Yep, Votto does not get it.
So if they "arrested" anyone, who would know?
Votto, that has been answered for you.
When then has the law been implemented to prove your assertion?
Do you know of anuyone who has been arrested? I do. The program works. They want bad people, not peaceful TPs or libertarians.

No, who has been arrested as a terrorist under the NDAA protocol?

Why did they need the protocol to arrest them and how did they treat them differently because of it?
Yep, Votto does not get it.
So if they "arrested" anyone, who would know?
Votto, that has been answered for you.
When then has the law been implemented to prove your assertion?
Do you know of anuyone who has been arrested? I do. The program works. They want bad people, not peaceful TPs or libertarians.

No, who has been arrested as a terrorist under the NDAA protocol?

Why did they need the protocol to arrest them and how did they treat them differently because of it?
You don't have a need to know, do you?
votto wrote "What do you find so appalling about Cruz?" to my "I will vote for Rubio or Kasich or Christie. Cruz looks reasonable only because Trump is so awful. R or K or C make Cruz look like the libertarian idiocy that he embraces." What does votto not understand?
Is that supposed to make any sense or do you not have an actual answer to votto's question.
You, my dolt, are a clueless as Votto. That's OK.

Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question.

I am not surprised.
votto wrote "What do you find so appalling about Cruz?" to my "I will vote for Rubio or Kasich or Christie. Cruz looks reasonable only because Trump is so awful. R or K or C make Cruz look like the libertarian idiocy that he embraces." What does votto not understand?
Is that supposed to make any sense or do you not have an actual answer to votto's question.
You, my dolt, are a clueless as Votto. That's OK.
lol. Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question. I am not surprised.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
The decision to intern Japanese living on the West Coast during WW2 was made in the context of fearing an invasion by Japan (who had received assistance in planning the Pearl Harbor attack from some Japanese living in Hawaii). A compounding factor was the deification of the Emperor within the predominant Japanese religion.. With the benefit of hindsight, these fears appear to have been unwarranted.

However, to compare this situation to the current world-wide jihad movement within Islam is equally unwarranted. Not only are continuing terrorist attacks a clear and present danger, the very tenets of that religion prescribe conversion by force, the killing of apostates and imposition of Islamic law over entire countries. The deafening silence of opposition to these principles within the Islamic community, combined with elements of radicalization within many mosques, provides a legitimate justification for closer scrutiny of its adherents, particularly of those seeking entry into the U.S.
The biggest problem with the " refugees " is that the only place to get information about them is from the same government they are fleeing, and that government is run by religious devotees to Islam whose holy book -- the Quran -- orders them to kill all infidels.

The government of Syria hates our guts.

We cannot rely on any information from that government.
votto wrote "What do you find so appalling about Cruz?" to my "I will vote for Rubio or Kasich or Christie. Cruz looks reasonable only because Trump is so awful. R or K or C make Cruz look like the libertarian idiocy that he embraces." What does votto not understand?
Is that supposed to make any sense or do you not have an actual answer to votto's question.
You, my dolt, are a clueless as Votto. That's OK.
lol. Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question. I am not surprised.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
No. You, yet again, avoided actually answering it. I know that going to google and looking up a position or 2 is very difficult for you but your alternative plan of simply spewing insults seems to suit you rather well.

