The new generation and abortion

Liberty777 points out the critical state of the debate, and that of course leads to when and whether the state should restrict a woman's right to have an abortion.

I personally think the first thirteen weeks should be unregulated.

If she has conceived because of rape or a family member, that gives her plenty of time to make up her mind.

Abortion because of serious genetic deformity or causes that threaten the life of the mother should be permissible at any time in the pregnancy.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............

How does another life have control over her kidneys and stomach and liver and wombs without her permission?

She still can control what she eats and does, even what meds, legal or not, that she takes. It is still her body that is being stretched and used. Her feet that she can't see in the last months. Her back that supports the weight and puts up with the pressure. Her body that goes through childbirth or cesarean. Her breasts that swell, often to the point of pain.

It was her egg to begin with and her uterus that it attacked to.

It is up to her to see a doctor for prenatal or an abortion clinic.

If she gives up her egg, that is up to her as well.

Short of a coma and an executor appointed to decide for her, it is all up to her to decide.

Till it can live outside the womb and takes its first breath, it is not a separate individual with separate rights to life. Its life is her's to decide on till birth.

I don't like the idea of abortion in late term if it can be removed safely but, her life and health come first and a surgical removal can cause delay in treatment and weaken her body when she does get treatment. Terminating is sometimes the only option.

Such choices are between her and her doctor(s), not for outsiders to dictate.

She is not a slave or some broodmare on a farm. She can make her own choices about her life and her body.

Even after birth a baby does not make it's own choices till it has developed more, it's parents do.

It is not for the baby to decide as a separate individual about what happens to it, it is up to the woman or parents. Baby can express when it needs something but it is still for others to figure it out and then meet those needs if they choose to and are able to. Baby does not have the capacity in the beginning to make choices and act on them by itself.

You seem to think even before birth it is fully conscious and developed life form, it's not, even after it leaves her body.

Parents make choices, some good, some bad, some with legal consequences, but not the child. People make choices for the child after birth. The woman make choices during pregnancy.

She has the choice to drink or eat things that will induce a miscarriage or not. She has the choice to have an abortion or not. She has the choice to care for her body and fetus or no. She has the choice to see a doctor if there are complications or not. She has the choice to seek a doctor or midwife to deliver or do it on her own. She has the right to take risks with her life or not.

Millions of choice every day can affect the fetus and its well being and they are all her choices.

Her body, her choice

Others might offer her options but they cannot decide for her as long as she is legally competent, including her choice to let a fetus grow inside her or not.

Even her eggs fertilized outside her body are hers to dispose of if she wants, give to someone else, keep in status or use. Her eggs, her choice for life or death.
But yet she does have control over her body, don't have sex or use protection easy peasy.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............

How does another life have control over her kidneys and stomach and liver and wombs without her permission?

She still can control what she eats and does, even what meds, legal or not, that she takes. It is still her body that is being stretched and used. Her feet that she can't see in the last months. Her back that supports the weight and puts up with the pressure. Her body that goes through childbirth or cesarean. Her breasts that swell, often to the point of pain.

It was her egg to begin with and her uterus that it attacked to.

It is up to her to see a doctor for prenatal or an abortion clinic.

If she gives up her egg, that is up to her as well.

Short of a coma and an executor appointed to decide for her, it is all up to her to decide.

Till it can live outside the womb and takes its first breath, it is not a separate individual with separate rights to life. Its life is her's to decide on till birth.

I don't like the idea of abortion in late term if it can be removed safely but, her life and health come first and a surgical removal can cause delay in treatment and weaken her body when she does get treatment. Terminating is sometimes the only option.

Such choices are between her and her doctor(s), not for outsiders to dictate.

She is not a slave or some broodmare on a farm. She can make her own choices about her life and her body.

Even after birth a baby does not make it's own choices till it has developed more, it's parents do.

