The Myth of Sanders’ Socialism

Socialism is always good.
It is only the profit motive of capitalism where greed causes abuses, like slavery, feudalism, etc.

you mean except for the 200 million HItler Stalin and Mao killed??

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.
National Socialist means anti-socialist.
Stalin and Mao killed off all the socialists and created totalitarian states that were not at all socialist.

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.

So he cut taxes, reduced regulations and let them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted to charge?

Or are you lying, again?

Worse than just cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and letting them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted, he also offered them huge and lucrative military contracts.
If you understood what happened before WWII at all, you would know that the corporations were in charge, and they selected Hitler.
Hitler had just gotten out of prison, and had no money for those expensive sports arena events that millions were spent on.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.

“Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.”

The reality is that anyone at all concerned over human rights would have supported a revolution against Batista, and that Castro did not create an evil government that harmed or intimidated people. I do not like the authoritarian nature of Castro's Cuba, but it was not evil by any means.
A vast improvement over Batista's regime.

and that Castro did not create an evil government that harmed or intimidated people.

Bernie? Is that you?
Are your supporters going to vote for Biden in November?
Or are they going to sit in their parent's basement and whine?
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.

“Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.”

The reality is that anyone at all concerned over human rights would have supported a revolution against Batista, and that Castro did not create an evil government that harmed or intimidated people. I do not like the authoritarian nature of Castro's Cuba, but it was not evil by any means.
A vast improvement over Batista's regime.
I beg to differ. Castro's government regularly imprisoned political opponents and arrested dissidents. That is the very definition of "intimidation."
Sure the Castro regime is repressive, but not as repressive as Batista was.
You simply are contradicting well known facts.

It does not matter; Castro was totalitarian Nazi while Batista was not. Reform was very possible under Batista whereas Castro's concentration camp is permanent
Last edited:
Socialism is always good.
It is only the profit motive of capitalism where greed causes abuses, like slavery, feudalism, etc.

you mean except for the 200 million HItler Stalin and Mao killed??

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.
National Socialist means anti-socialist.
Stalin and Mao killed off all the socialists and created totalitarian states that were not at all socialist.

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.

So he cut taxes, reduced regulations and let them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted to charge?

Or are you lying, again?

Worse than just cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and letting them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted, he also offered them huge and lucrative military contracts.
If you understood what happened before WWII at all, you would know that the corporations were in charge, and they selected Hitler.
Hitler had just gotten out of prison, and had no money for those expensive sports arena events that millions were spent on.

Worse than just cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and letting them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted, he also offered them huge and lucrative military contracts.

Sounds awful!!!

Any links to him keeping his hands off the German economy?

Or are you lying, again?
The refugees from Cuba are for economic reasons, which means they can't afford a boat, even to rent.

Likewise, at the Gaviota tourism agency, they repeated the same information to us: To be able to take a boat trip, we had to show authorization from the Naval Command Center.

Finally we called the National Department of the Naval Command Center, where they confirmed that Cubans aren’t allowed to sail, with the only exception being those people who are married to citizens from other countries – though they still have to apply for aCuba Prohibits Its Citizens from Boarding Boats - Havana Times

Totally wrong and just propaganda.
Cuba has a huge fishing fleet.
Cubans sail all the time.
The refugees from Cuba are for economic reasons, which means they can't afford a boat, even to rent.

Likewise, at the Gaviota tourism agency, they repeated the same information to us: To be able to take a boat trip, we had to show authorization from the Naval Command Center.

Finally we called the National Department of the Naval Command Center, where they confirmed that Cubans aren’t allowed to sail, with the only exception being those people who are married to citizens from other countries – though they still have to apply for aCuba Prohibits Its Citizens from Boarding Boats - Havana Times

Totally wrong and just propaganda.
Cuba has a huge fishing fleet.
Cubans sail all the time.

Paco sold everything he owned at home in the coastal town of Bahia Honda, west of Havana, to get out of Cuba. He also asked for help from relatives in South Florida. In an island where the minimum salary is $10 per month, it’s tough to pull together the $12,000 that people smugglers in Miami charge for the clandestine trip.

