The National Park service is funding a 2.3 million dollar unmanned border crossing


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
with the Mexican town of Boquillas del Carmen a town of less than 100 people!

Big Bend National Park - Border Crossings in Big Bend National park (U.S. National Park Service)

The former Boquillas crossing remains closed

Crossings Remain Closed

As a result of a 2002 US Customs and Border Protection decision, there are NO authorized crossings in Big Bend National Park. Crossing at Boquillas, Santa Elena, or other locations along the Rio Grande is prohibited. The closest legal ports of entry are Del Rio and Presidio, Texas.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office has indicated that it will prosecute any criminal violations regarding any illegal crossings. If you re-enter the United States at any point within Big Bend National Park, you may be liable for a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisonment for up to one year, or both.

This is about to change!


Dec 11, 2011 3:14 PM EST

US proposes unmanned border crossing with Mexico

In my opinion:

Now, here’s a really dumb idea. The National Park service is funding a 2.3 million dollar unmanned border crossing with the Mexican town of Boquillas del Carmen a town of less than 100 people! With the taxpayers money!!! What the Hell for???

The public will be able to voice their opinions on the 2.3 million dollar project until December 27, 2011.

Contact information

National Park Service
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240

(202) 208-3818

They say it’s for commerce for both countries. The crosser's will use an automated system and it's on the honor system. (Yeah right) The Mexicans will walk or drive up to the booth and slash their cards and talk to a border patrol agent 100 miles away via web cam.
What if the Mexican border crosser has pot or heroine taped to his leg how will the agent know?

I suppose the National Park Service will build them a beautiful bridge, a roadside rest stop and brand new roads and then roll out the red carpet to America. They will be bringing in their finest contraband and teenage prostitutes to the U.S. no doubt!

Who’s to say the children that they bring into America and back to Mexico are their children???? Who’s going to check the trunks of their cars? The border agent will be 100 miles away on a web cam. What the Hell is wrong with our government! Why do they hate us?

The Mexicans will have access to an 800 acre American State Park. That’s ridiculous when many State Parks across America are being shut down for lack of funding for the American’s to use!

There are state parks in Arizona that the government has put up big signs that say “Do Not Enter.” The state parks have become the drug cartels corridors to transport drugs into America. The U.S. citizens are advised to stay out because they might be killed. It’s time for all politicians to be voted out of office, if this is how they are going to treat us! We pay for all of this and not the polticians! :evil::mad:

I think the Mexicans in Mexico will cave to the money and they will bring terrorists into the United States for profit. They will get to the State Park and then keep on going into America and disappear to never be seen again!

Talk about “Dumb ideas 101”, our government never ceases to come up with them, and then they make the taxpayers pay for them! Which makes you wonder who’s dumber, them or us?

Everyone should CALL to the National Park Service and tell them "Not to build the unmanned border crossing in Big Bend National Park allowing Mexicans from Boquillas del Carmen to scan their identity cards to get into America." And use that money on American citizens and not citizens from La Republic of Mexico!!!

The public will be able to voice their opinions on the 2.3 million dollar project until December 27, 2011.

National Park Service
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240

(202) 208-3818
U.S. National Park Service Contact Information

I just called them and left a message.
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In my opinion, once the illegal aliens cross the border what makes the government, feel they will leave? They're not punished for breaking the laws and the government lets them suck the taxpayers dry like wiener pigs. So, why would they want to leave? When they get rewarded to stay and procreate little illegal aliens, called Anchor Babies and be rewarded some more. :mad:

The government is just building more access road for the U.S. to be invaded by not only the illegal aliens but foreign governments and their armies, nothing else makes sense. Our politicians have been bought off and bribed to the point that they are treasonous! The politicians are a bubbling pot of molten lava of corruption. They’re ready to cut our throats and cement the damage into stone and never be bothered with us again! :evil:

All the politicians must be voted out of office before they destroy us. It has come down to thee or me.

if the media didn’t hide so much of the illegal alien’s crimes from Americans. The Americans would have rebelled long ago! The illegal aliens are so bad that the media can’t cover up everything and we find out a few things but it’s not even the tip of the iceberg.

The people in Arizona are buying weapons like AK-47’s, AR-15’s and specialized hand guns all military grade if they can get them, just to keep up with the illegal alien competition.

When it gets to the point where the illegal aliens are robbing McDonalds, Burger Kings and Kentucky Fried Chicken during lunch hour rush, people have had enough. They are stealing children from their own beds and carjacking women at traffic lights and killing entire families while driving drunk.

In Arizona there have been illegal alien teens firing off their AK-47’s in residential neighborhoods. They are always robbing houses and lately they’ve been jumping over fences and killing family pets. Two people lost their pets when they let the pets out to relieve themselves. One lady found her poodle with its throat slit and a Iraqi Vet with no legs found his beloved white lab service dog beat to death with a baseball bat. When the pro-illegal aliens supporters say that they are going to track you down with your IP number this is the result or worse.

Every night in Arizona when you turn on the news there is always some horrific crime(s) committed by the illegal aliens. The children of the illegal aliens the Anchor Babies are even worse when it comes to crime!!!

The Anchor Babies are considered American Citizens only because their mothers slithered over the border and beeline it to the local Emergency Room to deliver them at the taxpayer’s expense and that’s not right! They should deliver the babies and deport the mother and child, back their country of origin without a birth certificate. America must DEMAND to End Birthright Citizenship!

When the Anchor Babies and the illegal aliens commit a crime the police mark their race down as “White.” When they are clearly not white and most are Hispanics. The politicians don’t want the public to know how bad they really are until the illegal aliens are given amnesty. The government is covering up the illegal aliens and Anchor Babies Crimes and cutting our throats once again.

What kind of communist, socialists politicians do we have?!! They're are trying to destroy us. They ALL have to go!

The Anchor Babies are 1,000 times worse than the illegal aliens. I just read a story yesterday where one took his own male children 6 months and 2 yrs. and hung them and then texted a picture of a hanging baby to his girlfriend. She broke up with him and the message said, “Look what you made me do.” The mother called the police and they arrested him and found the babies hidden under the house.
Lately they’ve been caught on camera following the UPS trucks around and stealing everyone’s packages. They follow the truck on their route and as the driver drops the packages off, they stop and pick them up. Both girls and boys are doing this! The Anchor Babies are always murdering someone or beating babies to death. Setting fires or robbing houses are raping children!!! The people are just sick and tired of it!!!

It won’t be long until the government will feel the need to declare Martial law on their own people! The Americans are on the verge of rebelling in the Southern states and when they do their will be curfews and the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus on the Americans!!! People will go to jail for hate crimes who are just trying to protect their families and their possessions from the foreign illegal alien invaders and their Anchor Babies.

This government we have now can’t even fix the pot holes in the streets and they are certainly not capable of anything else. This government in power now only wants to make themselves, and their friends rich and they don’t give a damn about the American people. It’s time to change that by voting all their asses out of political offices and get some new politicians voted in power, who will do, “The Will of The People!!!” It’s all up to you America go to the polls and vote all incumbents out of office, ASAP! It's time to take action!
Unmanned (official) border crossings? Why not put up a turnstile and deposit pesos? At least we might collect a couple of bucks.
Unmanned (official) border crossings? Why not put up a turnstile and deposit pesos? At least we might collect a couple of bucks.

Please don’t give our loony politicians any more good ideas. You know you could have a promising career in politics as an “Idea man.” LOL

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