It is not for the baby to decide as a separate individual about what happens to it, it is up to the woman or parents. Baby can express when it needs something but it is still for others to figure it out and then meet those needs if they choose to and are able to. Baby does not have the capacity in the beginning to make choices and act on them by itself.

You seem to think even before birth it is fully conscious and developed life form, it's not, even after it leaves her body.

Parents make choices, some good, some bad, some with legal consequences, but not the child. People make choices for the child after birth. The woman make choices during pregnancy.

She has the choice to drink or eat things that will induce a miscarriage or not. She has the choice to have an abortion or not. She has the choice to care for her body and fetus or no. She has the choice to see a doctor if there are complications or not. She has the choice to seek a doctor or midwife to deliver or do it on her own. She has the right to take risks with her life or not.

Millions of choice every day can affect the fetus and its well being and they are all her choices.

Her body, her choice

Others might offer her options but they cannot decide for her as long as she is legally competent, including her choice to let a fetus grow inside her or not.

Even her eggs fertilized outside her body are hers to dispose of if she wants, give to someone else, keep in status or use. Her eggs, her choice for life or death.
You talk here about what a woman experiences while being pregnant, like the back aches, the morning sickness, and the not being able to see her feet before the end. Why should a baby have to die because the woman doesn't have it in her to endure all that goes with being pregnant? As I said in my previous message, the baby will not be inside the woman forever and if the baby has what it takes to deal with whatever the woman throws at it instead of dying all on its own, the woman surely can stand the nine month period too.

God bless you always!!!

Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............

I would not advocate it but I do understand it if it in cases of deformity or defect where the child is in extreme pain and will not live long in an case.

I should be up to the mother/parents to put the child out of its misery. We don't make animals suffer. We allow elderly and dying to make their own exit, with or without a doctor's assistance. Why in the name of anything would you make a baby suffer for a few weeks months or years? Let the parents mourn and get on with their life instead of being tied to a hospital and risking bankruptcy knowing the whole time they can't save the child's life. Every loving mother wants a child they can take home and watch grow up and experience every little change. When a child's life is tubes and glass screens and round the clock medical care, that is no life. Being in pain is just cruel.

Yes, I understand and would not deny a mother that option.

Even child now have the right to make that choice for themselves when there is no hope.
it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

It's not about supporters. It's about Right and Wrong, which are neither flexible nor changeable and haven't been since the beginning of time.

Why are there so many plants to prevent and induce a miscarriage, from the beginning of time. Why have so many without the knowledge of how to terminate or options available end up feeling hopeless or shamed and resort to suicide?

What about what is right for the woman? If given safe options she can have children when she is ready with all the love in her heart.

JMHO.......I rather morn and put it behind me than live a life knowing I might have a child out there I would never know. I miscarried and it hurt but then you get on with life and even have more children if possible. Each woman is different and should have the options to make a knowledgeable choice that is best for her.

The key word is "CHOICE"

No one is advocating that she should or must have an abortions. She should have the knowledge to free decide what to do with her life, including the risk of having a child as it can be a deadly risk and might not even have a successful pregnancy to term. I would not want any woman to make a choice without all the information either way. It is a hard choice and no woman should take it lightly, I seriously doubt any do. I has to be her choice.

Why in the world do some pro-life believe a woman would spend more care in choosing a new hairstyle or getting a tattoo than she would about having an abortion? Men have reversible options to get a vasectomy if they don't want to have children, or more children. Why deny a woman the option that might leave her the choice to have children later on when she is ready? For many reason, not all women can use birth control and now it seems some condoms might also be involved in causing cervical cancer due to talc or allergy to latex.