“In this town, everyone wants to leave” for the United States, he said. “Everyone wants to go.”
“In this town, everyone wants to leave” for the United States, he said. “Everyone wants to go.”

“In these kinds of towns, everyone knows everyone, and who are the ones who want to leave the country. The departure is organized in Miami in total secrecy, and only on the last day are the travelers told where on the coast to meet,” said Paco, who would not give his real name because leaving Cuba without official permission is a crime.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.
The educational systems in Cuba, China, the old Soviet Union, Vietnam and North Korea are all Marxist-Leninist propaganda machines that condemn individuality and the freedom of thought. As for health care, the W.H.O. praises any Socialist health care program, since the programs include all the citizens. There are inherent problems with Socialized health care that can't be overcome.
1. With a huge influx of a migrant population and/or the elderly population grows faster than the younger population, the services usually afforded the populace becomes significantly strained and can and does fail to provide for all. Cuba, as an example, is a small island nation with a small population in comparison with a huge nation with a large population. Many Cubans fled Marxist-Leninist rule and settled in the US, thus reducing demand on services for health care there.
2. While staying in a B&B in France and speaking with an ex-pat Brit living there, she said she left England because their Socialized health care system was seriously inefficient and you could not get in to see a provider in a timely manner, thus she has gone to the French health care system, that while a socialized health care system, was more proactive with its patients. Since the influx of large numbers of migrants, that health care system is now strained to provide services and the wait time to see a practitioner is now long.
3. Socialized health care means lower incomes for the health care professionals, thus the quality suffers and stifles health care innovation, which is why patients are flown to the US for high tech care.
4. The older you get, the less worth you are to bother with under Socialized medicine and you suffer for it.

There are no problems with socialize health care.
Sure changes in demographics can cause a bad ratio of workers to elderly who need health care, but that has nothing to do with socialism, and there is no solution to it from capitalism.
Socialized medicine does NOT at all mean lower wages for health care professionals.
The whole world proves that.
US private health care pays huge profits to insurance companies, not health care professionals.
They get paid less in the US compared to socialized countries like in Europe.
You clearly know nothing of socialism because the worth of a person is a capitalist concept entirely.
The socialized medicine of England, France, Germany, etc., is rated much higher than the US, has shorter waiting, and is less than half the cost.
No, Hitler was an evil capitalist, so was not a good guy.

actually capitalism is when economy is free; Hitler had total control as did Stalin and Mao. Do you have your ABC's straight now?

Hitler had no control over the German economy at all.
His bosses, the corporate owners, did.
The German companies were building weapons for the military, but they were making profits in the process.
Yea how dare people refer to Bernard Sanders as exactly what he labels himself:

It's not a fucking myth. Get lost dumbass OP.

Fuck off.

Yea fuck you. You can't defend your own fucking thread. Go suck a big dick, make butt plug happy.

Defend? Idiots like you can’t debate. You post in my thread attacking me. You offer nothing. So again, FUCK OFF.

Yea mother fucker. I showed a FUCKING VIDEO of Bernard CALLING HIMSELF A FUCKING SOCIALIST and of course you can't defend it so you attack me.

Fuck you you stupid son of a bitch.

Didn’t watch the video. Don’t care either.

Of course you didn't watch the video. Thats because you're an ignorant dumb mother fucker and you want to remain that way. When a video is posted showing you're the dumbest mother fucker on USMB, you ignore the video and call me names. Why? Because you're a stupid mother fucker that can't face the fact that Bernie is an ADMITTED FUCKING SOCIALIST. No matter how many morons like you say he isn't. He admits it on video.

See this why conservatives don't want to waste their fucking time proving liberals wrong. Because they bury their heads so far up butt plugs ass they don't want to see the evidence proving them wrong so they behave like a child being told they are wrong, just like you.
Sure the Castro regime is repressive, but not as repressive as Batista was.
You simply are contradicting well known facts.

