The Myth of Sanders’ Socialism

No, anyone familiar with Cuba knows that Castro was 10 times better than Batista, and we supported Batista.
So then we should support Castro.
How can a concentration camp be better??? Only topical island in world history where boats are illegal

You are badly uninformed.
Cuba does not have and never had concentration camps.
Nor are boats illegal or ever illegal in Cuba.
Cuba has huge boat fleets.
In fact, boat rentals are one of the big industries. - Official Site - Boat rental | Nautal
because that kid might be the one operating on you one day, or designing the bridge you have to drive across.

1) if he's operating then he's qualified regardless of whether he went to private schools or public welfare schools.

2) since our public welfare socialist schools are generally about the worst in the civilized world it seems clear we should support private schools

Our public schools are not the worst in the world at all.
We are in the top ten.
As of 2018, the top ten countries based on education rankings are:

And private schools tend to be no better, and often worse, than public schools.

When isolating the 64 countries that administered the test in both 2015 and 2018, U.S. students ranked 30th in math, up from 35th in 2015, and eighth in reading, up from 15th in 2015. In science, U.S. students ranked 11th, up from 17th in 2015.
No, anyone familiar with Cuba knows that Castro was 10 times better than Batista, and we supported Batista.
So then we should support Castro.
How can a concentration camp be better??? Only topical island in world history where boats are illegal

You are badly uninformed.
Cuba does not have and never had concentration camps.
Nor are boats illegal or ever illegal in Cuba.
Cuba has huge boat fleets.
In fact, boat rentals are one of the big industries. - Official Site - Boat rental | Nautal

really, so why do they come over on rafts when they could rent a boat???
"The past is the key to the present".

Provide a link with sanders denouncing a single communist dictator he supported.

You are spewing nonsense and resort to insults to try and derail your own thread.

Sanders never supported a single communist dictator, ever.
All he did was factually state that Castro is very popular in Cuba because he improved health care and education.
Anyone who denies that is a liar.
Sanders never supported a single communist dictator, ever.

Has he ever criticized a single communist dictator, ever?

Sanders has always been critical of authoritarianism.

Sanders said that while he opposes the "authoritarian nature" of the communist country 90 miles south of Florida, Castro's armed revolution that vaulted him onto power in 1959 should not be viewed as completely negative.

"It's unfair to simply say everything is bad," he told Cooper. "When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?"

Sanders has always been critical of authoritarianism.

Any evidence of criticism on his Soviet honeymoon?

Sanders said that while he opposes the "authoritarian nature" of the communist country 90 miles south of Florida

Any evidence of this opposition from the 80s, 90s, or 00s?

"When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.

You have to do some work to spread that Commie propaganda.

No, anyone familiar with Cuba knows that Castro was 10 times better than Batista, and we supported Batista.
So then we should support Castro.

He certainly murdered a shit ton more than Batista did. He also imprisoned waaaaay the hell more too.

So, you are either a moron of the first order. Or you support dictatorships that murder their people.
The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.
He could have said Hitler did a wonderful job reviving the Germany economy too. Do you understand?

And it is true that Hitler did a great job of reviving the German economy.
The good things he did was to stop making illegal reparation payments for WWI since Germany did not start WWI, he made it illegal to take money out of Germany, and he added high tariffs to imports to Germany.
Those were all very good changes that the Wiemar Republic had failed to do.

What Hitler did wrong was to start a war by invading Poland.
That was very bad for the economy of Germany.
Socialism is always good.
It is only the profit motive of capitalism where greed causes abuses, like slavery, feudalism, etc.

you mean except for the 200 million HItler Stalin and Mao killed??