I was on birth control and due to a virus and weakened immune system became pregnant. I had been on it for years for medical reasons and it failed. I was married, in a stressful demanding job and living.... not near family of any kind. I considered the options, seriously considered. I choose a child over work, we made the adjustment to allow it to happen even so far from any support from family and friends. I was very well aware of what happened during abortions, pregnancy and childbirth but then it was my body and my life I had to think about.
On the phone my parents had a long conversation with my husband, basically they explained and he understood, you marry the person you want to spend your life with. If it comes to a choice at any time, you pick you life partner first and foremost. You can have children later or adopt but you partner for life is you real love. Children are yours for a short time and leave you for their own life but your wife is who will be with you till your last days together...or should be, for better or worse.

Children are an option in life not a necessity.

Some women have children and get an abortions for many reason. It is not about not wanting children, but there are times when it is just not the right time, or too dangerous to try again.


Please don't say abstinence. A healthy life and healthy marriage includes sex.

You want to be celibate, fine, goody for you. Most people could not imagine a normal life without sex. They don't always see children in their life, or don't see them at that particular time.

Some people don't want a house, car or pet at certain times in their lives, all of which they can give or sell, or loose, when circumstances change. A child is a far greater commitment and should be considered when the time is right, not forced on them.

We all make choices, a child is a serious choice and should be carefully considered.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............

How does another life have control over her kidneys and stomach and liver and wombs without her permission?

She still can control what she eats and does, even what meds, legal or not, that she takes. It is still her body that is being stretched and used. Her feet that she can't see in the last months. Her back that supports the weight and puts up with the pressure. Her body that goes through childbirth or cesarean. Her breasts that swell, often to the point of pain.

It was her egg to begin with and her uterus that it attacked to.

It is up to her to see a doctor for prenatal or an abortion clinic.

If she gives up her egg, that is up to her as well.

Short of a coma and an executor appointed to decide for her, it is all up to her to decide.

Till it can live outside the womb and takes its first breath, it is not a separate individual with separate rights to life. Its life is her's to decide on till birth.

I don't like the idea of abortion in late term if it can be removed safely but, her life and health come first and a surgical removal can cause delay in treatment and weaken her body when she does get treatment. Terminating is sometimes the only option.

Such choices are between her and her doctor(s), not for outsiders to dictate.

She is not a slave or some broodmare on a farm. She can make her own choices about her life and her body.

Even after birth a baby does not make it's own choices till it has developed more, it's parents do.

It is not for the baby to decide as a separate individual about what happens to it, it is up to the woman or parents. Baby can express when it needs something but it is still for others to figure it out and then meet those needs if they choose to and are able to. Baby does not have the capacity in the beginning to make choices and act on them by itself.

You seem to think even before birth it is fully conscious and developed life form, it's not, even after it leaves her body.

Parents make choices, some good, some bad, some with legal consequences, but not the child. People make choices for the child after birth. The woman make choices during pregnancy.

She has the choice to drink or eat things that will induce a miscarriage or not. She has the choice to have an abortion or not. She has the choice to care for her body and fetus or no. She has the choice to see a doctor if there are complications or not. She has the choice to seek a doctor or midwife to deliver or do it on her own. She has the right to take risks with her life or not.

Millions of choice every day can affect the fetus and its well being and they are all her choices.

Her body, her choice

Others might offer her options but they cannot decide for her as long as she is legally competent, including her choice to let a fetus grow inside her or not.

Even her eggs fertilized outside her body are hers to dispose of if she wants, give to someone else, keep in status or use. Her eggs, her choice for life or death.
But yet she does have control over her body, don't have sex or use protection easy peasy.

Some cannot use protection and it can fail, easily

Sex is necessary for physical and mental health with so many benefits. It is a normal and natural part of being human. Not many other being have sex for pleasure, but we do.

On farms it is easy to control when to breed the animals, in our lives we are the one to made the decisions for our own body.

How many men are going to lay down $250,000 at least on the table before having sex and leave it there for more than month incase there is a pregnancy?

Women should only have freedom and choice to have sex after marriage and give up their life to children and a husband to care "for" them?????


I've known women to kill their own child during war because they can't care for and protect both their lives, or because it was a result of rape, and some that have had an abortions because they have to care for a sick family member or disabled child and can't care for a a pregnancy and baby as well.