It does not matter; Castro was totalitarian Nazi while Batista was not. Reform was very possible under Batista whereas Castro's concentration camp is permanent

Castro was NOT a totalitarian Nazi.
A Nazi is a fascist, which is a capitalist collaboration of the aristocracy, corporations, and the military elite.
The only Fascist Nazis in modern history were Hitler, Mussolini, and General Franco of Spain.
They are the exact opposites of socialism.

And yes, Batista most likely was a totalitarian Nazi.
He likely was the front for the aristocracy, corporations, and the military elite.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
The Myth of Sanders’ Socialism

What is the proper name for his preferred form of government/economics?
Communism? Marxism? Maoism? Leninism? Trotskyism? Something else?

Please explain.
Marxist is best. No?

Ok. So the media calling him a socialist actually makes him less loathsome.
It’s the old lesser of two evils thing. Bernie is the lesser evil that is Donnie.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.
The educational systems in Cuba, China, the old Soviet Union, Vietnam and North Korea are all Marxist-Leninist propaganda machines that condemn individuality and the freedom of thought. As for health care, the W.H.O. praises any Socialist health care program, since the programs include all the citizens. There are inherent problems with Socialized health care that can't be overcome.
1. With a huge influx of a migrant population and/or the elderly population grows faster than the younger population, the services usually afforded the populace becomes significantly strained and can and does fail to provide for all. Cuba, as an example, is a small island nation with a small population in comparison with a huge nation with a large population. Many Cubans fled Marxist-Leninist rule and settled in the US, thus reducing demand on services for health care there.
2. While staying in a B&B in France and speaking with an ex-pat Brit living there, she said she left England because their Socialized health care system was seriously inefficient and you could not get in to see a provider in a timely manner, thus she has gone to the French health care system, that while a socialized health care system, was more proactive with its patients. Since the influx of large numbers of migrants, that health care system is now strained to provide services and the wait time to see a practitioner is now long.
3. Socialized health care means lower incomes for the health care professionals, thus the quality suffers and stifles health care innovation, which is why patients are flown to the US for high tech care.
4. The older you get, the less worth you are to bother with under Socialized medicine and you suffer for it.

There are no problems with socialize health care.
Sure changes in demographics can cause a bad ratio of workers to elderly who need health care, but that has nothing to do with socialism, and there is no solution to it from capitalism.
Socialized medicine does NOT at all mean lower wages for health care professionals.
The whole world proves that.
US private health care pays huge profits to insurance companies, not health care professionals.
They get paid less in the US compared to socialized countries like in Europe.
You clearly know nothing of socialism because the worth of a person is a capitalist concept entirely.
The socialized medicine of England, France, Germany, etc., is rated much higher than the US, has shorter waiting, and is less than half the cost.
Socialized medicine does NOT at all mean lower wages for health care professionals.
The whole world proves that.

Cool story, bro.

How many US trained doctors leave the US to practice under socialized medical systems?

How many foreign trained doctors leave socialized systems to practice in the US?
Socialism is always good.
It is only the profit motive of capitalism where greed causes abuses, like slavery, feudalism, etc.

you mean except for the 200 million HItler Stalin and Mao killed??

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.
National Socialist means anti-socialist.
Stalin and Mao killed off all the socialists and created totalitarian states that were not at all socialist.

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.

So he cut taxes, reduced regulations and let them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted to charge?

Or are you lying, again?

Worse than just cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and letting them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted, he also offered them huge and lucrative military contracts.
If you understood what happened before WWII at all, you would know that the corporations were in charge, and they selected Hitler.
Hitler had just gotten out of prison, and had no money for those expensive sports arena events that millions were spent on.

Worse than just cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and letting them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted, he also offered them huge and lucrative military contracts.

Sounds awful!!!

Any links to him keeping his hands off the German economy?

Or are you lying, again?

