The NBA is abandoning BLM for next season because ratings are down 68 percent and all teams will soon go bankrupt if BLM persist

EABlair’s several words on job creation in Post #194 26783393
What makes you think I've said one single word on Obama's record as a job creator?

When you said the following SIXTEEN WORDS in response to my comparison of (Trump’s versus Obama’s) record on job creation in your post #165 26781244.
Trump ran into a little buzz saw called the covid pandemic. Maybe you heard of it?
In case you forgot, your SIXTEEN WORDS were in direct response to the following question and statements in my post #136 26778475.
If Trump ran on jobs why do you still support him. Trump is the worst thing on jobs since Herbert Hoover

Trump is so popular still with the white evangelical Christian nationalist crowd, so it can’t be jobs that attract them to him. Must’ve been his birtherism and now his lies about BLM.

Ad you can see you were presenting an argument that Trump should be excused from a comparison to Obama’s better
jobs record because of the pandemic. Buzzsaw.
Trump ran into a little buzz saw called the covid pandemic
But the discussion went to comparing Obama’s last three years to Trump’s first three prior to COVID19 as evidenced by Post #169 26781651 and Post #172 26781968
AND, he was doing great on jobs, until covid.

Why were you not impressed with black Obama’s final three years’ better record on jobs than white Trump’s first three years.

So you see the tracks of the discussion you joined were about Obama’s record on jobs being better than Trump’s prior to the COVID19 buzzsaw that Trump misshandled worse than he mishandled the economy in his first three years.
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The word ‘black’ denotes a race of Homo sapiens. The phrase, ‘black lives matter’ is by default a racist statement. It denotes a collective.

What binds “black lives” to a collective. Are you referring to a collective as in a Marxist or Communist collective?

Black Homo Sapiens are living breathing organisms just as white Homo Sapiens are living breathing organisms all in the same collective of Homo Sapiens wherein all have the equal inalienable right to life. That right to life should matter equally in the proper and moral Homo Sapiens society known as mankind.

So why is it racist for the minority group to cite a grievance against the majority group because the majority group in some respects during the enforcement of laws and the use of lethal force by some individuals, do not demonstrate they value the lives of the minority group as much as their own,

Such as a WHITE Police Officer with several officers watching, Choking a Black suspect to death for almost nine minutes.

Why is it racist to insist that Black Lives Matter as much as White Lives?
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He didn't say that the NBA was abandoning BLM.

Silver says these messages will be “largely left off the floor” next season.

My sense is there’ll be somewhat a return to normalcy, that those messages will largely be left to be delivered off the floor.

That's far from saying they will abandon the cause.

You are correct. It seems he thinks that he can just talk a little jive shit, and the fans will be stupid enough to forget that the League and the players all think that they are wacist scum.

The NBA needs to die.
I used to enjoy watching the when that Jabba bloke was doing hooker shots or something............not a fan though.

The word ‘black’ denotes a race of Homo sapiens. The phrase, ‘black lives matter’ is by default a racist statement. It denotes a collective.

What binds “black lives” to a collective. Are you referring to a collective as in a Marxist or Communist collective?

Black Homo Sapiens are living breathing organisms just as white Homo Sapiens are living breathing organisms all in the same collective of Homo Sapiens wherein all have the equal inalienable right to life. That right to life should matter equally in the proper and moral Homo Sapiens society known as mankind.

So why is it racist for the minority group to cite a grievance against the majority group because the majority group in some respects during the enforcement of laws and the use of lethal force by some individuals, do not demonstrate they value the lives of the minority group as much as their own,

Such as a WHITE Police Officer with several officers watching, Choking a Black suspect to death for almost nine minutes.

Why is it racist to insist that Black Lives Matter as much as White Lives?
I agree; just wish blacks thought the same and stopped killing their own in such terrible numbers!!!

Considering the years I had to spend listening to liberals gloat about how much hispanics hated Trump? Sure, i "supported" his concern.

Well then be the racist that you are. Stop whining that you aren’t.

Non-white judges cannot serve in the all white legal world that you and Trump need to be treated with the respect and dignified fairness that only a pure white male judge of European descent can give you.

.....and it’s the nameless dastardly Liberals fault that you have to be a racist.

If it is wacist when I say it, was it racist when you said it?
EABlair’s several words on job creation in Post #194 26783393
What makes you think I've said one single word on Obama's record as a job creator?

When you said the following SIXTEEN WORDS in response to my comparison of (Trump’s versus Obama’s) record on job creation in your post #165 26781244.
Trump ran into a little buzz saw called the covid pandemic. Maybe you heard of it?
In case you forgot, your SIXTEEN WORDS were in direct response to the following question and statements in my post #136 26778475.
If Trump ran on jobs why do you still support him. Trump is the worst thing on jobs since Herbert Hoover

Trump is so popular still with the white evangelical Christian nationalist crowd, so it can’t be jobs that attract them to him. Must’ve been his birtherism and now his lies about BLM.

Ad you can see you were presenting an argument that Trump should be excused from a comparison to Obama’s better
jobs record because of the pandemic. Buzzsaw.
Trump ran into a little buzz saw called the covid pandemic
But the discussion went to comparing Obama’s last three years to Trump’s first three prior to COVID19 as evidenced by Post #169 26781651 and Post #172 26781968
AND, he was doing great on jobs, until covid.

Why were you not impressed with black Obama’s final three years’ better record on jobs than white Trump’s first three years.