It does not matter the reason a woman might make a choice, but it is her life and her right to make that choice.

There are part so the world where women don't have options and if they have too many children or children of the wrong sex or disabled in some way, the child is killed, often in front of them.

Abortions is legal in most of the world now. It seems unfathomable that so many in the US do not see it an empowering women by giving them options in their life while the rest of the world has fully accepted a woman right, even in countries where women have few other rights.

Most women would not consider it under most circumstances, that is their free choice, but no one should deny them the right to have the option if that is what is best for them.

We are not animals or some would eat their young or toss them out of a nest to drop to their death or just abandon them to the elements or other animals.

We have the ability to ponder different scenarios and take actions, to plan and act for the future not just the moment. We make choices.

Having a child is a serious choice, but it is a choice
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............

How does another life have control over her kidneys and stomach and liver and wombs without her permission?

She still can control what she eats and does, even what meds, legal or not, that she takes. It is still her body that is being stretched and used. Her feet that she can't see in the last months. Her back that supports the weight and puts up with the pressure. Her body that goes through childbirth or cesarean. Her breasts that swell, often to the point of pain.

It was her egg to begin with and her uterus that it attacked to.

It is up to her to see a doctor for prenatal or an abortion clinic.

If she gives up her egg, that is up to her as well.

Short of a coma and an executor appointed to decide for her, it is all up to her to decide.

Till it can live outside the womb and takes its first breath, it is not a separate individual with separate rights to life. Its life is her's to decide on till birth.

I don't like the idea of abortion in late term if it can be removed safely but, her life and health come first and a surgical removal can cause delay in treatment and weaken her body when she does get treatment. Terminating is sometimes the only option.

Such choices are between her and her doctor(s), not for outsiders to dictate.

She is not a slave or some broodmare on a farm. She can make her own choices about her life and her body.

Even after birth a baby does not make it's own choices till it has developed more, it's parents do.

It is not for the baby to decide as a separate individual about what happens to it, it is up to the woman or parents. Baby can express when it needs something but it is still for others to figure it out and then meet those needs if they choose to and are able to. Baby does not have the capacity in the beginning to make choices and act on them by itself.

You seem to think even before birth it is fully conscious and developed life form, it's not, even after it leaves her body.

Parents make choices, some good, some bad, some with legal consequences, but not the child. People make choices for the child after birth. The woman make choices during pregnancy.

She has the choice to drink or eat things that will induce a miscarriage or not. She has the choice to have an abortion or not. She has the choice to care for her body and fetus or no. She has the choice to see a doctor if there are complications or not. She has the choice to seek a doctor or midwife to deliver or do it on her own. She has the right to take risks with her life or not.

Millions of choice every day can affect the fetus and its well being and they are all her choices.

Her body, her choice

Others might offer her options but they cannot decide for her as long as she is legally competent, including her choice to let a fetus grow inside her or not.

Even her eggs fertilized outside her body are hers to dispose of if she wants, give to someone else, keep in status or use. Her eggs, her choice for life or death.
But yet she does have control over her body, don't have sex or use protection easy peasy.

Some cannot use protection and it can fail, easily

Sex is necessary for physical and mental health with so many benefits. It is a normal and natural part of being human. Not many other being have sex for pleasure, but we do.

On farms it is easy to control when to breed the animals, in our lives we are the one to made the decisions for our own body.

How many men are going to lay down $250,000 at least on the table before having sex and leave it there for more than month incase there is a pregnancy?

Women should only have freedom and choice to have sex after marriage and give up their life to children and a husband to care "for" them?????


I've known women to kill their own child during war because they can't care for and protect both their lives, or because it was a result of rape, and some that have had an abortions because they have to care for a sick family member or disabled child and can't care for a a pregnancy and baby as well.