Just look at any weapons plan, and you will see that many German companies jumped to make bids and prototypes.
Or you can look up the finances of any German company, like Messerschmitt, and you will see high profits during the war. It was only after the war when they were not allowed to make planes any more, that their profits dropped.
The refugees from Cuba are for economic reasons, which means they can't afford a boat, even to rent.

Likewise, at the Gaviota tourism agency, they repeated the same information to us: To be able to take a boat trip, we had to show authorization from the Naval Command Center.

Finally we called the National Department of the Naval Command Center, where they confirmed that Cubans aren’t allowed to sail, with the only exception being those people who are married to citizens from other countries – though they still have to apply for aCuba Prohibits Its Citizens from Boarding Boats - Havana Times

Totally wrong and just propaganda.
Cuba has a huge fishing fleet.
Cubans sail all the time.

Paco sold everything he owned at home in the coastal town of Bahia Honda, west of Havana, to get out of Cuba. He also asked for help from relatives in South Florida. In an island where the minimum salary is $10 per month, it’s tough to pull together the $12,000 that people smugglers in Miami charge for the clandestine trip.

“In this town, everyone wants to leave” for the United States, he said. “Everyone wants to go.”
“In this town, everyone wants to leave” for the United States, he said. “Everyone wants to go.”

“In these kinds of towns, everyone knows everyone, and who are the ones who want to leave the country. The departure is organized in Miami in total secrecy, and only on the last day are the travelers told where on the coast to meet,” said Paco, who would not give his real name because leaving Cuba without official permission is a crime.

Sure but that was because the Colonialist forced Cuba on a sugar and gambling economy, and then blockaded any sugar or tourism market.
It was the US that deliberately caused Cuban poverty, not Castro.
you mean except for the 200 million HItler Stalin and Mao killed??

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.
National Socialist means anti-socialist.
Stalin and Mao killed off all the socialists and created totalitarian states that were not at all socialist.

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.

So he cut taxes, reduced regulations and let them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted to charge?

Or are you lying, again?

Worse than just cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and letting them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted, he also offered them huge and lucrative military contracts.
If you understood what happened before WWII at all, you would know that the corporations were in charge, and they selected Hitler.
Hitler had just gotten out of prison, and had no money for those expensive sports arena events that millions were spent on.

Worse than just cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and letting them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted, he also offered them huge and lucrative military contracts.

Sounds awful!!!

Any links to him keeping his hands off the German economy?

Or are you lying, again?

Just look at any weapons plan, and you will see that many German companies jumped to make bids and prototypes.
Or you can look up the finances of any German company, like Messerschmitt, and you will see high profits during the war. It was only after the war when they were not allowed to make planes any more, that their profits dropped.

Just look at any weapons plan, and you will see that many German companies jumped to make bids and prototypes.

I'd rather look at your proof that Hitler was hands-off the German economy.

Or you can look up the finances of any German company, like Messerschmitt, and you will see high profits during the war.

Go ahead, post that shit up.
Fuck off.

Yea fuck you. You can't defend your own fucking thread. Go suck a big dick, make butt plug happy.
Defend? Idiots like you can’t debate. You post in my thread attacking me. You offer nothing. So again, FUCK OFF.

Yea mother fucker. I showed a FUCKING VIDEO of Bernard CALLING HIMSELF A FUCKING SOCIALIST and of course you can't defend it so you attack me.

Fuck you you stupid son of a bitch.
Didn’t watch the video. Don’t care either.

Of course you didn't watch the video. Thats because you're an ignorant dumb mother fucker and you want to remain that way. When a video is posted showing you're the dumbest mother fucker on USMB, you ignore the video and call me names. Why? Because you're a stupid mother fucker that can't face the fact that Bernie is an ADMITTED FUCKING SOCIALIST. No matter how many morons like you say he isn't. He admits it on video.

See this why conservatives don't want to waste their fucking time proving liberals wrong. Because they bury their heads so far up butt plugs ass they don't want to see the evidence proving them wrong so they behave like a child being told they are wrong, just like you.

