The New Bogeyman !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Same as the old bogeyman.Yes," My Fellow Americans " one could see
it that a way.Because the Left needs a bogeyman in order to ply their
sort of politics.So once one understands why those like a Dick Cheney or
Scooter Libby and most assuredly Donald Trump are viewed as evil
righties,then one can more easily assemble any Political Jigsaw puzzle.
So now Old Slow Senile Joe Biden needs a Bogeyman.To prove what
an american tough guy he is.LIke the way he dispatched Corn Pop
in a street scuffle.Plus Nasty Joe is in a heep of political trouble.
So why not make Putin out to be his next victim.Funny how that works.
While Trump was Potus,not much in the way of trouble from Purtin.
Now out of nowhere Putin is this World monster out to attack his
neighbor Ukrain.That just happens to be the place where the Bidens
scored big gains .... Monetarily-wise.And Hunter still does.
While Gas prices are a key issue among sane americans,due indubitably
to one Joey Biden making sure to humiliate former Potus Trump by
on Day one of his Presidency Take care of this Oil Independence
we had.Really Stupid First act as New Potus.Like gigantically over the hill
Dumb.But Dumbs Nasty Joe went and did it.Just cause he could.
Now we have the usual Dumb Stupid suspects like Joe Scarborough
doing everything MSNBC can to keep their guy { Biden } above water.
By playing around with this New Bogeyman theme.
Since we now Know daily how Right and strong and correct Trump
was about a lot of stuff.The correct way to Leave Afghanistan.The need for
Oil Independence,The sealing of our borders.Ridding states of these Sanctuary
cities.Violence in major cities and a huge epidemic of Fentanyl.
While Biden is cozing-up to Nasty Authoritarian Despots like Trudeau
and desperately attempting to find some chink in Putin's armor as if
trying to save face.His Face.Looking more incompetent and stupid by the
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Interesting how it seems we only go into "recession" or "inflation" when there's a Dem in the Oval Office........and the same with war.

Interesting how wrong people can be.

The last recession started in Feb of 2020. Repub in the Oval Office
The recession before that started Dec of 2007, Repub in the Oval Office
The recession before that started Mar of 2001, Repub in the Oval Office
The recession before that started in July of 1990, Repub in the Oval Office.
The recession before that started in July of 1981, Repub in the Oval Office.
Interesting how wrong people can be.

The last recession started in Feb of 2020. Repub in the Oval Office
The recession before that started Dec of 2007, Repub in the Oval Office
The recession before that started Mar of 2001, Repub in the Oval Office
The recession before that started in July of 1990, Repub in the Oval Office.
The recession before that started in July of 1981, Repub in the Oval Office.

Put this in the Conspiracy Theory or Humor section where it belongs.
Oh, hello! When did you get here? I didn't realize that your parole had come through. Congratulations.

Wow, that was so have only used it like 1000 times on this forum.

Dude, get some new material, you are getting boring
Facts are facts no matter how much you dislike them.
Wronged.Did not Bill Clinton hand newly elected Bush 43 a
Recession in 2001. Or Woodrow Wilson hand Warren Harding one starting
the Depression of 1921.Both Republicans { Bush 43 and Harding }
solved said Economic problems lickety split.
Plus the pending Market collapse of 2008.A direct result of policies
pushed by Bill Clinton and his type to change how Homes are purchased
and mortgages made.Banks felt duty bound to comply.So massive amounts
of Homes were purchased with often No Income verification,No Down
Payments and yet managed Clear Title to a home.Resulting in Banks and Secondary markets like
Fannie Mae taking the hit.Of course it dint help that Madame Pelosi { elected in 2006
as the new Speaker of the House } put rascally *Barney Frank in charge of those secondary
markets like Fannie Mae.Which by the summer of 2008 was in near default.
Borderline conservatorship.Action was imminent or else.
It was a Republican NOT Barney Franks who took over and strong-armed
a group of Senators and regulators to sign a couple page document
{ were not allowed to leave the room till all signed } to rescue the Country
from the mounting Subprime mortgage crisis in early fall of 2008.
Where lehman Bros was the first to fall.Then came Bear Sterns.
That strong-armed Republican was Bush 43's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson.

* Chair under Pelosi as new Speaker of House Financial Services.
Along with Chris Dodd who pushed for making home purchase easier.
Both men managed in typical Democrat Fashion to avoid even the appearance
of eating humble pie.
Did not Bill Clinton hand newly elected Bush 43 a
Recession in 2001

The recession of 2001 started in March and ended in November.

The next recession started in Dec of 2007 and ended in June of 2009

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