Again, it is hilariously ironic that you insult other's education while acting like a second grader.
votto wrote "What do you find so appalling about Cruz?" to my "I will vote for Rubio or Kasich or Christie. Cruz looks reasonable only because Trump is so awful. R or K or C make Cruz look like the libertarian idiocy that he embraces." What does votto not understand?
Is that supposed to make any sense or do you not have an actual answer to votto's question.
You, my dolt, are a clueless as Votto. That's OK.
lol. Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question. I am not surprised.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
No. You, yet again, avoided actually answering it. I know that going to google and looking up a position or 2 is very difficult for you but your alternative plan of simply spewing insults seems to suit you rather well. Again, it is hilariously ironic that you insult other's education while acting like a second grader.
Let's try it little fa_-2 words. Cruz look normal next to Trump. Cruz look idiotnext to Kasich or Rubio or Christie.
Is that supposed to make any sense or do you not have an actual answer to votto's question.
You, my dolt, are a clueless as Votto. That's OK.
lol. Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question. I am not surprised.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
No. You, yet again, avoided actually answering it. I know that going to google and looking up a position or 2 is very difficult for you but your alternative plan of simply spewing insults seems to suit you rather well. Again, it is hilariously ironic that you insult other's education while acting like a second grader.
Let's try it little fa_-2 words. Cruz look normal next to Trump. Cruz look idiotnext to Kasich or Rubio or Christie.
And that does not answer the question.

I know, really really hard for someone of your 'caliber' to actually understand the really basic and direct question that was posed to you. It must be difficult coming up with a point to fit in between the insults that you must fill your posts with.
You, my dolt, are a clueless as Votto. That's OK.
lol. Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question. I am not surprised.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
No. You, yet again, avoided actually answering it. I know that going to google and looking up a position or 2 is very difficult for you but your alternative plan of simply spewing insults seems to suit you rather well. Again, it is hilariously ironic that you insult other's education while acting like a second grader.
Let's try it little fa_-2 words. Cruz look normal next to Trump. Cruz look idiot next to Kasich or Rubio or Christie.
And that does not answer the question. I know, really really hard for someone of your 'caliber' to actually understand the really basic and direct question that was posed to you. It must be difficult coming up with a point to fit in between the insults that you must fill your posts with.
The question is decisively answered. That you don't like it matters not to me. It is what it is, my friend.
So if they "arrested" anyone, who would know?
Votto, that has been answered for you.
When then has the law been implemented to prove your assertion?
Do you know of anuyone who has been arrested? I do. The program works. They want bad people, not peaceful TPs or libertarians.

No, who has been arrested as a terrorist under the NDAA protocol?

Why did they need the protocol to arrest them and how did they treat them differently because of it?
You don't have a need to know, do you?

And I also don't need to vote for filth like you would, such as Rubio or Hillary.
You, my dolt, are a clueless as Votto. That's OK.
lol. Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question. I am not surprised.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
No. You, yet again, avoided actually answering it. I know that going to google and looking up a position or 2 is very difficult for you but your alternative plan of simply spewing insults seems to suit you rather well. Again, it is hilariously ironic that you insult other's education while acting like a second grader.
Let's try it little fa_-2 words. Cruz look normal next to Trump. Cruz look idiotnext to Kasich or Rubio or Christie.
And that does not answer the question.

I know, really really hard for someone of your 'caliber' to actually understand the really basic and direct question that was posed to you. It must be difficult coming up with a point to fit in between the insults that you must fill your posts with.

Jake realizes that the gig is up. There is no way for him to defend his position.

What is left? Name calling and insisting that he has already defended his position. That's called being a partisan shill and not giving a damn about the truth.
lol. Name calling is the best you can do when asked a direct question. I am not surprised.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
No. You, yet again, avoided actually answering it. I know that going to google and looking up a position or 2 is very difficult for you but your alternative plan of simply spewing insults seems to suit you rather well. Again, it is hilariously ironic that you insult other's education while acting like a second grader.
Let's try it little fa_-2 words. Cruz look normal next to Trump. Cruz look idiotnext to Kasich or Rubio or Christie.
And that does not answer the question.

