The New Climate Deniers: America’s Radical, Underground Climate Change Countermovement


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
wow, these people from the "globull warming cult" are scary ass crazy. and are seers of future too. the fearmonging and name calling is becoming SHRILL

The New Climate Deniers: America’s Radical, Underground Climate Change Countermovement

by Robert Hunziker

The year is 2050; rising seas have inundated Miami, America’s most recent ghost city, since Detroit. A deadly heat wave scorches Chicago, killing thousands of elderly, and a mega-drought has farmers in the Southwest on their knees, praying for relief, as a dreadful dustbowl blankets the fields. America goes hungry.
A flickering television screen in an abandoned home in Miami, its mangled window shutters flapping in the breeze, shows a real live news story of desperadoes breaking down the gates to the DuPont estate and the Mellon estate, both overlooking Nantucket Sound. The properties are owned by the children/grandchildren of Mr. William Koch, whose brothers, David and Charles, infamously led the “Countermovement” against climate science many years ago.
As far back as 2014, Mr. William Koch personally spent millions to block Cape Wind, a vast wind farm once proposed for Nantucket Sound. He opposed the “visual pollution,” as a “spoiler” of his family compound, which includes ownership of the DuPont and Mellon estates.
In the real world today, based upon an actual climate model for the year 2050 by The Weather Channel and by the UN’s World Meteorological Association, the scenario described above is not out of question, except, of course, for desperadoes “crashing the gates.” That’s totally fiction. Besides, The Weather Channel does not speculate about how desperate people will react to climatic cataclysms.

all of it here:
The New Climate Deniers America s Radical Underground Climate Change Countermovement UK Progressive
Holy shit. You have got to be kidding me. I wonder if they will ever attempt to pass a law proclaiming anybody that spreads AGW denial a terrorist. From the sounds of this author, that is what he would like.

In point of fact, they may eventually be classified as white-collar terrorists, but they have every appearance of honest, upstanding citizenship. On any given Sunday, you’d probably exchange a smile with them at church without suspecting in the least that you are acknowledging a terrorist.

In that regard, by definition, and according to NSA standards, any group that clandestinely goes underground to sub-rosa disrupt America’s pivotal national interests is labeled a terrorist group.

Is America’s radical, underground climate change countermovement threatening the nation’s pivotal national interests? Is this debatable? Or, is their behavior prima facie evidence of a radical terrorist threat?
Look at the deniers going into victimhood orgasms. They clearly adore this stuff. No one else pays any attention to it, but deniers just can't get enough. I think I'll start a pay-per-view channel of it. Imagine all the cash I could make from deniers seeking more victimhood orgasms.
Ol' Staph and all the other po' babies just cannot get over the their best 'roll' got out about 30 people. The reality of a changing climate got out 400,000 people in just one city. I think that we are going to see even bigger days and more people when these marchs go worldwide, as more people are impacted by extreme weather events.
Ol' Staph and all the other po' babies just cannot get over the their best 'roll' got out about 30 people. The reality of a changing climate got out 400,000 people in just one city. I think that we are going to see even bigger days and more people when these marchs go worldwide, as more people are impacted by extreme weather events.

You do know that a large percentage of those marchers were paid by corporations to be there, right?
Ol' Staph and all the other po' babies just cannot get over the their best 'roll' got out about 30 people. The reality of a changing climate got out 400,000 people in just one city. I think that we are going to see even bigger days and more people when these marchs go worldwide, as more people are impacted by extreme weather events.

You do know that a large percentage of those marchers were paid by corporations to be there, right?

Ol' Staph and all the other po' babies just cannot get over the their best 'roll' got out about 30 people. The reality of a changing climate got out 400,000 people in just one city. I think that we are going to see even bigger days and more people when these marchs go worldwide, as more people are impacted by extreme weather events.

You do know that a large percentage of those marchers were paid by corporations to be there, right?


And from a PROGRESSIVE watch dog website, usually on YOUR SIDE of the climate debate;

How the People’s Climate March Became a Corporate PR Campaign
How the People 8217 s Climate March Became a Corporate PR Campaign CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
Nonetheless, to quote Han Solo, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

Environmental activist Anne Petermann and writer Quincy Saul describe how the People’s Climate March has no demands, no targets,and no enemy. Organizers admitted encouraging bankers to march was like saying Blackwater mercenaries should join an antiwar protest. There is no unity other than money. One veteran activist who was involved in Occupy Wall Street said it was made known there was plenty of money to hire her and others. There is no sense of history: decades of climate-justice activism are being erased by the incessant invocation of the “biggest climate change demonstration ever.” Investigative reporter Cory Morningstar has connected the dots between the organizing groups, and Avaaz, the global online activist outfit modeled on MoveOn, and institutions like the World Bank and Clinton Global Initiative. Morningstar claims the secret of Avaaz’s success is its “expertise in behavioral change.”

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