The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
so your belief is allowing industry to run roughshod over our natural resources and not collecting taxes from them we'll reduce our debt?
Correct, well, kinda. We'll get the taxes from the taxpayers they will employ. Helluva concept, huh? And I recommend reducing government red tape. The EPA needs a leash.
What makes you believe it's possible to reduce the debt? Even if we tried to, we'd slip into a recession.
so your belief is by allowing industry to run roughshod over our natural resources and not collecting taxes from them we'll reduce our debt?
Everybody should pay a flat tax. Even the poor. They do have a skin in this game also. Carson is right about that.
I think he wants to reduce the debt by taking your free phone away that you couldn't post stupid shit like that.
Fine, cut everything by massive amounts and raise taxes to high levels, reducing aggregate demand. Watch the economy boom when you cut the debt!
so your belief is by allowing industry to run roughshod over our natural resources and not collecting taxes from them we'll reduce our debt?
Everybody should pay a flat tax. Even the poor. They do have a skin in this game also. Carson is right about that.
I think he wants to reduce the debt by taking your free phone away that you couldn't post stupid shit like that.
Fine, cut everything by massive amounts and raise taxes to high levels, reducing aggregate demand. Watch the economy boom when you cut the debt!
I know my economy boomed after I eliminated my debt.
so your belief is by allowing industry to run roughshod over our natural resources and not collecting taxes from them we'll reduce our debt?
Everybody should pay a flat tax. Even the poor. They do have a skin in this game also. Carson is right about that.
I think he wants to reduce the debt by taking your free phone away that you couldn't post stupid shit like that.
Fine, cut everything by massive amounts and raise taxes to high levels, reducing aggregate demand. Watch the economy boom when you cut the debt!
I know my economy boomed after I eliminated my debt.
Comparing the national debt to household debt is one of the most absurd things. Fine, let me ask you, what do you think the national debt is?
what? 19.3 Trillion? How come Obama hasn't brought this up! god, what was it when Biden was a child? $542.98?
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.

Most of the debt was run up by the Republicans you dumbass
The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

We need to implement a national fat tax. We could raise trillions of dollars and it would be fair, fat asses on both side of the aisle , rich and poor it covers them all

Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.

Allow businesses to deduct employee expenses 1:1 from federal taxes owed.

A company can either pay their federal taxes or give their employees raises or bonuses.

Of course South Carolina won't continue to receive their 7.8:1 return anymore. So sad for them. How much welfare does Texas receive?
The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

We need to implement a national fat tax. We could raise trillions of dollars and it would be fair, fat asses on both side of the aisle , rich and poor it covers them all

Raise taxes on the wealthy? Your handler called......You are FIRED!
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Republicans spend just as much as Democrats. Over 1.5 trillion of that debt is due to the 2 wars a Republican started (which Bush tried to hide by keeping it out of the budget, and took a Democrat (Obama) to put back into the budget) plus another 2.5 trillion for the Bush tax cuts, plus another 250 billion for the Medicare expansion. Spending from both sides is out of control. We can start by electing people who are not owned by lobbyists for special interests, wealthy donors, and other influence peddlers in our corrupt government. Whoever who has convinced you that Democrats are solely responsible for the debt is serving up some strong koolaid. Has either side done anything but talk about reducing the debt? Nope. It's all rhetoric designed to convince you that one side is better than the other.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Elect a GOP majority house in Congress..They will straighten out the problem....
Republicans spend just as much as Democrats. Over 1.5 trillion of that debt is due to the 2 wars a Republican started (which Bush tried to hide by keeping it out of the budget, and took a Democrat (Obama) to put back into the budget) plus another 2.5 trillion for the Bush tax cuts, plus another 250 billion for the Medicare expansion. Spending from both sides is out of control. We can start by electing people who are not owned by lobbyists for special interests, wealthy donors, and other influence peddlers in our corrupt government. Whoever who has convinced you that Democrats are solely responsible for the debt is serving up some strong koolaid. Has either side done anything but talk about reducing the debt? Nope. It's all rhetoric designed to convince you that one side is better than the other.

The problem isn't spending, it's income. Remember that a healthy middle class makes the nation prosper. Under my plan listed above, the middle class will be prosperous again.
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Cut military spending in 1/2 . Close out all these bases all over the fucking place .

I'd close half of the bases and cut it back to 2000 levels. Next I'd raise taxes on the top 10% of the population by simply closing the loop holes = more revenue. It is insane to cut infrastructure, science, r&d and education another cent.

Next I'd raise taxes on the top 10% of the population by simply closing the loop holes

Which ones? Be specific.
How about we run and hide from our creditors?

Or rob them then pay them back with their own money?

Act like our creditors owe us and demand payment

Stand on a crate with nothing around you except somethings you don't care about and say"This is all I have. You can have it in return for my debt"

Sale our women to them?

Sale our loyalty to them

Sale our nukes to.

Hock our monuments and national parks

Threaten them

Now, America's favorite answer! Ensures we can live on top f the hog forever!!! Favorite of the Rich an politicians::

Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
You are retarded if you bleev the debt is just because of Democrats.

The Republicans owned the Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, and doubled the national debt.

You retards have been conned, big time. You have been divided and conquered. The Democrats blame the Republicans, the Republicans blame the Democrats, and every one of you idiots willfully ignore the big spending of your own party.

As for manufacturing jobs, that's another big con. A great deal of manufacturing jobs were OBSOLETED. They didn't go overseas. They simply don't exist any more.

It used to take 50 percent of the US population to grow food to feed all of us. Now it only takes 3 percent, and the modern farmer produces more food than ever. Our country also manufactures more stuff than ever.

You don't hear anyone whining to bring back all those obsoleted farm jobs, do you? Nope. So why are you whining about all those obsoleted manufacturing jobs? Because you are a brainless parrot bleeving what you are told to bleev.

You have been deliberately distracted from the real problems and the real solutions. You have been trained to blame Mexicans for your problems, which I find hilarious. If you aren't busy blaming Mexicans, then you are shitting your pants over Muslims. If you aren't blaming Mexicans or cowering in the fetal position over the Muslims in your closet, you are screaming about Democrats spending too much.

Don't be such a pathetic little wooden-headed puppet.

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