It does not matter the reason a woman might make a choice, but it is her life and her right to make that choice.

There are part so the world where women don't have options and if they have too many children or children of the wrong sex or disabled in some way, the child is killed, often in front of them.

Abortions is legal in most of the world now. It seems unfathomable that so many in the US do not see it an empowering women by giving them options in their life while the rest of the world has fully accepted a woman right, even in countries where women have few other rights.

Most women would not consider it under most circumstances, that is their free choice, but no one should deny them the right to have the option if that is what is best for them.

We are not animals or some would eat their young or toss them out of a nest to drop to their death or just abandon them to the elements or other animals.

We have the ability to ponder different scenarios and take actions, to plan and act for the future not just the moment. We make choices.

Having a child is a serious choice, but it is a choice

But there is also a choice not to have sex, yes it's human instinct but maybe if we could only go back to the days of great grandma and stopped having sex until marriage think of how many abortions would not be done.
Yeah that time has come and gone and to instill that thought is almost like aliens falling from the sky, it's old fashioned. But it surely seems to make a hell of a lot of sense now remember those words of grandparents that we looked at like they were the plaque and oh grandma that's so old fashioned get with the time LOL.
it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

That is one area we are not on the same page. That baby is a life, they call a micro sized cell out in space " Life yet can't determine life here. Give me a break.

It is a money racket , women are sold and indoctrinated into " Her body her right" ... That's bs.

Not to mention Do you realize t hey are beginning to legalize POST BIRTH abortions so is that going to be ok too. They want to start off using " medical reasons" sever medical issues. There are subliminal acts being done using this Assisted suicide, post abortions being done.

It is all unethical esp. where the post birth is concerned..............

How does another life have control over her kidneys and stomach and liver and wombs without her permission?

She still can control what she eats and does, even what meds, legal or not, that she takes. It is still her body that is being stretched and used. Her feet that she can't see in the last months. Her back that supports the weight and puts up with the pressure. Her body that goes through childbirth or cesarean. Her breasts that swell, often to the point of pain.

It was her egg to begin with and her uterus that it attacked to.

It is up to her to see a doctor for prenatal or an abortion clinic.

If she gives up her egg, that is up to her as well.

Short of a coma and an executor appointed to decide for her, it is all up to her to decide.

Till it can live outside the womb and takes its first breath, it is not a separate individual with separate rights to life. Its life is her's to decide on till birth.

I don't like the idea of abortion in late term if it can be removed safely but, her life and health come first and a surgical removal can cause delay in treatment and weaken her body when she does get treatment. Terminating is sometimes the only option.

Such choices are between her and her doctor(s), not for outsiders to dictate.

She is not a slave or some broodmare on a farm. She can make her own choices about her life and her body.

Even after birth a baby does not make it's own choices till it has developed more, it's parents do.

It is not for the baby to decide as a separate individual about what happens to it, it is up to the woman or parents. Baby can express when it needs something but it is still for others to figure it out and then meet those needs if they choose to and are able to. Baby does not have the capacity in the beginning to make choices and act on them by itself.

You seem to think even before birth it is fully conscious and developed life form, it's not, even after it leaves her body.

Parents make choices, some good, some bad, some with legal consequences, but not the child. People make choices for the child after birth. The woman make choices during pregnancy.

She has the choice to drink or eat things that will induce a miscarriage or not. She has the choice to have an abortion or not. She has the choice to care for her body and fetus or no. She has the choice to see a doctor if there are complications or not. She has the choice to seek a doctor or midwife to deliver or do it on her own. She has the right to take risks with her life or not.

Millions of choice every day can affect the fetus and its well being and they are all her choices.

Her body, her choice

Others might offer her options but they cannot decide for her as long as she is legally competent, including her choice to let a fetus grow inside her or not.

Even her eggs fertilized outside her body are hers to dispose of if she wants, give to someone else, keep in status or use. Her eggs, her choice for life or death.
But yet she does have control over her body, don't have sex or use protection easy peasy.