I know, really really hard for someone of your 'caliber' to actually understand the really basic and direct question that was posed to you. It must be difficult coming up with a point to fit in between the insults that you must fill your posts with.
Jake realizes that the gig is up. There is no way for him to defend his position. What is left? Name calling and insisting that he has already defended his position. That's called being a partisan shill and not giving a damn about the truth.
You don't like my answer is the issue: Trump makes Cruz look normal; Rubio or Kasich or Christie make Cruz look abnormal.
I answered the question in a way that a person with even a subpar education, which appears to be your level, would understand. Trump makes Cruz look almost normal, where as when compared to Kasich or Rubio or Christie, Cruz looks like a libertarian idiot.
No. You, yet again, avoided actually answering it. I know that going to google and looking up a position or 2 is very difficult for you but your alternative plan of simply spewing insults seems to suit you rather well. Again, it is hilariously ironic that you insult other's education while acting like a second grader.
Let's try it little fa_-2 words. Cruz look normal next to Trump. Cruz look idiotnext to Kasich or Rubio or Christie.
And that does not answer the question.

I know, really really hard for someone of your 'caliber' to actually understand the really basic and direct question that was posed to you. It must be difficult coming up with a point to fit in between the insults that you must fill your posts with.
Jake realizes that the gig is up. There is no way for him to defend his position. What is left? Name calling and insisting that he has already defended his position. That's called being a partisan shill and not giving a damn about the truth.
You don't like my answer is the issue: Trump makes Cruz look normal; Rubio or Kasich or Christie make Cruz look abnormal.
No, your answer would be just fine if you bothered to actually post it. Thus far you have utterly failed to. My current theory to this is that you simply do not understand the actual question and therefore must resort to insults to cover it up.

Hard to believe considering how simple the questions was in the first place.
There's a difference between having a law that might allow things ultimately found loathsome and unconstitutional, but perhaps necessary if there were concerted and repteated attacks, and saying we should do things that are xenophobic, counter productive and simply wagging the dog for cheap pol gain.
My answer was clear and to the point: Cruz makes Trump look cray cray, and the moderates do the same to Cruz. That you can't see it, means you are cray cray.

There's a difference between having a law that might allow things ultimately found loathsome and unconstitutional, but perhaps necessary if there were concerted and repteated attacks, and saying we should do things that are xenophobic, counter productive and simply wagging the dog for cheap pol gain.
Yes there is. Saying we should do things that are crazy is meaningless as it is nothing more than idiotic rhetoric meant to draw in those that are not paying attention. Actually crafting the law is action and is actually committing to doing that kind of crazy shit. The latter is FAR worse.
There's a difference between having a law that might allow things ultimately found loathsome and unconstitutional, but perhaps necessary if there were concerted and repteated attacks, and saying we should do things that are xenophobic, counter productive and simply wagging the dog for cheap pol gain.
Yes there is. Saying we should do things that are crazy is meaningless as it is nothing more than idiotic rhetoric meant to draw in those that are not paying attention. Actually crafting the law is action and is actually committing to doing that kind of crazy shit. The latter is FAR worse.
I dunno. I'd hate to see it, but imagine ISIS or some other group having many active cells like were in France and all attacking at the same time. I'm ok with having a standby plan to basically nationalize law enforcement temporarily and curtail civil rights, partially to protect muslims from racist rioters.

It's another to vilify doctors and other professionals who do nothing but benefit America.
There's a difference between having a law that might allow things ultimately found loathsome and unconstitutional, but perhaps necessary if there were concerted and repteated attacks, and saying we should do things that are xenophobic, counter productive and simply wagging the dog for cheap pol gain.
Yes there is. Saying we should do things that are crazy is meaningless as it is nothing more than idiotic rhetoric meant to draw in those that are not paying attention. Actually crafting the law is action and is actually committing to doing that kind of crazy shit. The latter is FAR worse.
I dunno. I'd hate to see it, but imagine ISIS or some other group having many active cells like were in France and all attacking at the same time. I'm ok with having a standby plan to basically nationalize law enforcement temporarily and curtail civil rights, partially to protect muslims from racist rioters.

It's another to vilify doctors and other professionals who do nothing but benefit America.
Then get a Declaration of War by Congress against ISIS.

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