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.
National Socialist means anti-socialist.
Stalin and Mao killed off all the socialists and created totalitarian states that were not at all socialist.
No, anyone familiar with Cuba knows that Castro was 10 times better than Batista, and we supported Batista.
So then we should support Castro.
How can a concentration camp be better??? Only topical island in world history where boats are illegal

You are badly uninformed.
Cuba does not have and never had concentration camps.
Nor are boats illegal or ever illegal in Cuba.
Cuba has huge boat fleets.
In fact, boat rentals are one of the big industries. - Official Site - Boat rental | Nautal

really, so why do they come over on rafts when they could rent a boat???

The refugees from Cuba are for economic reasons, which means they can't afford a boat, even to rent.
"The past is the key to the present".

Provide a link with sanders denouncing a single communist dictator he supported.

You are spewing nonsense and resort to insults to try and derail your own thread.

Sanders never supported a single communist dictator, ever.
All he did was factually state that Castro is very popular in Cuba because he improved health care and education.
Anyone who denies that is a liar.
Sanders never supported a single communist dictator, ever.

Has he ever criticized a single communist dictator, ever?

Sanders has always been critical of authoritarianism.

Sanders said that while he opposes the "authoritarian nature" of the communist country 90 miles south of Florida, Castro's armed revolution that vaulted him onto power in 1959 should not be viewed as completely negative.

"It's unfair to simply say everything is bad," he told Cooper. "When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?"

Sanders has always been critical of authoritarianism.

Any evidence of criticism on his Soviet honeymoon?

Sanders said that while he opposes the "authoritarian nature" of the communist country 90 miles south of Florida

Any evidence of this opposition from the 80s, 90s, or 00s?

"When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.

You have to do some work to spread that Commie propaganda.

No, anyone familiar with Cuba knows that Castro was 10 times better than Batista, and we supported Batista.
So then we should support Castro.

anyone familiar with Cuba knows that Castro was 10 times better than Batista

How many did Batista kill by firing squad?
How many fled Batista on rickety rafts or boats?
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.

“Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.”
Sanders never supported a single communist dictator, ever.
All he did was factually state that Castro is very popular in Cuba because he improved health care and education.
Anyone who denies that is a liar.
Sanders never supported a single communist dictator, ever.

Has he ever criticized a single communist dictator, ever?

Sanders has always been critical of authoritarianism.

Sanders said that while he opposes the "authoritarian nature" of the communist country 90 miles south of Florida, Castro's armed revolution that vaulted him onto power in 1959 should not be viewed as completely negative.

"It's unfair to simply say everything is bad," he told Cooper. "When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?"

Sanders has always been critical of authoritarianism.

Any evidence of criticism on his Soviet honeymoon?

Sanders said that while he opposes the "authoritarian nature" of the communist country 90 miles south of Florida

Any evidence of this opposition from the 80s, 90s, or 00s?

"When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program.

You have to do some work to spread that Commie propaganda.

No, anyone familiar with Cuba knows that Castro was 10 times better than Batista, and we supported Batista.
So then we should support Castro.

He certainly murdered a shit ton more than Batista did. He also imprisoned waaaaay the hell more too.

So, you are either a moron of the first order. Or you support dictatorships that murder their people.

That makes no sense.
The anti-Castro Archivo Cuba estimates that 4,000 people were executed in Cuba between 1959 and 2016.
In comparison, Batista murdered thousands of people every single year.
Human rights in Cuba - Wikipedia

Sure the Castro regime is repressive, but not as repressive as Batista was.
You simply are contradicting well known facts.
Socialism is always good.
It is only the profit motive of capitalism where greed causes abuses, like slavery, feudalism, etc.

you mean except for the 200 million HItler Stalin and Mao killed??

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.
National Socialist means anti-socialist.
Stalin and Mao killed off all the socialists and created totalitarian states that were not at all socialist.

Hitler was a Fascist, which is an ultra capitalist.

So he cut taxes, reduced regulations and let them produce what they wanted at the prices they wanted to charge?

Or are you lying, again?
The refugees from Cuba are for economic reasons, which means they can't afford a boat, even to rent.

