The NBA is abandoning BLM for next season because ratings are down 68 percent and all teams will soon go bankrupt if BLM persist

You are constantly conflating the actual racist fringe with larger more mainstream groups so that you have an excuse to vilify and marginalize people that dare to oppose you on policy.

I have not conflated anything. If you can you would surely show the readers where you think I did.

What I’m saying is that anyone who claims to be insulted by a phrase or a movement named “Black Lives Matter” has a problem with black lives mattering and it likely involves their deep dark racist tendencies. And it involves their use of racial tensions as a favorable political tool by accusing the Black Lives Matter peaceful protest organization is responsible for all looting and violence that has occurred the past 5.5 years.

That makes no sense. I would not be insulted by you telling me something about other people that I disagree with.

BUT, I would be insulted if you told me something that every child is taught, over and over, and is only disagreed with by the most racist and marginalized and outcast members of our culture.

Tell you what, next time you are at a MLK rally, tell one of your black buddies,...say...

Tell him that "black men are just as capable of holding down a job as white men".

I mean, the only person that would feel insulted by that, would be someone that disagreed with it, right? That is what you are saying above. You are claiming that my feeling insulted HAS to be because I disagree with it.

You are being willfully ignorant, even after I have proven my point.

You are stonewalling.
Trump is not a white nationalist. White Nationalism is a specific fringe ideology with no national voice or importance.

Trump became President by pledging to give white Christian nationalists power. They held their Christian noses and gave the pussy grabber their votes. White Christian nationalists are not a fringe ideology with no national voice or importance.

No, he did not. He never touched on any of the ideas of White Nationalists.

White Nationalists want an ethno state, for whites, similar to to the way Israel is for jews.

NOthing Trump said or did, hints at that at all.

Trump actually ran on jobs and immigration. Your claims are absurd.
THe left's narrative have constantly been that America as a whole, and white Americans specifically are wacist and need to all check their privilege.

Nope: here is the left’s understanding of what’s going in the Trump cult of his ‘great white hope’ personality.

Trump has captured the loyalties of that group of racist white Americans who make up the GOP base. More importantly, he cut out the middleman by embracing an overt form of racism that's more appealing than the coded dog whistles of the past. The more traditional form of GOP politics, where racism has to be sublimated into movements that pretend to be about "small government," like the Tea Party, just can't compete. Trump withdrawal leaves the Republican Party in disarray

No more dog whistles from Trump. Here’s an example of his direct attacks which are nothing but lies that have his racist pack of white dogs salivating howling and barking.

He even tried to make black votes not matter in cities like Philadelphia Detroit Atlanta and Milwaukee because they voted his white racist ass out of the White House.
“The stated goal of BLM people is to achieve the destruction of the nuclear family, abolish the police, abolish prisons, abolish border security, abolish capitalism and abolish school choice," TRUMP SEPTEMBER 2020.​
If you accept these racists lies by TRUMP you are a racist. Its your choice.

The GOP has been committed to racial equality for blacks since before either of us were born, old man.

That you found a voice that blamed the GOP specifically for the wacism that the left claims is systemic in America, does not change the fact that the narrative from the left has been that AMERICA is wacist, specifically white Americans.

Trump ran on jobs and immigration, both completely valid, normal, even boring issues. That your side reacted hysterically is a reflection on how radical YOU have become.
You have a sport that is constantly and viciously insulting the majority of it's fans.

You made a claim that the majority of the
NBA’s fans are insulted?

Have you communicated with all white NBA FANS about the NBA’s support for BLM or is it more of your personally created Trumpism’s matter of factlessness.

Or surely you have some credible polling that provides the basis for your argument that some of the millions of white people who hate and or can’t stand Trump’s racist lies and attacks on BLM are NBA fans as well.

And will you tell us how and why you are spewing your newly fabricated lie that the majority of the NBA’s fans are insulted by the phrase BLACk LIVES MATTER?

at the peak last summer white Americans as a whole supported the BLM movement 54-37 — a 17-point margin.