Some cannot use protection and it can fail, easily

Sex is necessary for physical and mental health with so many benefits. It is a normal and natural part of being human. Not many other being have sex for pleasure, but we do.

On farms it is easy to control when to breed the animals, in our lives we are the one to made the decisions for our own body.

How many men are going to lay down $250,000 at least on the table before having sex and leave it there for more than month incase there is a pregnancy?

Women should only have freedom and choice to have sex after marriage and give up their life to children and a husband to care "for" them?????


I've known women to kill their own child during war because they can't care for and protect both their lives, or because it was a result of rape, and some that have had an abortions because they have to care for a sick family member or disabled child and can't care for a a pregnancy and baby as well.

It does not matter the reason a woman might make a choice, but it is her life and her right to make that choice.

There are part so the world where women don't have options and if they have too many children or children of the wrong sex or disabled in some way, the child is killed, often in front of them.

Abortions is legal in most of the world now. It seems unfathomable that so many in the US do not see it an empowering women by giving them options in their life while the rest of the world has fully accepted a woman right, even in countries where women have few other rights.

Most women would not consider it under most circumstances, that is their free choice, but no one should deny them the right to have the option if that is what is best for them.

We are not animals or some would eat their young or toss them out of a nest to drop to their death or just abandon them to the elements or other animals.

We have the ability to ponder different scenarios and take actions, to plan and act for the future not just the moment. We make choices.

Having a child is a serious choice, but it is a choice

But there is also a choice not to have sex, yes it's human instinct but maybe if we could only go back to the days of great grandma and stopped having sex until marriage think of how many abortions would not be done.
Yeah that time has come and gone and to instill that thought is almost like aliens falling from the sky, it's old fashioned. But it surely seems to make a hell of a lot of sense now remember those words of grandparents that we looked at like they were the plaque and oh grandma that's so old fashioned get with the time LOL.

Sex even outside marriage has been a part of life. People have used contraceptives and abortives as long a recorded time and probably before that.

We still frown on excessive and casual sex but we can't deny women that choice, nor should be still be victorian enough to shame them their whole lives.

Can't stop a woman from getting over the counter or natural methods for the day after for three months after, nor should we deny them the option of a clinical safe abortion.

We let killers out of jail after a few years but some would saddle a woman with a mistake of a child for life. How does this make sense? There are already too many babies and children that need good homes and we need to create more when there are options????

Always preventions is better, safer, easier. Sometimes it just happens even with prevention. It is not always the right time or there are health issues involved.

Why should the US go backwards when the rest of the world has accepted a woman's right to choices?

Her right to privacy and her freedom to make her own choices including her health cannot be undone. A particular method might be deemed too dangerous but other options must be given to replace it. You can't give her freedom and then deny that freedom and call it constitutional without due cause.
I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
You are wrong. aris2chat has clearly shredded the opponents' arguments on this page.

Newp. I am NOT wrong. It is MY opinion, and that is that. Maybe YOU are wrong. :rolleyes:
it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

It's not about supporters. It's about Right and Wrong, which are neither flexible nor changeable and haven't been since the beginning of time.

Why are there so many plants to prevent and induce a miscarriage, from the beginning of time. Why have so many without the knowledge of how to terminate or options available end up feeling hopeless or shamed and resort to suicide?

What about what is right for the woman? If given safe options she can have children when she is ready with all the love in her heart.

JMHO.......I rather morn and put it behind me than live a life knowing I might have a child out there I would never know. I miscarried and it hurt but then you get on with life and even have more children if possible. Each woman is different and should have the options to make a knowledgeable choice that is best for her.

The key word is "CHOICE"

No one is advocating that she should or must have an abortions. She should have the knowledge to free decide what to do with her life, including the risk of having a child as it can be a deadly risk and might not even have a successful pregnancy to term. I would not want any woman to make a choice without all the information either way. It is a hard choice and no woman should take it lightly, I seriously doubt any do. I has to be her choice.

