The NBA is abandoning BLM for next season because ratings are down 68 percent and all teams will soon go bankrupt if BLM persist

It is not relevant because the point made was about what Trump ran on.

It’s fully irrelevant because the people that chose Trump strictly on jobs Are you still with him even though he didn’t do much on jobs and then ended up as one of the most miserable failures on jobs of any president in the history of the United States. There must be another attraction. That is what’s relevant. And his policies on immigration are related to racism and xenophobia. Do you recall his slander and vicious attack on a Mexican judge saying he could not be fair because his parents came from Mexico. Is that racist? Is there a cultural attack or not wait American citizens?
Why do basketball players think they're entitled to so much more than the people who work in the stadium cleaning, serving refreshments and packing cars?

When they count it when they when they came out in full support of the Black Lives Matter movement they are saying they are no better than all the working class people did you seem to be so concerned about.

But when lworking class people are mistreated by law-enforcement do you want them just to shut up. What do you think you’re better than them.

Most black NBA athletes come from the streets that Black Lives Matter represents.
I hear you say, "blah blah blah we got ours and fuck the working class "
I hear you say, "blah blah blah we got ours and fuck the working class "

I come from the working class. Been working class my entire life. I have done well for myself - Married to a doctor. Not living in a McMansion but we are into small homes outright. Very well set for retirement.

So what is your point of you have one.
That is a lie. The NBA is not disentangling itself from the BLM cult. They do not refer to it as a cult. They are simply removing the BLM phrase from the floor and allowing the players to state their cases as much as they want outside of the games. That is not disentangling. Thats just a return to normal. I think they’re setting aside like millions of dollars for the cause.
That's chicken feed to the multi billion dollar NBA industry.
A return to normal IS disentangling the NBA from BLM and of course the NBA does not refer to the BLM people as a cult. How would it make them look if they did?
The league is still at least 80% black, if not more. The league has to walk a fine line between alienating the woke players in the league and the cash paying public who simply stopped
supporting the bullshit of Silver and his BLM loving woke contingent.

Any idiot can see Adam Silver is trying to stop the bleeding.

So if you’re into hating Black people and not wanting to watch the NBA because they don’t, then you’re gonna just have to keep on hating them and the NBA.
I'm a long time NBA fan who started out watching the Warriors when they still played at the San Francisco Civic Auditorium for Franklin Mieuli.
But the new woke NBA has caused me to rethink my allegiances so let the league
bow down to the Disney dark side and the Communist Chinese government.
I won't watch it and I won't support it. If it helps you rationalize things in your juvenile simplistic mind
by attributing this to "hating black people" I can't stop your stupidity.
I doubt you can either.
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If Trump ran on jobs why do you still support him. Trump is the worst thing on jobs since Herbert Hoover.

"As can be seen, after four years in the White House, Donald Trump had a net loss of 2,943,000 jobs. After one month, Joe Biden has a net gain of 379,000,
Trump is so popular still with the white evangelical Christian nationalist crowd, so it can’t be jobs that attract them to him. Must’ve been his birtherism and now his lies about BLM.
Trump ran into a little buzz saw called the covid pandemic. Maybe you heard of it?

Your citation comes from a leftist advocacy group so anything they say about miraculous job gains
by dementia addled Joe Biden has to be seen in that light. Grow up.

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Actually it is @Correll’s lie that the majority of NBA fans are insulted by the phase BLM causing the NBA ratings to go down.

Could you please address that issue?

And you’re wrong about BLM being the reason that NBA ratings are down. I have already pointed out that the season was delayed for four months and the finals were concurrent with the NFL season. And several other reasons like daytime games etc.

And the NBA playoffs this year were during the very huge election when most Americans were trying to make sure we get rid of Trump.
So your argument is sports fans cannot and will not watch the NBA as long as pro football is still going on?
That's so preposterous it doesn't deserve the dignity of a reply. It's pure idiocy.
NBA attendance declined when BLM was torching American cities and woke NBA clowns were all behind
the lawless rage. Period!
I already repeatedly explained my reasoning.

I don’t need an explanation of your reasoning. There is no value to a racist expressing his reasoning. I want data. I am white I am not insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter. I am not alone. You were telling me that I am insulted and that all NBA fans are insulted. You are nuts. You have no data to back that came up. I pointed out that most NBA fans live in big cities were there they have teams. That’s just common sense. Big cities are mostly liberal. Why in the hell would they be insulted by the phrase Black Lives Matter?

You never address the pertinent points.

Sure I did. You tell someone something, that only a retarded ignorant asshole needs to be told, and you are implying that they are a retarded ignorant asshole.

That is my point. You are the one that has not addressed the pertinent point.
It’s fully irrelevant because the people that chose Trump strictly on jobs Are you still with him even though he didn’t do much on jobs and then ended up as one of the most miserable failures on jobs of any president in the history of the United States. There must be another attraction.

"Strictly jobs"? I always stated TWO issues. So, that is you lying, right there.

AND, he was doing great on jobs, until covid. How many times are you going to bring up that point and ignore my response?

YOur inability to respect other people's disagreement with you, is you being a closed minded asshole.
And his policies on immigration are related to racism and xenophobia.

Bullshit. We have millions, tens of millions of illegals in this country. Saying "wacism" when someone brings up the issue, is just you being a politically correct asshole.
But the new woke NBA has caused me to rethink my allegiances so let the league bow down to the Disney dark side and the Communist Chinese government.

