The most qualified candidate in history who spent the most money in history LOST...WHY?

Apparently, you missed the many months when Republicans were asking, "What, exactly, has she ever accomplished (that was good)?" and heard the sound of crickets in response. Eventually, of course, mindless Leftists came up with reams of examples where she was on committees that "did things," and she happened to be in the room when something was done, and of course they were able to make it look to other Leftists like she had actually accomplished something, but not many people were fooled.

Most qualified? Please. If we must have a woman - and not many object to having a woman - let's at least find one that doesn't owe 90% of her success to HER FUCKING HUSBAND.
she lost because MANY people did not like her....including many who voted for her, because they hated trump more...
Snowflakes called her the most qualified candidate in history.

She spent $1.2 billion.

She lost.

If she is such a champion for the underclass, how did she get $1.2 billion to spend....and lose?
Seriously think about that.

She spent $1.2 billion and lost.

I am just as much POTUS as she is, and I spent $1.2 billion less.
Except for the sewers there aren't enough rats in the rest of the country to win.
Why did you take $650k from Goldman Sachs for a speech, Hillary?

A: because THAT is what THEY OFFERED.



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