The most ignored topic in politics


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The true cost of interventionist policy which BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party subscribe to-

Veteran Suicide: Another Cost of Foreign Interventionism

A few days ago., the Cincinnati Enquirer carried an article that detailed one of the tragic costs — veteran suicides — of the U.S. government’s interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. The story revolved around three veterans who recently took their own lives after suffering for years with war-related loss of limbs and brain injuries.

While leading a Marine unit in Afghanistan ten years ago, Rory Hamill stepped on a land mine, which severed his right leg and sent him down a long road of surgeries and recovery. When he committed suicide last April, he was 31 years old.

Andy McCaffrey was a Green Beret who lost his arm in 2003 when a grenade exploded in his hand while he was serving in Afghanistan. He killed himself this past summer. He was 48 at the time of his death.

An explosion in Iraq in 2006 left Brent Hendrix without his right leg above the knee and an injured left leg. He also suffered abdominal injuries and severe brain trauma. While he was in treatment, his mother took her life, and his father died soon after that. He committed suicide last April. He was 35 years old.

Those are only three of the many costs of U.S. interventionism in Afghanistan and Iraq. For the families of all three men, those costs have been enormous.

as an added bonus-

We were inundated by angry and hateful emails from both conservatives and liberals
, telling us that we were cowards, traitors, and lovers of terrorism.

Sadly, he doesn't mention the evisceration of the 4th amendment which affects EVERYONE- BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party keep approving the Homeland Security Act and it's many spawns- and it is an "act"- not as a security measure, but an "act" of tyranny acted out by Empty Suits employed by Uncle Sham and it's UNlimited credit card-

But, by god! liberal/conservative keeps being acted out and proving Einstein correct in his famous assessment of crazy.
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Thanks everyone for validating my point- you ALL did gaeat!
The congressional Republicans are never shy about shooting down every bill introduced by the Democrats to increase funding to the VA.

It has long been a conservative tradition to praise our war heroes, but pay to heal their wounds, well that just costs too much.

But, conservative celebrities will, for a price, lend their voices to TV ads, helping "Wounded Warriors", etc. beg for public donations to get the medical care for disabled veterans the GOP refuses to provide.

Yes, conservative want billions spent in military preparedness, but, after military personnel are severely or permanently injured. well, conservatives' willingness to spend tax dollars disappears.

A national disgrace.

In WW I and II, the soldiers came home (largely via ship). They had weeks to decompress, talk to their fellow soldiers, read newspapers, listen to music. As I understand it the journeys were slowed because of quantity of soldiers as well.

There may be some benefit to slowing the return of combat vets.
President Trump started no new wars, ended ISIS and will pull US troops from Afghanistan so that the CIA must now guard their poppy fields
The congressional Republicans are never shy about shooting down every bill introduced by the Democrats to increase funding to the VA.

It has long been a conservative tradition to praise our war heroes, but pay to heal their wounds, well that just costs too much.

But, conservative celebrities will, for a price, lend their voices to TV ads, helping "Wounded Warriors", etc. beg for public donations to get the medical care for disabled veterans the GOP refuses to provide.

Yes, conservative want billions spent in military preparedness, but, after military personnel are severely or permanently injured. well, conservatives' willingness to spend tax dollars disappears.

Just fucking stop it! BOTH sides fund it- BOTH sides re sign ALL of the "acts" EVERY FUCKING BUDGET

Democrats are NOT saints, neither voters or elected Empty Suits.

Every swinging dick and split tail in this country is a tool or an enemy to/for the Empty Suit brigade.
Everyone of us are expendable so long as they, the sainted, are allowed to play their petty games.

And here we are- pointing fingers at 'the other side' as though 'our side' have no hands in the cookie jar- pretending we know what we're talking about, yet failing, in EVERY fucking post, to lend evidence to the self absorbed assumption-

The Duopoly Party thanks you!
Sadly, he doesn't mention the evisceration of the 4th amendment which affects EVERYONE- BOTH sides of the Duopoly Party keep approving the Homeland Security Act and it's many spawns- and it is an "act"- not as a security measure, but an "act" of tyranny acted out by Empty Suits employed by Uncle Sham and it's UNlimited credit card-

But, by god! liberal/conservative keeps being acted out and proving Einstein correct in his famous assessment of crazy.

MY OPINION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Show where I'm incorrect. I dare you.

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