The new generation and abortion


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2010
South carolina
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.
No matter how many times you say you can tell a woman what she can do with her body, you are wrong.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

At least when you're gay you won't risk getting pregnant too early which leads to abortion.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

At least when you're gay you won't risk getting pregnant too early which leads to abortion.
I have a son dumbass I raised on my own, without help from his mother.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.
So they should have the right to see what will be going on, in HER BODY. Right?
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.
So they should have the right to see what will be going on, in HER BODY. Right?

Women see ultrasounds and hear heartbeats. Most already have seen videos or read books on pregnancy in school. Even before getting an abortions, women have to got through education on what is happening and other options available to her. She has days to reconsider before the procedure.

Abortion is not a spur of the minute decision. It is not done in ignorance.
I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
No matter how many times you say you can tell a woman what she can do with her body, you are wrong.
To me, its about the baby's body instead of the woman's body, so the big question is, what should be done about the baby's body? It is never like the baby's body is going to stay inside the woman's body forever.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. In other words, its another life, not a cancer that needs to be removed as soon as possible if it can be removed.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............
If a fetus is not a life then a person who kills a pregnant mother should not be charged for killing two people Hmmmm nothing like a little hypocritical laws going on.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............

How does another life have control over her kidneys and stomach and liver and wombs without her permission?

She still can control what she eats and does, even what meds, legal or not, that she takes. It is still her body that is being stretched and used. Her feet that she can't see in the last months. Her back that supports the weight and puts up with the pressure. Her body that goes through childbirth or cesarean. Her breasts that swell, often to the point of pain.

It was her egg to begin with and her uterus that it attacked to.

It is up to her to see a doctor for prenatal or an abortion clinic.

If she gives up her egg, that is up to her as well.

Short of a coma and an executor appointed to decide for her, it is all up to her to decide.

Till it can live outside the womb and takes its first breath, it is not a separate individual with separate rights to life. Its life is her's to decide on till birth.

I don't like the idea of abortion in late term if it can be removed safely but, her life and health come first and a surgical removal can cause delay in treatment and weaken her body when she does get treatment. Terminating is sometimes the only option.

Such choices are between her and her doctor(s), not for outsiders to dictate.

She is not a slave or some broodmare on a farm. She can make her own choices about her life and her body.

Even after birth a baby does not make it's own choices till it has developed more, it's parents do.

It is not for the baby to decide as a separate individual about what happens to it, it is up to the woman or parents. Baby can express when it needs something but it is still for others to figure it out and then meet those needs if they choose to and are able to. Baby does not have the capacity in the beginning to make choices and act on them by itself.

You seem to think even before birth it is fully conscious and developed life form, it's not, even after it leaves her body.

Parents make choices, some good, some bad, some with legal consequences, but not the child. People make choices for the child after birth. The woman make choices during pregnancy.

She has the choice to drink or eat things that will induce a miscarriage or not. She has the choice to have an abortion or not. She has the choice to care for her body and fetus or no. She has the choice to see a doctor if there are complications or not. She has the choice to seek a doctor or midwife to deliver or do it on her own. She has the right to take risks with her life or not.

Millions of choice every day can affect the fetus and its well being and they are all her choices.

Her body, her choice

Others might offer her options but they cannot decide for her as long as she is legally competent, including her choice to let a fetus grow inside her or not.

Even her eggs fertilized outside her body are hers to dispose of if she wants, give to someone else, keep in status or use. Her eggs, her choice for life or death.
If a fetus is not a life then a person who kills a pregnant mother should not be charged for killing two people Hmmmm nothing like a little hypocritical laws going on.

Only after it is old enough to be viable outside the womb can someone be charged as killing both lives, not in the first few months, and there are limited circumstances when this law can be used, not in all cases and definitely not in the case of an abortion. That is made very clear.
I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
You are wrong. aris2chat has clearly shredded the opponents' arguments on this page.
it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

It's not about supporters. It's about Right and Wrong, which are neither flexible nor changeable and haven't been since the beginning of time.

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