The New Darfur


Jun 23, 2011
A whole new genocide has begun in South Kordofan in Sudan, and the world seems to be content to turn a blind eye once more. Although Africa is not rich in oil, it is still an area in turmoil, much like the Middle East, and deserves attention. African peoples in the Nuba Mountains are being targeted and killed; however, no one seems to be doing anything about it. According to NPR, "approximately 425,000 people have been displaced by conflict," much more than in Syria. What is worse is that this genocide against those living in the Nuba Mountains has happened before. We are supposed to learn from history so that our mistakes are not repeated; however, the world seems to be content to let this mass destruction of a people slide.
I posted the same thing lol, if there is no oil in South Kordofan no help will be coming expect maybe some people with humanitarian aid. We save the Military help for countries who have oil like Libya and Kuwait.
Over a million Sudanese have been killed since 2003. Darfur is still in a terrible mess. Regional Instability in Nuba Mt and Blue Nile State (The murdering regime in Khartoum has fought at Nuba Mountains, began to lose heavily and now has resorted to the use of chemical and biological weapons.) brings serious uncertainty to the mix. Malik Aggar is useless and only good for a talking head. The dream vision that started in 1983 for New Sudan has been dead since 2005 and finally put to rest in 2011.


That's with the South going...

Genocide In Sudan: Is It Happening Again? | The New Republic
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Over a million Sudanese have been killed since 2003. Darfur is still in a terrible mess. Regional Instability in Nuba Mt and Blue Nile State (The murdering regime in Khartoum has fought at Nuba Mountains, began to lose heavily and now has resorted to the use of chemical and biological weapons.) brings serious uncertainty to the mix. Malik Aggar is useless and only good for a talking head. The dream vision that started in 1983 for New Sudan has been dead since 2005 and finally put to rest in 2011.


That's with the South going...

Genocide In Sudan: Is It Happening Again? | The New Republic

The regime in Khartoum wants to get rid of everyone that is not Arab Muslim in that country, and nobody is doing a damn thing to stop it. Libya gets cruise missiles, fighter jets and US Drones, the Sudanese Blacks get nothing.
I posted the same thing lol, if there is no oil in South Kordofan no help will be coming expect maybe some people with humanitarian aid. We save the Military help for countries who have oil like Libya and Kuwait.

It is nasty filthy and corrupt. Our politicians should take Pakistan's aid money and help those folks out.
I posted the same thing lol, if there is no oil in South Kordofan no help will be coming expect maybe some people with humanitarian aid. We save the Military help for countries who have oil like Libya and Kuwait.

It is nasty filthy and corrupt. Our politicians should take Pakistan's aid money and help those folks out.

I agree 110%, our government has a fetish for handing out monies to people that want us dead. Even Hamas and Hezbollah get US moneys too when we give hundreds of millions to the Palestinian and Lebanese governments.
One of the biggest hurdles, apart from governmental apathy, is that people who would support intervention on the part of the targeted populations are often of a "peacenik" bent. They want to help, but see help as humanitarian aid, stern words for the attackers, and maybe a boycott and a fundraiser.

The real way of stopping genocidal nutjobs is far simpler, but much messier. Bomb the everloving snot out of them.
The real way of stopping genocidal nutjobs is far simpler, but much messier. Bomb the everloving snot out of them.

Sooner rather than later. :eusa_pray:
I posted the same thing lol, if there is no oil in South Kordofan no help will be coming expect maybe some people with humanitarian aid. We save the Military help for countries who have oil like Libya and Kuwait.

It is nasty filthy and corrupt. Our politicians should take Pakistan's aid money and help those folks out.

I agree 110%, our government has a fetish for handing out monies to people that want us dead. Even Hamas and Hezbollah get US moneys too when we give hundreds of millions to the Palestinian and Lebanese governments.

Our government seems to only want to help countries from which it can get something in return, the preferred "something" being oil.
It is nasty filthy and corrupt. Our politicians should take Pakistan's aid money and help those folks out.

I agree 110%, our government has a fetish for handing out monies to people that want us dead. Even Hamas and Hezbollah get US moneys too when we give hundreds of millions to the Palestinian and Lebanese governments.

Our government seems to only want to help countries from which it can get something in return, the preferred "something" being oil.

Omar Hassan al-Bashir, the president of Sudan, is a genocide extraordinaire. If medals were given out for such activity, he’d be going for the gold.

In the early to mid 1990s, under Bashir’s leadership, the Government of Sudan (GoS) perpetrated genocidal actions in the Nuba Mountains, largely by starving people to death and preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the victims. Not a decade later, Bashir and his henchmen committed genocide in Darfur, carrying out a scorched earth policy that resulted in an estimated 400,000 plus deaths, over two million internally displaced persons, and another 275,000 plus refugees. More recently, just over the past two weeks, Bashir’s soldiers and militia carried out at least crimes against humanity, if not genocidal actions, in the Nuba Mountains.

Samuel Totten is a genocide scholar based at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. He served as one of the 24 investigators with the U.S. Atrocities Documentation Project in eastern Chad. His most recent book is “An Oral and Documentary History of the Darfur Genocide” (Praeger Security International, 2010). He was last in the Nuba Mountains in January 2011 conducting research for a new book, “Genocidal Actions Against the Nuba Mountains People: Interviews with Survivors of Mass Starvation and Other Atrocities.”

Is Omar Hassan al-Bashir Up to Genocide Again? -

Sudan News – Creation Artist

Dear Friends,

I just received two shocking emails from Brother Yagoub who is the director of our Bible College and a pastor operating in Kadugli, the capital of the Nuba Mountains. The Nuba Mountains are located in the southern part of northern Sudan under the control of the Islamic government of Sudan.

These people can do what is mentioned in the email because there are no journalists to report and no witnesses. What makes the situation worse is that the Egyptian soldiers who are Moslems and members of the United Nations Peace Force are taking part in ravaging the villages and burning the churches.

Please help me stop the massacres by sending these two emails to the newspapers, television, congressmen and senators. The sooner the news comes out the sooner we can stop the massacres in the Nuba Mountains.

Feel free to send this to other Christian organizations who care. The media are trying to portray the Suni Moslems as peace loving.

Good information to follow from people on the ground.

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