The Myth of Sanders’ Socialism


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
Crazy Bernie does not even know what any form of socialism is. He is simply a neo-Bolshevik who would be barely a private in the original Bolshevik squad. He hates working for a living, he hates the West, he pretends to hate his brethren on Wall Street, etc. and prefers to imply White people are the problem. And he gets brainwashed public school victims to send him money 15% of which goes to his wife since she is in charge of "media" for the delusional, drooling, low IQ idiot.
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True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
"Boogeyman" really is a good way to describe it. The problem is that most on the Right have been conditioned (by the usual suspects) to see virtually everything in a binary state. So, in their minds, there is only "capitalism" or "socialism", good or evil, black or white, one or the other. This has been drummed into them for the last 30+ years, so for many of them, it's all they've ever known.

At some level, they HAVE to know that this all exists along a continuum, that the task is not to magically "beat" the "other side", but to find the right place of equilibrium.

But the problem here is that the binary thought processes with which these people have been afflicted simply don't allow for anything deeper than binary viewpoints. As a result, it's virtually impossible for them to even RECOGNIZE that a point of equilibrium might even EXIST.
And here's another stupid ass thread that could had been added to the hundreds of other bernie socialist threads. Jeez.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
"Boogeyman" really is a good way to describe it. The problem is that most on the Right have been conditioned (by the usual suspects) to see virtually everything in a binary state. So, in their minds, there is only "capitalism" or "socialism", good or evil, black or white, one or the other. This has been drummed into them for the last 30+ years, so for many of them, it's all they've ever known.

At some level, they HAVE to know that this all exists along a continuum, that the task is not to magically "beat" the "other side", but to find the right place of equilibrium.

But the problem here is that the binary thought processes with which these people have been afflicted simply don't allow for anything deeper than binary viewpoints. As a result, it's virtually impossible for them to even RECOGNIZE that a point of equilibrium might even EXIST.
Unfortunately, it’s not just the right. The left is just as guilty and many on the left believe just as those on the right, that Bernie is a crazy commie. Proof the billionaire media still has the power to brainwash.
Crazy Bernie does not even know what any form of socialism is. He is simply a neo-Bolshevik who would be barely a private in the original Bolshevik squad. He hates working for a living, he hates the West, he pretends to hate his brethren on Wall Street, etc. and prefers to imply White people are the problem. And he gets brainwashed public school victims to send him money 15% of which goes to his wife since she is in charge of "media" for the delusional, drooling, low IQ idiot.
Proof again.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
"Boogeyman" really is a good way to describe it. The problem is that most on the Right have been conditioned (by the usual suspects) to see virtually everything in a binary state. So, in their minds, there is only "capitalism" or "socialism", good or evil, black or white, one or the other. This has been drummed into them for the last 30+ years, so for many of them, it's all they've ever known.

At some level, they HAVE to know that this all exists along a continuum, that the task is not to magically "beat" the "other side", but to find the right place of equilibrium.

But the problem here is that the binary thought processes with which these people have been afflicted simply don't allow for anything deeper than binary viewpoints. As a result, it's virtually impossible for them to even RECOGNIZE that a point of equilibrium might even EXIST.
Unfortunately, it’s not just the right. The left is just as guilty and many on the left believe just as those on the right, that Bernie is a crazy commie. Proof the billionaire media still has the power to brainwash.
There's definitely a lot of it on the Left, this simplistic and shallow behavior. I look at the Right screaming SOCIALISM at everything that moves in essentially the same way as the Left screaming RACISM at everything that moves.

As I always say, these two ends can be so similar. And worse, destructive.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
"Boogeyman" really is a good way to describe it. The problem is that most on the Right have been conditioned (by the usual suspects) to see virtually everything in a binary state. So, in their minds, there is only "capitalism" or "socialism", good or evil, black or white, one or the other. This has been drummed into them for the last 30+ years, so for many of them, it's all they've ever known.

At some level, they HAVE to know that this all exists along a continuum, that the task is not to magically "beat" the "other side", but to find the right place of equilibrium.

