The Muslim refugee rape epidemic coming to America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
"Women are viewed as second-class citizens legally, and socially, and culturally."



heep never get it, sheep refuse to believe it they are sold bs lies that glamorize what Muslim women go through. It's a lie you will not be treated well and that is the goal. Linda Sorso whatever that bitches name is spews lies to lead the sheep into their den. When the time is right you all will be taken as useless salves who only good for spitting out babies.

But hey don't believe us just keep hating America and putting their rights before ours and watch how fast your stupid asses wake up.

Just like all these other Countries who put them before their own people NEWS FLASH it's not going so hot in ohter Countries........
The radical left know full well Muslims will rape Western women, that’s why they welcome them. The sheep are the majority that sit by and let it happen thinking it won’t affect them.
And yet a lot of you deride the Metoo movement. I can't figure it out. You only oppose rape by foreigners?
And yet a lot of you deride the Metoo movement. I can't figure it out. You only oppose rape by foreigners?

The problem with the metoo thing is a woman can simply make an accusation of something that supposedly happened 20 years ago and somebody can be ruined over it. Very difficult to prove a 20 year old accusation and very difficult to disprove. She said, he said

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