So you see the tracks of the discussion you joined were about Obama’s record on jobs being better than Trump’s prior to the COVID19 buzzsaw that Trump misshandled worse than he mishandled the economy in his first three years.

Your pretense of not understanding the business cycle is not credible.
In case you forgot, your SIXTEEN WORDS were in direct response to the following question and statements in my post #136 26778475.
Sorry, not really though.
Not seeing one single word about Barack Obama.

Not by name. Not by implication. Nothing!
Don't try again. Just go away.
Your reply was in response to several posts regarding Barack Obama. I reposted them for your convenience. When you say you cannot see it you are a liar.
And you are a fucking idiot! I've flatly stated over and over now that I, myself, never mentioned Barry "Lightbringer" Obama. I can't help what you or some other dope posted.
I never mentioned him despite your many dull witted claims to the contrary.

My post was NOT in response to what other people said. Only what I myself referenced.

Been reading long?
My post was NOT in response to what other people said. Only what I myself referenced

Your response was to my post where I compared Obama to trump on their job records. The last three years compared to the first three years. Did you not read that?

Go back and read my post. I never mentioned Obama's name once!

I did not say that you did. However the truth is you were responding to my post where Obama’s name was mentioned. And here it is below:

I cited your comment in Post 26781244 to ask you the same question that I was asking Correll in that post.

Trump ran into a little buzz saw called the covid pandemic. Maybe you heard of it?

Here is that post to which you became evasive and quite cranky.26781968

where was the great TRUMP job growth prior to the Pandemic hit in March that was supposed to be gone by EASTER
JOBS - Obama's Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump's Best Year
The graph below shows the number of employees in the private sector of the economy, meaning it excludes government workers and farmers. It shows that there has been 10 years of increased employment, seven under Obama and three under Trump. It turns out that in 2019 there were 1.927 million private sector jobs added, the fewest since 2010 as the economy was recovering from the Great Recession.

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year
So what makes you think the great American Trump was actually great on jobs and Obama the Kenyan born Muslim illegitimate fake birth certificate President was not?

So what will it be more evasive Ness and complaining or can you answer the question?
Your response was to my post where I compared Obama to trump on their job records. The last three years compared to the first three years. Did you not read that?
But I did NOT respond to some unseen post that went before my post.
I'm not interested in scanning the minutiae of every post in any given thread.
I hope that concept isn't too complicated for you.
But I did NOT respond to some unseen post that went before my post.

You responded to my post that referenced Obama. I cited what you wrote earlier in order to ask you a question about it.

you said essentially the same as Correll. Trump was great on jobs until the Pandemic.

If Trump was great, why was Obama not great to Trump voters who vote primarily on job creation.

If you respond to posts that you don’t read I can’t help you with that.

Here is the question:

“where was the great TRUMP job growth prior to the Pandemic hit in March that was supposed to be gone by EASTER”
JOBS - Obama's Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump's Best Year
Trump DID do a good job until the covid pandemic struck!
Beyond that I haven't made a comment and I usually do not when it comes to economic issues
which often can be endless rabbit holes to chase down.

So get someone else to play your games. I already made my opinions known.
But I did NOT respond to some unseen post that went before my post.

You responded to my post that referenced Obama. I cited what you wrote earlier in order to ask you a question about it.

you said essentially the same as Correll. Trump was great on jobs until the Pandemic.

If Trump was great, why was Obama not great to Trump voters who vote primarily on job creation.

If you respond to posts that you don’t read I can’t help you with that.

Here is the question:

“where was the great TRUMP job growth prior to the Pandemic hit in March that was supposed to be gone by EASTER”
JOBS - Obama's Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump's Best Year
Dear Fooled, Obama's numbers were off a low point due to the Global Recession etc of 2008; Trump's numbers were off the best numbers Obama ever got and in the end were affected by the Kung Flu. You do realise that you indeed look quite foolish in not understanding that SIMPLE concept!!!

Dear Fooled, Obama's numbers were off a low point due to the Global Recession etc of 2008; Trump's numbers were off the best numbers Obama ever got and in the end were affected by the Kung Flu.

Actually - No. You are an idiot. I was comparing Obama’s last three years that were long after the 2008 recession. I am comparing 2014 2015 and 2016 to Trump’s first three years before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. 2017 2018 and 2019. Obama created more jobs in three years than Trump did In three years. I’m comparing straight numbers and time frames.

However acccording to Trump and a lot of his Confederate soldiers Obama was horrible on jobs and Trump was the greatest thing that ever lived. How can it be? That is the question. Can you answer it? Just looking for an explanation.
Dear Fooled, Obama's numbers were off a low point due to the Global Recession etc of 2008; Trump's numbers were off the best numbers Obama ever got and in the end were affected by the Kung Flu.

Actually - No. You are an idiot. I was comparing Obama’s last three years that were long after the 2008 recession. I am Comparing 2014 2015 and 2016 to Trump’s first three years before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. 2017 2018 and 2019. Obama created more jobs in three years than Trump did In a three years. I’m comparing straight numbers. However acccording to Trump and a lot of his Confederate soldiers Obama was horrible on jobs and Trump was the greatest thing that ever lived. How can it be? That is the question. Can you answer it?

Actually didnt' this come up in the thread because said something stupid about Trump not running on issues, or running on wacism, or some such stupid shit?

in which case you not agreeing with his policies, is irrelevant.

YOu just can't admit that he had them, because if you don't agree, then in your mind, they are not valid issues.

YOu have an insanely closed mind.

Which is another way of saying, you are a liberal.

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