But the problem here is that the binary thought processes with which these people have been afflicted simply don't allow for anything deeper than binary viewpoints. As a result, it's virtually impossible for them to even RECOGNIZE that a point of equilibrium might even EXIST.
Unfortunately, it’s not just the right. The left is just as guilty and many on the left believe just as those on the right, that Bernie is a crazy commie. Proof the billionaire media still has the power to brainwash.
There's definitely a lot of it on the Left, this simplistic and shallow behavior. I look at the Right screaming SOCIALISM at everything that moves in essentially the same way as the Left screaming RACISM at everything that moves.

As I always say, these two ends can be so similar. And worse, destructive.
What is missing in this debate is honesty, as always.

I would guess when FDR pushed for social security, many called him a socialist. I don’t believe most Americans consider Canada and Western Europe socialist nations, yet Bernie is advocating for policies much like those nations.

The extreme wealthy seem to really like socialism and our government does all it can to give it to them. Bernie is demanding the government help the poor and working class, like they do for the 1%. For this, he’s labeled a god damned commie. LOL.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

They have "Democratic Socialism" in Venezuela.

They are eating their dogs right now.

It wasn't the "Billionaires" who rejected Bernie, it was regular folks who realized that for all it's flaws, Capitalism is better than the alternative.

I also think that Bernie was always more hype than reality. Even in the states he's "won", he's performed less well than he did in 2016.

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.

I am starting to suspect a lot of his support in 2016 was less "We want us some socialism" and more "We really don't like Hillary!"
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
A Soros website cannot erase decades of Bernie quotes.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I don't mind people calling me a communist'
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

They have "Democratic Socialism" in Venezuela.

They are eating their dogs right now.

It wasn't the "Billionaires" who rejected Bernie, it was regular folks who realized that for all it's flaws, Capitalism is better than the alternative.

I also think that Bernie was always more hype than reality. Even in the states he's "won", he's performed less well than he did in 2016.

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.

I am starting to suspect a lot of his support in 2016 was less "We want us some socialism" and more "We really don't like Hillary!"

True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
A Soros website cannot erase decades of Bernie quotes.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I don't mind people calling me a communist'

Like trained monkeys, many on the right and left do as the billionaires instruct. Unknowingly.
What is missing in this debate is honesty, as always.

I would guess when FDR pushed for social security, many called him a socialist. I don’t believe most Americans consider Canada and Western Europe socialist nations, yet Bernie is advocating for policies much like those nations.

The extreme wealthy seem to really like socialism and our government does all it can to give it to them. Bernie is demanding the government help the poor and working class, like they do for the 1%. For this, he’s labeled a god damned commie. LOL.

Well, he doesn't help himself by praising Fidel Castro to the people who barely got away from him in leaky boats.
Got to love people who actually think Bernie and his misguided math are even close to viable. Failure to realize that someone is placing hopes on wining lawsuits as a major part of a financial platform is to say the least crazy.
But then again considering there are very few that actually understand economics and have the common sense to go with that understanding I can see why he gets the intrest that he does.
There is no myth to Sander Socialism. The man himself defines it and admits to supporting it every chance he gets.
Like trained monkeys, many on the right and left do as the billionaires instruct. Unknowingly.

Again, I've said if Bernie is the nominee, I'll vote for him.

But my choice has two criteria.

Who can beat Trump.
Who can run the country after the election.

If Coronovirus continues the way it is, Trump is done, so the first question might not be that big of a deal.

But then we get to the second one.

The Billionaires first reaction to Sanders would be to pull whatever money they have left out of the stock market.

30 years in Congress, Sanders hasn't really accomplished anything, why do you think he'd accomplish more as President?
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
Sanders IS a socialist, bordering on communist. He will NEVER be president because of this.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

They have "Democratic Socialism" in Venezuela.

They are eating their dogs right now.

It wasn't the "Billionaires" who rejected Bernie, it was regular folks who realized that for all it's flaws, Capitalism is better than the alternative.

I also think that Bernie was always more hype than reality. Even in the states he's "won", he's performed less well than he did in 2016.

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.

I am starting to suspect a lot of his support in 2016 was less "We want us some socialism" and more "We really don't like Hillary!"

True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
A Soros website cannot erase decades of Bernie quotes.

Bernie Sanders in 1972: 'I don't mind people calling me a communist'

Like trained monkeys, many on the right and left do as the billionaires instruct. Unknowingly.
Calling people monkeys for quoting Comrade Sanders. Typical Bernie Bro.

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