As a rational man living outside the Trump racist accepting cult, I can deduce without specific polling that most of that 54 percent of white people who are NBA fans would be residents of major cities that have NBA teams. I may further deduce that the majority of white NBA fans living in big cities being polled were not among the group that lost support of BLM by the time of the election.

We can be fairly well certain that your wacko claim that a majority of white NBA fans are insulted when they hear the phrase that Black Lives Matter or see it painted in the floor of a Basketball court. In other words you’re an idiot and a liar.
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No, he did not.

I am specifically referring to “white Christian nationalists” not White Nationalists. Would you like to modify and correct your reply to reflect that reality?

White Christian nationalists are those that believe that America was founded as a Christian nation by a white group of founders who were Bible believing Christians themselves and intended the citizenry be governed based on Christian principles.

Which I believe you have succumbed to that absurd belief.
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The reason for the distancing is because ‘black lives matter’ is a racist statement, which in a vibrant democracy should be countered immediately with the statement, ‘All Lives Matter.’ Thus, suggested reading is Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American.
Trump ran on jobs and immigration, both completely valid, normal, even boring issues.

Never said he didn’t. But he got elected by spewing racist lies such as this:

“The stated goal of BLM people is to achieve the destruction of the nuclear family, abolish the police, abolish prisons, abolish border security, abolish capitalism and abolish school choice," TRUMP SEPTEMBER 2020.​

Trump’s birtherism was racist enough to be politically repulsed by hus words and deeds and he has consistently been a spreader of racist lies going back to before he was elected.

EARLY AND OFTEN NOV. 22, 2015 Donald Trump Makes Racist Point With Wildly Incorrect Tweet By Margaret Hartmann
Donald Trump has been binging on inflammatory remarks in the past few days, jumping from suggesting that we track Muslim Americans, to condoning the assault of a black protester at one of his events, to insisting that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrated on 9/11, despite evidence to the contrary.​
Then on Sunday afternoon, Trump retweeted a graphic from the Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco that shows black people are responsible for the vast majority of killings of both white people and other black people. "@SeanSean252: @WayneDupreeShow @Rockprincess818 @CheriJacobus"— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2015
The problem: All of these numbers are made up, and the Crime Statistics Bureau of San Francisco doesn’t exist. Basically, people are far more likely to be killed by someone of the same race. The Washington Post reports that according to the FBI’s most recent data, 82.4 percent of murdered white people were killed by other white people in 2014, and 14.8 percent of white victims were killed by black people. The graphic’s number of blacks killed by blacks is off considerably, too — it’s 90 percent, not 97 percent — and 7.6 percent of black murder victims are killed by whites, not 2 percent. We don’t have reliable statistics on killings by police, but the Post’s data suggests those numbers are wrong as well.​

Trump was a racist liar before becoming
President and still is. It just did not work for him in 2020 when he pinned his hopes on the violence following the killing of George woukd give him the white fear and backlash that gave him the White House in 2016.
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The reason for the distancing is because ‘black lives matter’ is a racist statement, which in a vibrant democracy should be countered immediately with the statement, ‘All Lives Matter.’

Stating Black Lives Matter could be a racist statement if it clearly were stated that ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER which it does not.

In a vibrant democracy where it always happened in all aspects of law enforcement within that vibrant democracy, and the necessary power that must be granted to Police Officers were consistently applied with a full commitment to the idea that “all lives matter equally could mean you have a point.

However you are trying to pass off an argument that racism does not exist in law enforcement so there is no reason to state that Black Lives MATTER.

You are wrong.
Thus, suggested reading is Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American.

I don’t get the connection between All Lives MATTER and the excellent work by Seidel.

