The NBA is abandoning BLM for next season because ratings are down 68 percent and all teams will soon go bankrupt if BLM persist

3. AND, I am more concerned with the underlying trends,
So he must be in favor of raising the minimum wage.

Big difference between crafting economic policies that creates the conditions for wages to rise naturally, over time, despite the normal economic cycle and a blunt force government mandate.

I've been in the situation where worker(s) have the power over the employer(s) who need to compete for workers rather than the other way around.

It was fucking great and I would love for more of my fellow Americans to get to experience it.
I have never argued that resolving illegal immigration issues has racist motivation. I’m saying that trumps politically motivated racist remarks are related by default to his immigration policies.

The American judge of Mexican ancestry is not an illegal immigrant so there’s no reason to bring it up in the conversation that I did

a. Do you recall his slander and vicious attack on a Mexican judge saying he could not be fair because his parents came from Mexico. Is that racist? Is there a cultural attack or not wait American citizens?

I never said to we don’t. I brought up the judge born of Mexican immigrants that Trump trashed as part of his racist immigration campaign in 2015. why did you not respond to that?

I was clearly talking about trumps racist remarks. Not immigration policy

1. You did not mention them. You just asserting that Trump's discussion of immigration was wacist without conceding that there was a real problem.

When you try to dodge answering the question about an American judge with Mexican ancestry that Trump attacked I thought you were referring to that and that I I did not mention trumps racist remarks.

You did not mention them. You left out the huge problem that this nation has with illegal immigration and while crying wacims, about the President that ran on the issue heavily.

So now do you wish to respond to my point or just try and divert with complaints that I don’t mention things to your liking.

I understand why you need a smokescreen a diversion. There’s no way to defend trumps remark against the judge is not being racist
I have never argued that resolving illegal immigration issues has racist motivation. I’m saying that trumps politically motivated racist remarks are related by default to his immigration policies.

The American judge of Mexican ancestry is not an illegal immigrant so there’s no reason to bring it up in the conversation that I did

a. Do you recall his slander and vicious attack on a Mexican judge saying he could not be fair because his parents came from Mexico. Is that racist? Is there a cultural attack or not wait American citizens?

I never said to we don’t. I brought up the judge born of Mexican immigrants that Trump trashed as part of his racist immigration campaign in 2015. why did you not respond to that?

I was clearly talking about trumps racist remarks. Not immigration policy

1. You did not mention them. You just asserting that Trump's discussion of immigration was wacist without conceding that there was a real problem.

When you try to dodge answering the question about an American judge with Mexican ancestry that Trump attacked I thought you were referring to that and that I I did not mention trumps racist remarks.

You did not mention them. You left out the huge problem that this nation has with illegal immigration and while crying wacims, about the President that ran on the issue heavily.

So now do you wish to respond to my point or just try and divert with complaints that I don’t mention things to your liking.

I understand why you need a smokescreen a diversion. There’s no way to defend trumps remark against the judge is not being racist

Going into the election, liberals were gloating that Trump could not win, for, among other reasons, that Hispanics were a larger than ever bloc and they hate republicans, especially Trump with his anti-immigration position.

They gloated about how hispanics hated Trump, right up until the day that Trump commented on how one specific hispanic hated him and thus could not be an impartial judge to him, and suddenly they realized it was wacist to think that American citizens would hate someone because they were hispanic and the person supported certain policies.

A day or two later, they went back to gloating about how hispanics (and other minorities) hate Trump.

They still sometimes will bring up again, how wacist it is, to think that Hispanic Americans would hate Trump based on their being hispanic.

BUT, at the same time, they are very happy that their wace baiting has managed to get more minorities to hate Republicans.

This type of thinking, of holding two conflicting ideas, is the basis of all liberal thought.

And is why the majority of liberals are both insane and unhappy.
Big difference between crafting economic policies that creates the conditions for wages to rise naturally, over time,

naturally, over time???? How much time do you want to git?

The federal minimum wage was last raised on July 24, 2009, when it rose from $6.55 to $7.25 per hour, the last step of a three-step increase approved by Congress in 2007. Before 2007, the minimum wage had been stuck at $5.15 per hour for 10 years.

I assume it’s trickle down economics you are referring to as the natural way. That’s going on to 50 years now.When do these natural forces kick in to help the dishwasher at clubs like Mar-a-Lago. We’re people pay 200,000 bucks a year to hang out with the President of the United States to make sure they won’t raise the minimum wage for the people serving them.
Big difference between crafting economic policies that creates the conditions for wages to rise naturally, over time,

naturally, over time???? How much time do you want to git?

The federal minimum wage was last raised on July 24, 2009, when it rose from $6.55 to $7.25 per hour, the last step of a three-step increase approved by Congress in 2007. Before 2007, the minimum wage had been stuck at $5.15 per hour for 10 years.

