The NBA is abandoning BLM for next season because ratings are down 68 percent and all teams will soon go bankrupt if BLM persist

Why would anybody watch the filth that supports BLM terrorism and insurrection?
Why would anyone fly the flag of traitors and losers? It won`t bring back your slaves.

Cause it's cool.

View attachment 469169
It may be cool in your trailer park but normal people are laughing at you...Loser.

You asked a stupid question and I gave you a real answer.

So, why did you ask teh question? What was your point in asking it? What are you going to do with the answer?

It seems nothing.

Because it was not a question. You were just insulting people, in the form of a "question".

Because you are an asshole and a bigot and a coward.
Waving that flag is cool? You insult yourself.
Why would anybody watch the filth that supports BLM terrorism and insurrection?
Why would anyone fly the flag of traitors and losers? It won`t bring back your slaves.

Cause it's cool.

View attachment 469169
It may be cool in your trailer park but normal people are laughing at you...Loser.

You asked a stupid question and I gave you a real answer.

So, why did you ask teh question? What was your point in asking it? What are you going to do with the answer?

It seems nothing.

Because it was not a question. You were just insulting people, in the form of a "question".

Because you are an asshole and a bigot and a coward.
Waving that flag is cool? You insult yourself.

Been cool for over a hundred years.

Who are you to gainsay the actual heroes that defeated the confederacy?

So its only a coincidence that the NBA wants to unwind from Black Lies Matter?

Yes it’s mostly coincidence. Some right wing drop off but the NHL Playoffs ratings were down more than the NBA.

The other factor was the NBA playoffs were held at the same time as highest participated Presidential election and it was during a deadly pandemic.

The NBA shut down the season in MARCH and didnt restart until June when COVID Cases were spiking. There was no continual flow from the regular season to the playoffs.

The point here being in this thread we can see all of Trump’s regressive idiots focused on the BLM boogeyman Instead of real issues.

All you white Trump goobers on this one thread look to agree as a group that Trump is some kind of political genius. But Trump played the hate card to his own demise.

This thread was an anti-BLM circle jerk last October when Trump was full tilt fear mongering and hoping race related violence would win him a second term. It failed.And you failed the Orange Goober in Chief by salivating over anti-BLM fear-mongering.
So its only a coincidence that the NBA wants to unwind from Black Lies Matter?

Yes it’s mostly coincidence. Some right wing drop off but the NHL Playoffs ratings were down more than the NBA.

The other factor was the NBA playoffs were held at the same time as highest participated Presidential election and it was during a deadly pandemic.

The NBA shut down the season in MARCH and didnt restart until June when COVID Cases were spiking. There was no continual flow from the regular season to the playoffs.

The point here being in this thread we can see all of Trump’s regressive idiots focused on the BLM boogeyman Instead of real issues.

All you white Trump goobers on this one thread look to agree as a group that Trump is some kind of political genius. But Trump played the hate card to his own demise.

This thread was an anti-BLM circle jerk last October when Trump was full tilt fear mongering and hoping race related violence would win him a second term. It failed.And you failed the Orange Goober in Chief by salivating over anti-BLM fear-mongering.
I can only imagine what crazy “real issues” concern you

but you cannot explain away the NBAs change of heart and distancing from Black Lies Matter as anything other than a setback and condemnation of the group

Oh say can you see, so long blackie lives

But Cuban wasn’t buying it.

“You are so full of s--t. You haven't watched a game of the finals, how would you know what is being said or done? Since when is a desire to end racism an insult to anyone or political? And you don't think using #GetWokeGoBroke is a partisan insult? Again, this is who you are.”

Black Lives Matter and "woke culture" are also supposedly trying to destroy the lives of white conservatives, and other white people who do not surrender to "left-wing" political correctness.​

1. Stating black lives matters, implies that the reader is so stupid and wacist that they need to be informed of that. They are insulting the majority of their fans.

No - Stating black lives matters is stating a necessary reminder that all lives matter to the once most powerful white majority that is in numerical decline. BLM is as Trump would say (Lebron James) a NASTY reminder that equal justice and fair treatment of non-white citizens will actually empower the growing group of individuals who were previously marginalized in a white Nation that white Christians believe was formed by white Christians, of white Christians and for white Christians.

You are saying BLM Is an insult because you need to be a victim because that is the only political ploy left for white right wing mostly Christian Americans to keep the political power they have enjoyed for two centuries but now are losing due to numerical decline in white majority religion, as well as biologically in birth rates as well as sociologically in mixed race acceptable culture.

You are not insulted by BLM - you are terrified by BLM ..... “because it upsets yiur sense of natural hierarchy, group authority, and power.”

Decent white Americans are not terrified and that terrified you even more.

I believe wax must terrifying to those white Anericans who fear their dominance of culture is slipping away because he was of mixed race parents. Think about it.
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Black Lives Matter and "woke culture" are also supposedly trying to destroy the lives of white conservatives, and other white people who do not surrender to "left-wing" political correctness.​

1. Stating black lives matters, implies that the reader is so stupid and wacist that they need to be informed of that. They are insulting the majority of their fans.

