The NBA is abandoning BLM for next season because ratings are down 68 percent and all teams will soon go bankrupt if BLM persist

#130: In a vibrant democracy, neither xianity nor any other religion can be dominant.
Thats true.. The founders were geniuses when it came to making sure the dominant religion would not become a Constitutionally legitimate dominant religion and the white Trump Christians arent too happy with them.
ou made a claim that the majority of the
NBA’s fans are insulted?

Have you communicated with all white NBA FANS about the NBA’s support for BLM or is it more of your personally created Trumpism’s matter of factlessness.

I have repeatedly and clearly explained my reasoning for my position on that.

For you to ask for a supporting argument that you already know, is you being dishonest.

My point has been that America has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality since before I was born. And I am not young.

In such a culture, to tell someone, that "black lives matters" implies that they are wacist and ignorant to the point of being part of a mocked and ostracized fringe group, ie, neo-nazis.

Thus, the phrase is an insult to everyone because it presumes that they are ignorant and wacist fools of the lowest status in our society.

And considering the witch hunt mentality going on in the West today, with regards to wacism, even if they felt insulted, would they dare to say so openly?
The GOP has been committed to racial equality for blacks since before either of us were born, old man.

Then why would they be insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter?

Because it implies that they didn't already know that.

As I explained to you repeatedly.

Do you have brain damage, or are you just being a lefty troll?

LOL. That was a joke. DId you see the what I did there?
No, he did not.

I am specifically referring to “white Christian nationalists” not White Nationalists. Would you like to modify and correct your reply to reflect that reality?

White Christian nationalists are those that believe that America was founded as a Christian nation by a white group of founders who were Bible believing Christians themselves and intended the citizenry be governed based on Christian principles.

Which I believe you have succumbed to that absurd belief.

I would like you to use terminology and phrases that do not purposefully conflate normal good people with fringe hate groups.

You aren't TRYING to do that, are you?

Pro sports are supposed to unifying. What is so unifying about an organization that only cares about Blacks in the statistically rare instance when a Black person is killed by a white cop? Otherwise, BLM doesn’t give a shit when Blacks kill Blacks or when Black-owned businesses are looted and burnt. Finally, BLM has the audacity to get offended by the phrase, “all lives matter.”
Never said he didn’t. But he got elected by spewing racist lies such as this:

“The stated goal of BLM people is to achieve the destruction of the nuclear family, abolish the police, abolish prisons, abolish border security, abolish capitalism and abolish school choice," TRUMP SEPTEMBER 2020.

BLM is a group who has some very radical ideas. It is not "black people".

Attacking blm is not attacking black people.

I take it that you went looking for ACTUAL racist statement from Trump and could not find any?

How long did you look before you gave up and just went with something you thought you could spin into something that

sounded sort of wacist, and decided to collect it together with a pile of equally weak shit and hope no one noticed?
3. The phrase blm is an insult to every American who hears it, (except the few hundreds, or maybe thousands who disagree with it).

This is actually one of your biggest bullshit claims. Last summer Americans were 54% 37% supportive of the black lives movement. What evidence do you have that that 54% feel they were insulted but decided to tell posters that they support the BLM movement anyway.

I don’t know of any polls where Americans were asked if they are insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter. Perhaps you could be so kind as to let us know what your source is?

I already repeatedly explained my reasoning. Do you have brain damage or are you a liberal troll?

LOL!!! Gods, I'm hilarious. That just gets funnier every time you give me an excuse to use it.
Long term constantly expressing contempt to the fans, undermines the entire concept of team sports.

How does saying that it’s imperative in our society that Black Lives must Matter to every single law enforcement officer given a badge and a gun is an expression of contempt for NBA fans? Unless you believe police work is 100% there how in the hell can you object to getting it to 100% there?

I know why you object. It’s just a matter of how do you live with yourself having that objection.

The phrase "black lives matters" is not directed solely at law enforcement. Law enforcement personnel are a tiny, tiny percentage of the people that are now constantly bombarded with that phrase either in speech or in media, or on t-shirts, ect.

