The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

Same way we've always "fixed" it.

Keep inflation rising and rising, until $19.3 trillion is barely enough to buy a used car. Then it won't be any big deal.

Of course, that will also make your pension, IRA, 401k, and your entire life savings barely enough to buy a week's groceries.

Basically, all the wealth you've been earning and saving, was taken from you, to "pay off" the huge National Debt.

But don't worry. The politicians tell us that a big National Debt doesn't actually do any harm. So it must be true.
World debt.......Not U.S. debt.............but the world has that money and assets to back that up.........Up into space it is....



Record margin debt? LOL!
Small potatoes.
253 Trillion.........small potatoes...........


Did you need a tractor beam to pull that number out of your ass?
Or do you not know what margin debt means?
You quoted the NYSE marginal debt..........I got the other from Central Banks total around the in World wide debt holdings..............Not the same thing......................

Most of the world is at Zero or even going into negative rate rigging............part of the currency wars ongoing............everyone is manipulating their currency to affect their export by purposely lowering the value of their currency for trade...............How does that policy help the people of that country when their currency loses value?

The Central Banks of the world have been manipulating shit forever.............

To the debt star in the U.S. the gov't is too damned big................we provide too much free shit........have too many depts..........bribe Congress and the Senate for votes with earmarks............give back returns to people who pay 0 in taxes already.....................Gov't contracts are rigged to reward those on the take and make costs double or more......whether military expenditures or private..............We give subsidies out the ass to the big boys from both sides...................all of this needs to end..............

Flat tax as Carson wants..............end all loop holes and credits...
End foreign assistance that we have to borrow to pay...............get our own house in order.
End the Free Trade horse shit.......and use tariffs again to stop the flood of business out of the country..
Stop Inversion of currency by lowering the rate to end the hoarding of money overseas........
Freeze all new spending...........we have too much already...........
Sell off gov't assets across the country and get out of the housing business.........
Sell off old buildings that are maintained but no one uses anymore.
GO to the waste book and end all that crap.
States manage Medicare in their own state............local control as possible to stop fraud.
Secure the border.....and stop illegals from taking advantage of our welfare and poverty system.......tons of money there.
End the massive Ten Thousand Commandments of Regulations here.

Me and you will never agree on the Central banks Todd.......Ever.................but maybe on cutting the debt we might agree.

To those who say there is nothing that can be cut..............

How do you answer video's like this............give the rabbit the massage......................

To those who say there is nothing that can be cut..............

How do you answer video's like this............give the rabbit the massage......................

Easy. Get the politicians to agree to stop doing shit like it.

Good luck with that.
Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Boom! More surplus, and SS and Medicare are solvent forever.

See how fucking easy this is?

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established the retirement age at 65. We should be working longer than they did. Common fucking sense.

Nobody "wants" to work to 70. Not many would "allow" them to work past 62-65 (layoff). Crazy talk. Crazy. you expect some plumber/painter/electrician/autotech on and on and work to 70? Only if they want to. Get real Jake.
You have an entitlement mentality. You can work as much or as little as you wish. Just don't expect the government to carry your non-working happy ass any longer than it carried your ancestors asses.

We are living DECADES longer, we should be working longer.

Then don't steal our money for 50+ years, promising some small payback rate.

Record margin debt? LOL!
Small potatoes.
253 Trillion.........small potatoes...........


Did you need a tractor beam to pull that number out of your ass?
Or do you not know what margin debt means?
You quoted the NYSE marginal debt..........I got the other from Central Banks total around the in World wide debt holdings..............Not the same thing......................

Most of the world is at Zero or even going into negative rate rigging............part of the currency wars ongoing............everyone is manipulating their currency to affect their export by purposely lowering the value of their currency for trade...............How does that policy help the people of that country when their currency loses value?

The Central Banks of the world have been manipulating shit forever.............

To the debt star in the U.S. the gov't is too damned big................we provide too much free shit........have too many depts..........bribe Congress and the Senate for votes with earmarks............give back returns to people who pay 0 in taxes already.....................Gov't contracts are rigged to reward those on the take and make costs double or more......whether military expenditures or private..............We give subsidies out the ass to the big boys from both sides...................all of this needs to end..............

Flat tax as Carson wants..............end all loop holes and credits...
End foreign assistance that we have to borrow to pay...............get our own house in order.
End the Free Trade horse shit.......and use tariffs again to stop the flood of business out of the country..
Stop Inversion of currency by lowering the rate to end the hoarding of money overseas........
Freeze all new spending...........we have too much already...........
Sell off gov't assets across the country and get out of the housing business.........
Sell off old buildings that are maintained but no one uses anymore.
GO to the waste book and end all that crap.
States manage Medicare in their own state............local control as possible to stop fraud.
Secure the border.....and stop illegals from taking advantage of our welfare and poverty system.......tons of money there.
End the massive Ten Thousand Commandments of Regulations here.

Me and you will never agree on the Central banks Todd.......Ever.................but maybe on cutting the debt we might agree.

..........I got the other from Central Banks total around the in World wide debt holdings

Worldwide debt is $253 trillion? Link?

...............How does that policy help the people of that country when their currency loses value?

The idea is it helps increase exports and decrease imports.
I don't agree with the idea. I prefer my imports cheap.

End the Free Trade horse shit.......and use tariffs again to stop the flood of business out of the country..

Instead of making it harder to buy inexpensive imports, we should make it easier to make our goods here, inexpensively.

Freeze all new spending...........we have too much already...........

Freeze it? Shit, I want to cut it 50%.

Sell off gov't assets across the country and get out of the housing business.........

Sounds good. The Feds should give the federal lands back to the states.

Secure the border.....and stop illegals from taking advantage of our welfare and poverty system.......tons of money there.

Yup, boot 20 million illegals, we'd save a ton.
Cut all govt pensions in half.....totally eliminate them for Congress and the President........

Make all of them go on ObamaCare and SSI only........just as we have to do. They work for "us". Except for active duty military. They earned it. Not Pentagon or office "brass". Pay the brave.
Think everyone has to take a some extant.....unfortunate but reality wont be denied......
Corporate Welfare in the Federal Budget

sing federal spending and huge deficits are pushing the nation toward a financial and economic crisis. Policymakers should find and eliminate wasteful, damaging, and unneeded programs in the federal budget. One good way to save money would be to cut subsidies to businesses. Corporate welfare in the federal budget costs taxpayers almost $100 billion a year.

This of course is tied to lobbyist for taxpayer money. Business should stand or fall on their own. 100 Billion a year cut.

$37,680,000,000: That’s How Much the U.S. Spent on Foreign Aid in 2012 — Here’s a Chart That Helps Explain It

37 Billion a year on foreign aid............that we have to borrow to give.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Start with Red States. Either let Democrats manage their economies or stop sending them government money. So tired of seeing my tax money being wasted on lazy and uneducated rednecks.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Start with Red States. Either let Democrats manage their economies or stop sending them government money. So tired of seeing my tax money being wasted on lazy and uneducated rednecks.
The establishment politicians will never allow it. They are bought and sold. Until they go nothing will change.

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