Why in the world do some pro-life believe a woman would spend more care in choosing a new hairstyle or getting a tattoo than she would about having an abortion? Men have reversible options to get a vasectomy if they don't want to have children, or more children. Why deny a woman the option that might leave her the choice to have children later on when she is ready? For many reason, not all women can use birth control and now it seems some condoms might also be involved in causing cervical cancer due to talc or allergy to latex.

I was on birth control and due to a virus and weakened immune system became pregnant. I had been on it for years for medical reasons and it failed. I was married, in a stressful demanding job and living.... not near family of any kind. I considered the options, seriously considered. I choose a child over work, we made the adjustment to allow it to happen even so far from any support from family and friends. I was very well aware of what happened during abortions, pregnancy and childbirth but then it was my body and my life I had to think about.
On the phone my parents had a long conversation with my husband, basically they explained and he understood, you marry the person you want to spend your life with. If it comes to a choice at any time, you pick you life partner first and foremost. You can have children later or adopt but you partner for life is you real love. Children are yours for a short time and leave you for their own life but your wife is who will be with you till your last days together...or should be, for better or worse.

Children are an option in life not a necessity.

Some women have children and get an abortions for many reason. It is not about not wanting children, but there are times when it is just not the right time, or too dangerous to try again.


Please don't say abstinence. A healthy life and healthy marriage includes sex.

You want to be celibate, fine, goody for you. Most people could not imagine a normal life without sex. They don't always see children in their life, or don't see them at that particular time.

Some people don't want a house, car or pet at certain times in their lives, all of which they can give or sell, or loose, when circumstances change. A child is a far greater commitment and should be considered when the time is right, not forced on them.

We all make choices, a child is a serious choice and should be carefully considered.

The time to make the choice is when you engage in intercourse. Do I use protection or do I not? Do I engage in consensual sex and take the risk or not? If you choose to run the risk, you must deal with the consequences?

Not, do I take this life because it's more convenient for me?
I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
You are wrong. aris2chat has clearly shredded the opponents' arguments on this page.

Newp. I am NOT wrong. It is MY opinion, and that is that. Maybe YOU are wrong. :rolleyes:
An opinion can always be wrong, Kat. Hitler thought exterminating Jews was a good thing. It wasn't.

Does not matter. If SCOTUS were to opine stupidly on the issue, the women in America would throw Congress out to get the impeachment majorities necessary for the executive and judicial branches. Soccer Moms are not going to allow their daughters' scholarships to uni be voided because all of sudden they are mommies.
it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

It's not about supporters. It's about Right and Wrong, which are neither flexible nor changeable and haven't been since the beginning of time.

Why are there so many plants to prevent and induce a miscarriage, from the beginning of time. Why have so many without the knowledge of how to terminate or options available end up feeling hopeless or shamed and resort to suicide?

What about what is right for the woman? If given safe options she can have children when she is ready with all the love in her heart.

JMHO.......I rather morn and put it behind me than live a life knowing I might have a child out there I would never know. I miscarried and it hurt but then you get on with life and even have more children if possible. Each woman is different and should have the options to make a knowledgeable choice that is best for her. The key word is "CHOICE"

No one is advocating that she should or must have an abortions. She should have the knowledge to free decide what to do with her life, including the risk of having a child as it can be a deadly risk and might not even have a successful pregnancy to term. I would not want any woman to make a choice without all the information either way. It is a hard choice and no woman should take it lightly, I seriously doubt any do. I has to be her choice.

Why in the world do some pro-life believe a woman would spend more care in choosing a new hairstyle or getting a tattoo than she would about having an abortion? Men have reversible options to get a vasectomy if they don't want to have children, or more children. Why deny a woman the option that might leave her the choice to have children later on when she is ready? For many reason, not all women can use birth control and now it seems some condoms might also be involved in causing cervical cancer due to talc or allergy to latex.