It is directed at everyone. Thus your pretense that it is directed at le, is a lie done because you realize I am right.
Trump actually ran on jobs and immigration.

If Trump ran on jobs why do you still support him. Trump is the worst thing on jobs since Herbert Hoover.

"As can be seen, after four years in the White House, Donald Trump had a net loss of 2,943,000 jobs. After one month, Joe Biden has a net gain of 379,000,​

Trump is so popular still with the white evangelical Christian nationalist crowd, so it can’t be jobs that attract them to him. Must’ve been his birtherism and now his lies about BLM.

When we are discussing what he ran on, to appeal to voters, which you brought up, not me,

discussing how it actually worked out is irrelevant. It is all about perceptions at the time of the act.

Which is pretty obvious.

I take it that you realized that you were wrong and had to do something dishonest to dodge admitting it.

My point stands. Trump ran on jobs and immigration.

Your claims otherwise, are simply wace baiting nonsense.
My point stands. Trump ran on jobs and immigration.

Of course it stands you idiot. I have never argued against that.

Biden is running on jobs but it doesn’t have to be a racist to get attention

That does not negate the fact that Trump used racist birther ism to gain attention so he could run on jobs in immigration.

My point was why are people still infatuated and enamored with him when he did such a miserable job on jobs?
The phrase "black lives matters" is not directed solely at law enforcement.

I didn’t say it was. It’s primarily about law-enforcement and the serious inequities abd race related problems therein.

So if you can’t address the issue as put forth, just say so. Don’t be making crap up about what I said.
My point stands. Trump ran on jobs and immigration.

Of course it stands you idiot. I have never argued against that.

Biden is running on jobs but it doesn’t have to be a racist to get attention

That does not negate the fact that Trump used racist birther ism to gain attention so he could run on jobs in immigration.

My point was why are people still infatuated and enamored with him when he did such a miserable job on jobs?

1. Birtherism is not about race. It is about the radicalness of the current Left and wishful thinking.

2. We are not "infatuated" with him. That you cannot respect a political disagreement is you being an ass.

3. I personally was impressed with his progress on jobs, very much so, until covid hit.

4.When you people accuse him of wacism, you are just wace baiting.
I already repeatedly explained my reasoning.

I don’t need an explanation of your reasoning. There is no value to a racist expressing his reasoning. I want data. I am white I am not insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter. I am not alone. You were telling me that I am insulted and that all NBA fans are insulted. You are nuts. You have no data to back that came up. I pointed out that most NBA fans live in big cities were there they have teams. That’s just common sense. Big cities are mostly liberal. Why in the hell would they be insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter?

You never address the pertinent points.

Oh say can you see, so long blackie lives

Too late. I'll still remember what the NBA did next year.
The NBA is as useless as BLM... The world would be better off without either one. They are the definition of non- essential

Why do basketball players think they're entitled to so much more than the people who work in the stadium cleaning, serving refreshments and packing cars?
3. I personally was impressed with his progress on jobs, very much so, until covid hit.

Then you would’ve been equally Impressed with Obama and Biden’s progress on jobs because Trump actually did no better, in fact was a little bit worse, before the Covid pandemic hit.
The phrase "black lives matters" is not directed solely at law enforcement.

I didn’t say it was. It’s primarily about law-enforcement and the serious inequities abd race related problems therein.

So if you can’t address the issue as put forth, just say so. Don’t be making crap up about what I said.

I did address it. You tell people something that they don't know or don't agree with.

Thus it is insulting.
Why do basketball players think they're entitled to so much more than the people who work in the stadium cleaning, serving refreshments and packing cars?

When they count it when they when they came out in full support of the Black Lives Matter movement they are saying they are no better than all the working class people did you seem to be so concerned about.

But when lworking class people are mistreated by law-enforcement do you want them just to shut up. What do you think you’re better than them.

Most black NBA athletes come from the streets that Black Lives Matter represents.

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