The Nerve: Hillary Says Europe Needs To Get A Handle On Migration


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
Europe’s leaders need to send a much stronger message that they will no longer offer “refuge and support” to migrants if they want to curb the right-wing populism spreading across the Continent, Hillary Clinton warned in an interview published Thursday.

Mrs. Clinton said that while the decision of some nations to welcome migrants was admirable, it had opened the door to political turmoil, the rise of the right and Britain’s decision to withdraw from the European Union.

“I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration
because that is what lit the flame,” Mrs. Clinton said

“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message — ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ — because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic,” she said.

Hillary Clinton Says Europe Needs To Get A Handle On Migration

To thwart populism... oh, so now, its OK to control borders,
because immigration free for all, lit the flame and gave rise to the right.

This fucking bitch is preaching to European leaders?!?!...
What, did she finally pull her head out of her ass and have an epiphany?

The thing is, the left has been counting on,
huge Latino turnouts in elections but, that hasn't happened.

If immigration is fueling voters to swing right,
and immigrants aren't coming out to vote Democrat,
then, I guess Hillary feels its better to control borders,
then help right leaning politicians get elected to office

She makes me sick and needs to shut her pie hole!
Making immigration opposition about racism and being heartless,
and she wants Europe to get tough on migrants because its fueling the right...
No we haven't and Obama was the deporter and chief , remember. Soon we will see a lot of Iranians here due to Israel and SA wants to destroy Iran, and we are working on it and turn it into a shithole like we did to Iraq and Syria.
'illary' probably wants to stop 'muslim' immigration to Europe with the goal of importing those 'muslims' to the USA KIReal .
Next she will get on to them for not registering enough dead people to vote.

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