Anyone who is in government and is not a socialist is either incredibly ignorant, a criminal, or lying.
All good government is ALWAYS socialist and has to be.
You never want government to be profit motivated.
The refugees from Cuba are for economic reasons, which means they can't afford a boat, even to rent.

Likewise, at the Gaviota tourism agency, they repeated the same information to us: To be able to take a boat trip, we had to show authorization from the Naval Command Center.

Finally we called the National Department of the Naval Command Center, where they confirmed that Cubans aren’t allowed to sail, with the only exception being those people who are married to citizens from other countries – though they still have to apply for aCuba Prohibits Its Citizens from Boarding Boats - Havana Times

Totally wrong and just propaganda.
Cuba has a huge fishing fleet.
Cubans sail all the time.

Paco sold everything he owned at home in the coastal town of Bahia Honda, west of Havana, to get out of Cuba. He also asked for help from relatives in South Florida. In an island where the minimum salary is $10 per month, it’s tough to pull together the $12,000 that people smugglers in Miami charge for the clandestine trip.

“In this town, everyone wants to leave” for the United States, he said. “Everyone wants to go.”
“In this town, everyone wants to leave” for the United States, he said. “Everyone wants to go.”

“In these kinds of towns, everyone knows everyone, and who are the ones who want to leave the country. The departure is organized in Miami in total secrecy, and only on the last day are the travelers told where on the coast to meet,” said Paco, who would not give his real name because leaving Cuba without official permission is a crime.

Sure but that was because the Colonialist forced Cuba on a sugar and gambling economy, and then blockaded any sugar or tourism market.
It was the US that deliberately caused Cuban poverty, not Castro.

It was the US that deliberately caused Cuban poverty, not Castro.

Couldn't sell sugar to non-US consumers?
Couldn't get non-US gamblers into their casinos?
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.
The educational systems in Cuba, China, the old Soviet Union, Vietnam and North Korea are all Marxist-Leninist propaganda machines that condemn individuality and the freedom of thought. As for health care, the W.H.O. praises any Socialist health care program, since the programs include all the citizens. There are inherent problems with Socialized health care that can't be overcome.
1. With a huge influx of a migrant population and/or the elderly population grows faster than the younger population, the services usually afforded the populace becomes significantly strained and can and does fail to provide for all. Cuba, as an example, is a small island nation with a small population in comparison with a huge nation with a large population. Many Cubans fled Marxist-Leninist rule and settled in the US, thus reducing demand on services for health care there.
2. While staying in a B&B in France and speaking with an ex-pat Brit living there, she said she left England because their Socialized health care system was seriously inefficient and you could not get in to see a provider in a timely manner, thus she has gone to the French health care system, that while a socialized health care system, was more proactive with its patients. Since the influx of large numbers of migrants, that health care system is now strained to provide services and the wait time to see a practitioner is now long.
3. Socialized health care means lower incomes for the health care professionals, thus the quality suffers and stifles health care innovation, which is why patients are flown to the US for high tech care.
4. The older you get, the less worth you are to bother with under Socialized medicine and you suffer for it.

There are no problems with socialize health care.
Sure changes in demographics can cause a bad ratio of workers to elderly who need health care, but that has nothing to do with socialism, and there is no solution to it from capitalism.
Socialized medicine does NOT at all mean lower wages for health care professionals.
The whole world proves that.
US private health care pays huge profits to insurance companies, not health care professionals.
They get paid less in the US compared to socialized countries like in Europe.
You clearly know nothing of socialism because the worth of a person is a capitalist concept entirely.
The socialized medicine of England, France, Germany, etc., is rated much higher than the US, has shorter waiting, and is less than half the cost.
Socialized medicine does NOT at all mean lower wages for health care professionals.
The whole world proves that.

Cool story, bro.

How many US trained doctors leave the US to practice under socialized medical systems?

How many foreign trained doctors leave socialized systems to practice in the US?

Has nothing to do with being socialist or capitalist.
The doctors coming here are simply from poor countries, like India or China.

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