The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

The only way to fix it, is to get the money from those that have the money. They are the ones that ran up the debt, and they should pay it off. The rich and corporations have all the money. They are the ones that ran up the debt. The poor don't have the money, and the middle class is barely able to pay their bills as it is.

Cutting Social Security, Medicare, aid to the poor, education and healthcare, WON'T pay off the debt. It will only make things worse, by making the prison population explode....which is far more expensive.

Keeping the cons from starting another war will cut "deficit" spending by trillion$. Invading Iran will add another $10 trillion to the debt.

Ending foreign aid will go a long way to paying off the debt...hundreds of billions every year could go to paying off the debt. It's time to take care of Americans instead of other countries. The United States "uncle sugar" status has got to end.

The only way to fix it, is to get the money from those that have the money.

The off-shore corporate stash of cash is more than the debt.

American households have over $80 trillion in net worth.

American households have over $80 trillion in net worth.

American households have a negative net worth of $60 trillion.

Based on your IQ of negative 60 points.

Based on your IQ of negative 60 points.

How do we fix it?

Close half of more of our overseas military bases.

Default on our China debt.
How do we fix it?

Close half of more of our overseas military bases.

Default on our China debt.

How is a default a good thing? I suppose you are one of the morons that think letting banks fail is good.

Raise wages. For every dollar raised puts $1.70 into the economy in middle class spending.
He has a brilliant plan to give businesses a tax credit for all employee expenses.

He doesn't know what a tax credit is, but is sure his plan will work.

He has a brilliant plan to give businesses a tax credit for all employee expenses.

Just an understanding that a healthy middle class helps the economy prosper.

He doesn't know what a tax credit is, but is sure his plan will work.

You seem to be the only one here that doesn't, so I'll help.

Under my plan employee expense deductions are exchanged for a 1:1 reduction of federal tax.

Under my plan employee expense deductions are exchanged for a 1:1 reduction of federal tax.

I just started a family business. We're going to buy $100,000 in goods and sell them for $110,000.
Our wages are going to be $200,000 a year.

How large is my tax refund?

I just started a family business. We're going to buy $100,000 in goods and sell them for $110,000.
Our wages are going to be $200,000 a year.

How large is my tax refund?

You wouldn't pay any federal tax and carry-over the loss to future years.

A non-refundable credit?
That's not as helpful as you claimed your plan would be.

A non-refundable credit?
That's not as helpful as you claimed your plan would be

You have a $210k loss.

You have a $210k loss.

You said I had a tax credit, not a tax deduction.
It sounds like you don't understand your own plan.
Not to mention your math error.
The only way to fix it, is to get the money from those that have the money. They are the ones that ran up the debt, and they should pay it off. The rich and corporations have all the money. They are the ones that ran up the debt. The poor don't have the money, and the middle class is barely able to pay their bills as it is.

Cutting Social Security, Medicare, aid to the poor, education and healthcare, WON'T pay off the debt. It will only make things worse, by making the prison population explode....which is far more expensive.

Keeping the cons from starting another war will cut "deficit" spending by trillion$. Invading Iran will add another $10 trillion to the debt.

Ending foreign aid will go a long way to paying off the debt...hundreds of billions every year could go to paying off the debt. It's time to take care of Americans instead of other countries. The United States "uncle sugar" status has got to end.

The only way to fix it, is to get the money from those that have the money.

The off-shore corporate stash of cash is more than the debt.

American households have over $80 trillion in net worth.

American households have over $80 trillion in net worth.

American households have a negative net worth of $60 trillion.

Based on your IQ of negative 60 points.

Based on your IQ of negative 60 points.


Yes, your bloviating makes your IQ closer to negative 100 points.

Here's the source to back up my claim of over $80 trillion.

Where is your source?
How do we fix it?

Close half of more of our overseas military bases.

Default on our China debt.

How is a default a good thing?...
A default on our debt to China?

It would bankrupt them.

Manufacturing jobs there would shut down at the speed of light.

....I suppose you are one of the morons that think letting banks fail is good...
Depends on the bank... usually, not.

...Raise wages. For every dollar raised puts $1.70 into the economy in middle class spending.
Trouble is, you have to have an employed populace before wage-raising can do any good.

Shipping our jobs off to China, and letting hem stay and prosper there, isn't the way to do it.
The only way to fix it, is to get the money from those that have the money.
This is, of course, a lie, as you know that it is possible to "fix it" by cutting spending.
Time to wake up and quit dreaming. The cons had eight years to "cut spending" with Shrub and his republican congress and senate....THEY DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT AND DESTROYED THE ECONOMY!

All of the con candidates are touting MORE spending, not less. More war equals ten times more spending. A 50 foot high wall across the Mexican border equals more spending. And making Mexico pay for it is fantasy. Deporting 12 million Mexicans is MORE spending. Deporting all the Muslims is MORE spending.
Oh, so you're going to ORDER businesses not to raise prices when their costs skyrocket?
Your plan would kill almost every small business. The economy would crash virtually overnight.
That's the plan, Stan - nothing creates dependence on government like an economic collapse.

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