No - Stating black lives matters is stating a necessary reminder that all lives matter to the once most powerful white majority that is in numerical decline. BLM is as Trump would say (Lebron James) a NASTY reminder that equal justice and fair treatment of non-white citizens will actually empower the growing group of individuals who were previously marginalized in a white Nation that white Christians believe was formed by white Christians, of white Christians and for white Christians.

You are saying BLM Is an insult because you need to be a victim because that is the only political ploy left for white right wing mostly Christian Americans to keep the political power they have enjoyed for two centuries but now are losing due to numerical decline in white majority religion, as well as biologically in birth rates as well as sociologically in mixed race acceptable culture.

You are not insulted by BLM - you are terrified by BLM ..... “because it upsets yiur sense of natural hierarchy, group authority, and power.”

Decent white Americans are not terrified and that terrified you even more.

I believe wax must terrifying to those white Anericans who fear their dominance of culture is slipping away because he was of mixed race parents. Think about it.

I note that there is nothing in your post, about how that "powerful white majority" has been working and sacrificing to try to help "previously marginalized groups" since before we both were born. (assuming you are not elderly).

I grew up in an era where the consensus was equality for blacks. I was taught that not just by my teachers in school and all the media I consumed as a youth, but by my extended family of which most of the adults, were of the WWII generation.

Telling anyone who is part of that culture, that black lives matters, is an insult, because you are implying that they are a wacist and ignorant fool.
Dear victims of the BLM insult - you aren’t. Quit being snowflakes - 26768123
You are saying BLM Is an insult because you need to be a victim because that is the only political ploy left for white right wing mostly Christian Americans

I made this distinction - “white right wing mostly Christian Americans” - which includes people such as yourself that are “insulted” by the phrase Black Lives Matter.

Poor Correll gets no respect or thanks from the "previously marginalized groups" that he sacrificed so much for - 26768314 So please kiss the ring.
I note that there is nothing in your post, about how that "powerful white majority" has been working and sacrificing to try to help "previously marginalized groups" since before we both were born.

I am not elderly but I did graduate from high school the year that Martin Luther King was assassinated. I remember well the year that I signed up for the draft and opposed the US government’s War in Vietnam as I and one friend admired Dr. Martin Luther King because we were interested in Tolstoy and Gandhi and hung out at the library when we not out riding our motorcycles and chasing girls.

My hometown was probably about 30% African-American at that time with a population including the surrounding area of about 40,000. One of the most memorable and impactful moments in my life was attending a huge Memorial Service for Dr King.

At that service my white friend and I were the only two white people that took the time to be there.

It is one of the most proud moments of my life and it felt so good to be there welcomed and loved by the black community under those horrible conditions.

Following the service I heard the usual stuff as racial tensions grew around the country. “Are you nuts. Why did you go? Weren’t you afraid of being attacked?

You are right there were and are white people on the right side of the historic civil rights movement but apparently not in my hometown back then which appeared to be full of Archie Bunkers.

So once again I see you respond not directly to the issue but to the process of how I posted. But you’re even wrong about that.

I did make a distinction between white liberal progressive Americans and those on the right and specifically the white Christian evangelical right who were the main instigators that put the white nationalist unsympathetic to the black cause Trump in power.
made this distinction - “white right wing mostly Christian Americans” - which includes people such as yourself that are “insulted” by the phrase Black Lives Matter.

"White right mostly Christians Americans", like the vast majority of the rest of white Americans, have been part of a consensus that predates MY BIRTH, that not only do black lives matter, but that blacks deserve legal equality.

Thus, telling them that black lives matter, as though there is a real chance that they are so wacist and ignorant as to not know that,

is an insult.

Trump is not a white nationalist. White Nationalism is a specific fringe ideology with no national voice or importance.
"White right mostly Christians Americans", like the vast majority of the rest of white Americans, have been part of a consensus that predates MY BIRTH, that not only do black lives matter, but that blacks deserve legal equality.

If there are white Americans out there that, like me, are part of the consensus that black lives matter and that blacks deserve legal equality, then they would not be insulted in the least by the phrase “Black Lives Matter” at all.

Your complaint about being insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter puts you Correll outside of the consensus. Sorry to inform you of that fact but it does.
"White right mostly Christians Americans", like the vast majority of the rest of white Americans, have been part of a consensus that predates MY BIRTH, that not only do black lives matter, but that blacks deserve legal equality.

If there are white Americans out there that, like me, are part of the consensus that black lives matter and that blacks deserve legal equality, then they would not be insulted in the least by the phrase “Black Lives Matter” at all.

Your complaint about being insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter puts you Correll outside of the consensus. Sorry to inform you of that fact but it does.

Nope. YOu tell someone something that only a ignorant and racist fool needs to be told, and you are insulting them.

If I disagreed, it would not be insulting. I would simply disagree with you.
YOu tell someone something that only a ignorant and racist fool needs to be told, and you are insulting them.