I assume it’s trickle down economics you are referring to as the natural way. That’s going on to 50 years now.When do these natural forces kick in to help the dishwasher at clubs like Mar-a-Lago. We’re people pay 200,000 bucks a year to hang out with the President of the United States to make sure they won’t raise the minimum wage for the people serving them.


I want to see wages rising over all time, ie from now on.

Reduce the supply of labor, increase demand, shift the power from the employers to the employees and watch wages and working conditions rise as employers have to compete for people to fill their jobs, instead of the other way around.
Going into the election, liberals were gloating that Trump could not win, for, among other reasons, that Hispanics were a larger than ever bloc and they hate republicans, especially Trump with his anti-immigration position.

Again I am saying that Trump is a racist because of his Birtherism And his remarks about an American judge whose parents were from Mexico. Trump and republican policies on immigration have nothing to do with why Trump is a racist.

If you want to have a discussion with millions of nameless liberals Please contact the nameless liberals society and set up a forum.

but if you want to have a discussion with me please tell me why it’s improper for me to label Trump is a racist for comments like the one about the American judge with Hispanic parents. That’s racist and many of his voters adore him for it.
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Oh say can you see, so long blackie lives
That is so not true.....everybody has suffered during this Trump neglected pandemic. BLM will continue to thrive as long as there are injustices among our ppl. Please stop whacking off to the thought of BLM going away, save it for that date that once again didn't show up LOL
the day that Trump commented on how one specific hispanic hated him and thus could not be an impartial judge to him,

Do you support trump on that attack on a judge who’s duty it is is to determine the truth about something Trump has done or is requesting. When that judge rules against trump it has to be because the judge is a Mexican. Because Trump never loses.

Like when Trump loses the election it’s not because he lost its because the other side cheated.

It’s heads I win tails you cheated.
the day that Trump commented on how one specific hispanic hated him and thus could not be an impartial judge to him,

Do you support trump on that attack on a judge who’s duty it is is to determine the truth about something Trump has done or is requesting. When that judge rules against trump it has to be because the judge is a Mexican. Because Trump never loses.

Considering the years I had to spend listening to liberals gloat about how much hispanics hated Trump? Sure, i "supported" his concern.

Hell, how many times have libs like you whined about an "all white jury" or "white judges"?

What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.
So what makes you think the great American Trump was actually great on jobs and Obama the Kenyan born Muslim illegitimate fake birth certificate President was not?
What makes you think I've said one single word on Obama's record as a job creator?
That's the better question.

Go back and read my post. I never mentioned Obama's name once!
The issue was dementia riddled Joe Biden.
But the new woke NBA has caused me to rethink my allegiances so let the league bow down to the Disney dark side and the Communist Chinese government.

No matter the white conservative phraseology you are giving for rethinking your allegiance to the NBA it is your bottom line opposition ti the NBA corporate decision last sumner to publicly put the 9 minute suffocation killing of George Floyd by a white police officer on the floor of the courts and on the Jerseys of the players that disturbs you.

Blame it on woke culture, the Disney dark side and Chinese Communists all you want. You ain’t foolin’ anybody.

You cant be bothered by reminders of George Floyd’s killing when you tune in to be entertained by athletes playing a game.

Even if the athletes want you to be bothered.

You are with so many white conservatives who don't want to be bothered by political and moralistic calls to resolve race related inequities and social injustice when your gif given right to be entertained by black athletes with their mouths shut has been violated.
George Floyd's death, it seems, is due as much to all the drugs Floyd ingested as some
cop's knee on his neck.
I'm not trying to fool anybody. I don't watch the NBA, or don't watch it anymore, for their
political take on the neo Marxist clowns in BLM who spent much of 2020 burning down large sections
of many US cities and making threatening demands.

"Autonomous zones" are bullshit. Deconstructing police forces is bullshit. Giving a shit what LeBron James thinks or whatever other clown you worship is bullshit.
Adam Silver realizes why people pay so much money to attend basketball games or buy products from the
companies that prop up the NBA and it isn't for the politicized side shows you seem to love.

No one is going to resolve race related inequities and social injustices by painting BLM slogans
on NBA basketball courts and deifying a life time criminal and scumbag like George Floyd.
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George Floyd's death, it seems, is due as much to all the drugs Floyd ingested as some cop's knee on his neck.

Two coroners reports say drugs did not cause Floyd’s death. When did you examine the body?

Why are you lying about a case where a cop keeps his knee on a suspects neck for almost nine minutes and the suspect dies?

do you lie to excuse the cop?
Considering the years I had to spend listening to liberals gloat about how much hispanics hated Trump? Sure, i "supported" his concern.

Well then be the racist that you are. Stop whining that you aren’t.

Non-white judges cannot serve in the all white legal world that you and Trump need to be treated with the respect and dignified fairness that only a pure white male judge of European descent can give you.

.....and it’s the nameless dastardly Liberals fault that you have to be a racist.

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