I agree with this review wholeheartedly:
.... importance lies in the evidence he produces to demonstrate that the Christian nationalist position is founded on myth, erroneous assumptions, emotion, and flagrant lies.​
In the introduction, Seidel characterizes Christian nationalism as an “unholy alliance, an incestuous marriage of conservative politics and conservative Christianity” (p. 8). It’s the idea that America was founded as and should be a Christian theocracy, not a secular democracy. Under the Trump regime, Christian nationalists have achieved more influence and power than at any other time in recent history.​

Except I don’t believe white Christian nationalist are after a full blown theocracy / they just want their style of Christianity to have some guarantee if always bring the dominate and only true official American religion.
We can be fairly well certain that your wacko claim that a majority of white NBA fans are insulted when they hear the phrase that Black Lives Matter or see it painted in the floor of a Basketball court. In other words you’re an idiot and a liar.
Unless the thread claim that the NBA will be disentangling itself from the BLM cult next year is a lie
you are the one who seems to be all upside down on this issue.

Numbers have no agenda and the NBA is losing it's fan base big time!
The BLM wave has crested and now in decline. Get used to it.
As Adam Silver has found out there isn't much future in putting all your eggs
in the woke basket.
Unless the thread claim that the NBA will be disentangling itself from the BLM cult next year is a lie
you are the one who seems to be all upside down on this issue.

Actually it is @Correll’s lie that the majority of NBA fans are insulted by the phase BLM causing the NBA ratings to go down.

Could you please address that issue?

And you’re wrong about BLM being the reason that NBA ratings are down. I have already pointed out that the season was delayed for four months and the finals were concurrent with the NFL season. And several other reasons like daytime games etc.

And the NBA playoffs this year were during the very huge election when most Americans were trying to make sure we get rid of Trump.
Unless the thread claim that the NBA will be disentangling itself from the BLM cult next year

That is a lie. The NBA is not disentangling itself from the BLM cult. They do not refer to it as a cult. They are simply removing the BLM phrase from the floor and allowing the players to state their cases as much as they want outside of the games. That is not disentangling. Thats just a return to normal. I think they’re setting aside like millions of dollars for the cause.

The NBA Is Donating $300 Million Over The Next Decade To Black Empowerment

Aug 6, 2020 — The league has established a new NBA Foundation aimed at ... Phoenix Suns players wearing Black Lives Matter shirts kneel during the singing of ...​

So if you’re into hating Black people and not wanting to watch the NBA because they don’t, then you’re gonna just have to keep on hating them and the NBA.
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3. The phrase blm is an insult to every American who hears it, (except the few hundreds, or maybe thousands who disagree with it).

This is actually one of your biggest bullshit claims. Last summer Americans were 54% 37% supportive of the black lives movement. What evidence do you have that that 54% feel they were insulted but decided to tell posters that they support the BLM movement anyway.

I don’t know of any polls where Americans were asked if they are insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter. Perhaps you could be so kind as to let us know what your source is?
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Long term constantly expressing contempt to the fans, undermines the entire concept of team sports.

How does saying that it’s imperative in our society that Black Lives must Matter to every single law enforcement officer given a badge and a gun is an expression of contempt for NBA fans? Unless you believe police work is 100% there how in the hell can you object to getting it to 100% there?

I know why you object. It’s just a matter of how do you live with yourself having that objection.
Trump actually ran on jobs and immigration.

If Trump ran on jobs why do you still support him. Trump is the worst thing on jobs since Herbert Hoover.

"As can be seen, after four years in the White House, Donald Trump had a net loss of 2,943,000 jobs. After one month, Joe Biden has a net gain of 379,000,​

Trump is so popular still with the white evangelical Christian nationalist crowd, so it can’t be jobs that attract them to him. Must’ve been his birtherism and now his lies about BLM.
#129: What part of clearly stated do you not understand?
#130: We must expound on the incestuous.
#130: In a vibrant democracy, neither xianity nor any other religion can be dominant.
The reason for the distancing is because ‘black lives matter’ is a racist statement, which in a vibrant democracy should be countered immediately with the statement, ‘All Lives Matter.’

Black Lives Matter Is not a racist statement.

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