Seeing that you are aware of the fact that there are ignorant and racist fools out there that need to be told (and in law enforcement) should be intelligent enough to understand that the message was not sent to you

It’s up to you to know and understand that when they put out the message that black lives matter it is intended for the ignorant racist fools and therefore it is up to you to understand such a straightforward concept and not be insulted by it.

The fact that you are insulted tells me you’re outside of the consensus that Black lives matter and are running with the pack of ignorant and racist fools who really think they don’t when it comes to equal treatment by law enforcement.
YOu tell someone something that only a ignorant and racist fool needs to be told, and you are insulting them.

Seeing that you are aware of the fact that there are ignorant and racist fools out there that need to be told (and in law enforcement) should be intelligent enough to understand that the message was not sent to you

It’s up to you to know and understand that when they put out the message that black lives matter it is intended for the ignorant racist fools and therefore it is up to you to understand such a straightforward concept and not be insulted by it.

The fact that you are insulted tells me you’re outside of the consensus that Black lives matter and are running with the pack of ignorant and racist fools who really think they don’t when it comes to equal treatment by law enforcement.

Bullshit. THe left's narrative have constantly been that America as a whole, and white Americans specifically are wacist and need to all check their privilege.

You are constantly conflating the actual racist fringe with larger more mainstream groups so that you have an excuse to vilify and marginalize people that dare to oppose you on policy.
Bullshit. THe left's narrative have constantly been that America as a whole, and white Americans specifically are wacist and need to all check their privilege.

I know of no such leftist narrative. Most leftists are white. You are a just making it all up. Your arguments are always relying upon your self induced delusions and a hate-based view the world.
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You are constantly conflating the actual racist fringe with larger more mainstream groups so that you have an excuse to vilify and marginalize people that dare to oppose you on policy.

I have not conflated anything. If you can you would surely show the readers where you think I did.

What I’m saying is that anyone who claims to be insulted by a phrase or a movement named “Black Lives Matter” has a problem with black lives mattering and it likely involves their deep dark racist tendencies. And it involves their use of racial tensions as a favorable political tool by accusing the Black Lives Matter peaceful protest organization is responsible for all looting and violence that has occurred the past 5.5 years.
Trump is not a white nationalist. White Nationalism is a specific fringe ideology with no national voice or importance.

Trump became President by pledging to give white Christian nationalists power. They held their Christian noses and gave the pussy grabber their votes. White Christian nationalists are not a fringe ideology with no national voice or importance.
THe left's narrative have constantly been that America as a whole, and white Americans specifically are wacist and need to all check their privilege.

Nope: here is the left’s understanding of what’s going in the Trump cult of his ‘great white hope’ personality.

Trump has captured the loyalties of that group of racist white Americans who make up the GOP base. More importantly, he cut out the middleman by embracing an overt form of racism that's more appealing than the coded dog whistles of the past. The more traditional form of GOP politics, where racism has to be sublimated into movements that pretend to be about "small government," like the Tea Party, just can't compete. Trump withdrawal leaves the Republican Party in disarray

No more dog whistles from Trump. Here’s an example of his direct attacks which are nothing but lies that have his racist pack of white dogs salivating howling and barking.

He even tried to make black votes not matter in cities like Philadelphia Detroit Atlanta and Milwaukee because they voted his white racist ass out of the White House.

“The stated goal of BLM people is to achieve the destruction of the nuclear family, abolish the police, abolish prisons, abolish border security, abolish capitalism and abolish school choice," TRUMP SEPTEMBER 2020.
If you accept these racists lies by TRUMP you are a racist. Its your choice.
So its only a coincidence that the NBA wants to unwind from Black Lies Matter?

Yes it’s mostly coincidence. Some right wing drop off but the NHL Playoffs ratings were down more than the NBA.

The other factor was the NBA playoffs were held at the same time as highest participated Presidential election and it was during a deadly pandemic.

The NBA shut down the season in MARCH and didnt restart until June when COVID Cases were spiking. There was no continual flow from the regular season to the playoffs.

The point here being in this thread we can see all of Trump’s regressive idiots focused on the BLM boogeyman Instead of real issues.

All you white Trump goobers on this one thread look to agree as a group that Trump is some kind of political genius. But Trump played the hate card to his own demise.

This thread was an anti-BLM circle jerk last October when Trump was full tilt fear mongering and hoping race related violence would win him a second term. It failed.And you failed the Orange Goober in Chief by salivating over anti-BLM fear-mongering.
The media, entertainers and sports players played the Trump race card. Sadly there are many who believe it because it makes them feel better for their own flaws. And that is human nature.
Bullshit. THe left's narrative have constantly been that America as a whole, and white Americans specifically are wacist and need to all check their privilege.

I know of no such leftist narrative. Most leftists are white. You are a just making it all up. Your arguments are always relying upon your self induced delusions and a hate-based view the world.

1. Your denial is not credible. The narrative is constant and everywhere.

2. So what if most leftist are white? Your pretense of never hearing of the concept of self hate, or self hating liberals is not credible.

3. The phrase blm is an insult to every American who hears it, (except the few hundreds, or maybe thousands who disagree with it).

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