No matter the white conservative phraseology you are giving for rethinking your allegiance to the NBA it is your bottom line opposition ti the NBA corporate decision last sumner to publicly put the 9 minute suffocation killing of George Floyd by a white police officer on the floor of the courts and on the Jerseys of the players that disturbs you.

Blame it on woke culture, the Disney dark side and Chinese Communists all you want. You ain’t foolin’ anybody.

You cant be bothered by reminders of George Floyd’s killing when you tune in to be entertained by athletes playing a game.

Even if the athletes want you to be bothered.

You are with so many white conservatives who don't want to be bothered by political and moralistic calls to resolve race related inequities and social injustice when your gif given right to be entertained by black athletes with their mouths shut has been violated.
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3. I personally was impressed with his progress on jobs, very much so, until covid hit.

Why were you not impressed with black Obama’s final three years’ better record on jobs than white Trump’s first three years.

...and COVID had nothing do with 2019:

“It turns out that in 2019 there were 1.927 million private sector jobs added, the fewest since 2010 as the economy was recovering from the Great Recession.@

Trump ran into a little buzz saw called the covid pandemic.

where was the great TRUMP job growth prior to the Pandemic hit in March that was supposed to be gone by EASTER

The graph below shows the number of employees in the private sector of the economy, meaning it excludes government workers and farmers. It shows that there has been 10 years of increased employment, seven under Obama and three under Trump. It turns out that in 2019 there were 1.927 million private sector jobs added, the fewest since 2010 as the economy was recovering from the Great Recession.​

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

So what makes you think the great American Trump was actually great on jobs and Obama the Kenyan born Muslim illegitimate fake birth certificate President was not?
Bullshit. We have millions, tens of millions of illegals in this country.

I never said to we don’t. I brought up the judge born of Mexican immigrants that Trump trashed as part of his racist immigration campaign in 2015. why did you not respond to that?
Why were you not impressed with black Obama’s final three years’ better record on jobs than white Trump’s first three years.

...and COVID had nothing do with 2019:

“It turns out that in 2019 there were 1.927 million private sector jobs added, the fewest since 2010 as the economy was recovering from the Great Recession.@

1. Because Obama was such a race baiting asshole, I was done with him before such a time.

2. Consider how old the economic expansion was at that time. That Trump managed to keep it going, was a win.

3. AND, I am more concerned with the underlying trends, not so much the normal cyclic nature of teh economy. The real data that made me sit up and take notice was the rise of lower end wages.
1. Birtherism is not about race. It is about the radicalness of the current Left and wishful thinking.

more of your white privilege at work. You must think because your way you get to define what things mean. And that you have last say on the matter.

I can’t see any correlation between the radical left and wishful thinking having anything to do with the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii.. Not Kenya. And then Trump entering the political ring as a birther to attract the anti-Kenya and Anti-Muslim masses that make up So many voters in the republican party. The white evangelical Christian nationalist base.
Bullshit. We have millions, tens of millions of illegals in this country.

I never said to we don’t. I brought up the judge born of Mexican immigrants that Trump trashed as part of his racist immigration campaign in 2015. why did you not respond to that?

1. You did not mention them. You just asserting that Trump's discussion of immigration was wacist without conceding that there was a real problem.

2. You throw out a handful of points, I choose which ones are relevant to reply to. YOu want to be focused, then stop throwing big handfuls of shit, to smear your enemies with.

3. My point stands. We have a massive illegal immigration problem. Trump aggressive campaign on it, as he should have. And the voters, recognizing the seriousness of the problem responded by supporting him.

That you cry wacism, is you being a bad person. The type of wace baiting you are doing, is what has prevented addressing this and many other serious problems, allowing them to continue unabated for decades, causing untold harm to our society and our people.
1. Birtherism is not about race. It is about the radicalness of the current Left and wishful thinking.

more of your white privilege at work. You must think because your way you get to define what things mean. And that you have last say on the matter.

I can’t see any correlation between the radical left and wishful thinking having anything to do with the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii.. Not Kenya. And then Trump entering the political ring as a birther to attract the anti-Kenya and Anti-Muslim masses that make up So many voters in the republican party. The white evangelical Christian nationalist base.

YOu can't see it? Well then I guess that is the end of it.

Except, it isn't. My points stand.

Obama was such a radical leftist, that it is understandable that A. people would be willing to believe that he was not really an American, and B. such a good candidate that people would hope for a technicality to disqualify him on.

That you can't see that, well, that is just you being dismissive of people that are different than you.
1. You did not mention them.

You are a liar.

You did not mention them. You left out the huge problem that this nation has with illegal immigration and while crying wacims, about the President that ran on the issue heavily.

Such bullshit wace baiting, is a big part of why the problem has grown so huge, without every being fixed. Because whenever someone tries to talk about fixing it, people like you cry wacism and shout them down.

Trump deserves credit for standing up to people like you.
The word ‘black’ denotes a race of Homo sapiens. The phrase, ‘black lives matter’ is by default a racist statement. It denotes a collective. It selfishly and preem ptively points to the concept “race,“ at the expense of all other races, and does this right at the beginning, a preemptive racist attack on reasoning. Marx was a racist, too, so we’re not surprised such linguistic trickery emerges from blm’s marxists. “Only black lives matter” will not suffice as an argument, because there is only one black race. Duh

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