clearly stated in your video. That means hundreds of people saw these emails, none of which originated with Hillary Clinton and not a single person flagged any of them. Experts and not one flagged any of those emails. And that is why the GOP head of the FBI said no prosecutor would take this case.

It's like a kid running out into the street gets hit by someone not speeding and not drunk. And right wingers endless saying "But they were driving the car so they must be guilty" and the States Attorney refusing to indict them because they knew no crime had been committed.

It's the same with Hillary. So Republicans insist she must be guilty. They want it so bad that it must be true.

But it isn't. 30 years of smears and they lost every time. Every single time.

Your Hill-Beast water-carryin' has gotten old. Almost 6 out of 10 Americans think she should've been indicted. Loser.

Just shows you how good the GOP is at smears. Look how many Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim or he was born in Kenya.
GOP are swine. They love to bring down everyone into the dirt where they live and prosper.
'Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.'

Telling the TRUTH about Hillary brings her down that pedestal you have her on.
Derpo doesn't know what a devastating political ad is.... this comes close!

It's one thing to run a political ad. Another to use the government to go after political foes. Like Bush did with the IRS. Republicans accuse Obama of doing the same, but the facts tell a different story. Especially since the head of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee.

Hillary never attacked a Gold Star Family and then said she made many sacrifices. What sacrifices has Trump made? Didn't stay in a five star hotel? Out of caviar? Had to (gasp) wipe his own ass?

Like Bush did with the IRS.

You've got Bush confused with Bill.

And Lerner worked for Barack
Derpo doesn't know what a devastating political ad is.... this comes close!

It's one thing to run a political ad. Another to use the government to go after political foes. Like Bush did with the IRS. Republicans accuse Obama of doing the same, but the facts tell a different story. Especially since the head of the IRS at the time was a Bush appointee.

Hillary never attacked a Gold Star Family and then said she made many sacrifices. What sacrifices has Trump made? Didn't stay in a five star hotel? Out of caviar? Had to (gasp) wipe his own ass?

Does the name LOIS LERNER and the IRS case where she refused to answer questions pleading the 5th a few DOZEN TIMES riing a bell in your hollow head?


And the fucking Hildebeast did WHAT?????

  1. Hillary Once Again Attacks Mother of Benghazi...</...
    Clinton once again has accused the mother of a Benghazi ... Hillary Once Again Attacks Mother of...

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