The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
1) Close tax loopholes and restrict use of tax havens.

2) Cut spending, primarily defense spending.

It's as simple as that.

Stop going to war every 5 seconds

I wouldn't cut very much outside of waste when it comes to America...
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
How do you not see how republican policies affect the debt? Bush's tax cuts greatly contributed to our national debt. Trump, Rubio, and Cruz's tax plans will cost trillions in revenue within 10 years.
Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Boom! More surplus, and SS and Medicare are solvent forever.

See how fucking easy this is?

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established the retirement age at 65. We should be working longer than they did. Common fucking sense.

So Americans should live to work, not work to live?
You have an entitlement mentality. You can work as much or as little as you wish. Just don't expect the government to carry your non-working happy ass any longer than it carried your ancestors asses.

We are living DECADES longer, we should be working longer.

Your plan forces people to work longer.

Since when is Social Security (that an employee pays toward) an entitlement?
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
How do you not see how republican policies affect the debt? Bush's tax cuts greatly contributed to our national debt. Trump, Rubio, and Cruz's tax plans will cost trillions in revenue within 10 years.

Republicans have buried Obama over the debt for seven years

The first thing they do is jump all over each other to see who can give billionaires the biggest tax cut
Then they claim.....all tax cuts pay for themselves
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
How do you not see how republican policies affect the debt? Bush's tax cuts greatly contributed to our national debt. Trump, Rubio, and Cruz's tax plans will cost trillions in revenue within 10 years.

Republicans have buried Obama over the debt for seven years

The first thing they do is jump all over each other to see who can give billionaires the biggest tax cut
Then they claim.....all tax cuts pay for themselves
What really troubles me is that their base complexly buys into it. I just don't understand it.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
How do you not see how republican policies affect the debt? Bush's tax cuts greatly contributed to our national debt. Trump, Rubio, and Cruz's tax plans will cost trillions in revenue within 10 years.

Republicans have buried Obama over the debt for seven years

The first thing they do is jump all over each other to see who can give billionaires the biggest tax cut
Then they claim.....all tax cuts pay for themselves
What really troubles me is that their base complexly buys into it. I just don't understand it.

Infrastructure is at the lowest levels per capita since the 1930s. What do the republican want to do? Cut it!
Science and r&d spending is at the lowest levels in decades. What do the republicans want to do? Cut it!
Education hasn't want up...But hell, republicans want to cut it!

Weird how they blame everything that helps people and our nation instead of the real causes of our debt problems.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
1) Close tax loopholes and restrict use of tax havens.

2) Cut spending, primarily defense spending.

It's as simple as that.

1) Close tax loopholes and restrict use of tax havens.

If employers were able to deduct employee expenses as a tax credit, neither would be used.

2) Cut spending, primarily defense spending.

Defense spending? Really? Have you been reading the news lately?
Allow businesses to deduct employee expenses 1:1 from federal taxes owed.

Federal taxes owed are calculated after employee expenses are deducted.

A company can either pay their federal taxes or give their employees raises or bonuses.

What will net corporate taxes be when many companies have negative tax liabilities under your "plan"?

Federal taxes owed are calculated after employee expenses are deducted.

Employee expenses would become a 1:1 tax credit.

What will net corporate taxes be when many companies have negative tax liabilities under your "plan"?

Your argument is business ISN'T over-taxed?

What will net corporate taxes be when many companies have negative tax liabilities under your "plan"?

Your argument is business ISN'T over-taxed?

My argument is that your "plan" gives many businesses tax refunds, forever.
How to fix the debt

Hold a trillion dollar debt lottery every week where you have to pick six out of a thousand possible numbers

Americans are not that good at Math
Simple really. Unpopular answer I know, but the correct one.

It can't be fixed. The goal of creating a dependent underclass who could be relied on to vote for whomever offered them the biggest free lunch has done it's job too well. There are now too many takers versus makers. Politicians being for sale and offshoring jobs and "fixing" the tax code to enable even more of it.

Don't get me wrong, the country couldn't survive either unchecked but it could survive much longer, with both running rampant? It's doomed. Watch money, if you've been watching, you see.

It's not if the debt collapses the dollar now, it's when. My guess is 20-30 years. Could be less if the global economy suffers another big upheaval.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
so your belief is allowing industry to run roughshod over our natural resources and not collecting taxes from them we'll reduce our debt?
Correct, well, kinda. We'll get the taxes from the taxpayers they will employ. Helluva concept, huh? And I recommend reducing government red tape. The EPA needs a leash.
so you believe that either employment is low enough right now that enough workers would join the workforce to drive up revenues or wages would inflate enough to offset the tax breaks.

which do you think is more likely?

Not when they're all min wage jobs....
Thats where that running out of other peoples money comes into play.
What will net corporate taxes be when many companies have negative tax liabilities under your "plan"?

Your argument is business ISN'T over-taxed?

My argument is that your "plan" gives many businesses tax refunds, forever.

For hiring and giving raises and benefits to their employees but at greater tax benefits. Win-Win.
What will net corporate taxes be when many companies have negative tax liabilities under your "plan"?

Your argument is business ISN'T over-taxed?

My argument is that your "plan" gives many businesses tax refunds, forever.

For hiring and giving raises and benefits to their employees but at greater tax benefits. Win-Win.

Yup. WalMart would get a big refund.

It would take anothe boom of some kind like the Industrial Age or the tech boom. Only we would have to play it smart. Which we won't do so...

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