Likewise, at the Gaviota tourism agency, they repeated the same information to us: To be able to take a boat trip, we had to show authorization from the Naval Command Center.

Finally we called the National Department of the Naval Command Center, where they confirmed that Cubans aren’t allowed to sail, with the only exception being those people who are married to citizens from other countries – though they still have to apply for aCuba Prohibits Its Citizens from Boarding Boats - Havana Times
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.

“Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.”

The reality is that anyone at all concerned over human rights would have supported a revolution against Batista, and that Castro did not create an evil government that harmed or intimidated people. I do not like the authoritarian nature of Castro's Cuba, but it was not evil by any means.
A vast improvement over Batista's regime.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -

Someone please advise the OP of the elephant in the room, which is Sanders describes himself as a socialist.

And all good governments are always socialist.
Anything a good government does is not for the profit motive, like roads, post office, etc., so then is always socialist.
Socialism is always good.
It is only the profit motive of capitalism where greed causes abuses, like slavery, feudalism, etc.


Slade was just telling us how it's CONSERVATIVES who don't know the meaning of socialism.
True ignorance is common in the land of the (not) free. The billionaire’s media sees to that. This is yet another perfect example. This myth is believed by many on the right and left. The 1% who run everything don’t much like Bernie, so their media makes sure to dupe millions into thinking as they do.

MARCH 5, 2020
The Myth of Sanders’ “Socialism”
by M. G. PIETY

Fox News has an all-out frontal assault on Bernie Sanders’ purported “socialism.” It is a sad statement on the level of ignorance in this country that anyone could take seriously the charge that Sanders is a socialist. What Sanders is advocating is something approaching the social-welfare systems of other economically developed countries and that’s a far cry from the socialism Fox News is using as a boogeyman to frighten conservatives. The “socialism” Fox is decrying is the old-fashioned Stalinist-Maoist kind where all important industries are nationalized, most of the private property of the wealthy is seized by the state, and there are no such things as individual rights and freedoms because the very idea of “individuals” is considered capitalist propaganda.

The Myth of Sanders' "Socialism" -
When it comes to a politician speaking to both interviewers and the crowd, praising the policies of foreign nations, this to me is a good indicator as to where his/her political ideology stands and as throughout this particular candidates past and present, he has repeatedly praised Marxist-Leninist nations and claims to be a Socialist (I ignore his self title of "Democratic Socialist," as the Marxist-Leninists who preach to the crowds, consider themselves being Democratic when they can convince the crowds to go along with their ideas, then afterwards, the hammer drops), that says, Marxist-Leninist politician.

The education and health care accomplishments of Castro in Cuba deserve to be complimented.
'They clearly were good.
And that was the extent of what Bernie said.
No one can contest that.
The educational systems in Cuba, China, the old Soviet Union, Vietnam and North Korea are all Marxist-Leninist propaganda machines that condemn individuality and the freedom of thought. As for health care, the W.H.O. praises any Socialist health care program, since the programs include all the citizens. There are inherent problems with Socialized health care that can't be overcome.
1. With a huge influx of a migrant population and/or the elderly population grows faster than the younger population, the services usually afforded the populace becomes significantly strained and can and does fail to provide for all. Cuba, as an example, is a small island nation with a small population in comparison with a huge nation with a large population. Many Cubans fled Marxist-Leninist rule and settled in the US, thus reducing demand on services for health care there.
2. While staying in a B&B in France and speaking with an ex-pat Brit living there, she said she left England because their Socialized health care system was seriously inefficient and you could not get in to see a provider in a timely manner, thus she has gone to the French health care system, that while a socialized health care system, was more proactive with its patients. Since the influx of large numbers of migrants, that health care system is now strained to provide services and the wait time to see a practitioner is now long.
3. Socialized health care means lower incomes for the health care professionals, thus the quality suffers and stifles health care innovation, which is why patients are flown to the US for high tech care.
4. The older you get, the less worth you are to bother with under Socialized medicine and you suffer for it.

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