I was on birth control and due to a virus and weakened immune system became pregnant. I had been on it for years for medical reasons and it failed. I was married, in a stressful demanding job and living.... not near family of any kind. I considered the options, seriously considered. I choose a child over work, we made the adjustment to allow it to happen even so far from any support from family and friends. I was very well aware of what happened during abortions, pregnancy and childbirth but then it was my body and my life I had to think about.
On the phone my parents had a long conversation with my husband, basically they explained and he understood, you marry the person you want to spend your life with. If it comes to a choice at any time, you pick you life partner first and foremost. You can have children later or adopt but you partner for life is you real love. Children are yours for a short time and leave you for their own life but your wife is who will be with you till your last days together...or should be, for better or worse.

Children are an option in life not a necessity.

Some women have children and get an abortions for many reason. It is not about not wanting children, but there are times when it is just not the right time, or too dangerous to try again. Choice

Please don't say abstinence. A healthy life and healthy marriage includes sex.

You want to be celibate, fine, goody for you. Most people could not imagine a normal life without sex. They don't always see children in their life, or don't see them at that particular time.

Some people don't want a house, car or pet at certain times in their lives, all of which they can give or sell, or loose, when circumstances change. A child is a far greater commitment and should be considered when the time is right, not forced on them.

We all make choices, a child is a serious choice and should be carefully considered.

The time to make the choice is when you engage in intercourse. Do I use protection or do I not? Do I engage in consensual sex and take the risk or not? If you choose to run the risk, you must deal with the consequences? Not, do I take this life because it's more convenient for me?
Not your business.
I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
You are wrong. aris2chat has clearly shredded the opponents' arguments on this page.

Newp. I am NOT wrong. It is MY opinion, and that is that. Maybe YOU are wrong. :rolleyes:
An opinion can always be wrong, Kat. Hitler thought exterminating Jews was a good thing. It wasn't.

Does not matter. If SCOTUS were to opine stupidly on the issue, the women in America would throw Congress out to get the impeachment majorities necessary for the executive and judicial branches. Soccer Moms are not going to allow their daughters' scholarships to uni be voided because all of sudden they are mommies.

Maybe so, but not in this case. I don't want to argue with you Jake. I respect that you have your opinion, and request you respect that I have mine. This would be futile. I won't change my mind.
I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
You are wrong. aris2chat has clearly shredded the opponents' arguments on this page.

Newp. I am NOT wrong. It is MY opinion, and that is that. Maybe YOU are wrong. :rolleyes:
An opinion can always be wrong, Kat. Hitler thought exterminating Jews was a good thing. It wasn't.

Does not matter. If SCOTUS were to opine stupidly on the issue, the women in America would throw Congress out to get the impeachment majorities necessary for the executive and judicial branches. Soccer Moms are not going to allow their daughters' scholarships to uni be voided because all of sudden they are mommies.

Maybe so, but not in this case. I don't want to argue with you Jake. I respect that you have your opinion, and request you respect that I have mine. This would be futile. I won't change my mind.
Oh, I respect that you have an opinion, Kat, I really do.
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Sanger embraced Malthusian eugenics. Thomas Robert Malthus, a 19th century cleric and professor of political economy, believed a population time bomb threatened the existence of the human race. He viewed social problems such as poverty, deprivation and hunger as evidence of this "population crisis." According to writer George Grant, Malthus condemned charities and other forms of benevolence, because he believed they only exacerbated the problems. His answer was to restrict population growth of certain groups of people. His theories of population growth and economic stability became the basis for national and international social policy. Grant quotes from Malthus’ magnum opus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, published in six editions from 1798 to 1826:

All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room is made for them by the deaths of grown persons. We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality.
Malthus disciples believed if Western civilization were to survive, the physically unfit, the materially poor, the spiritually diseased, the racially inferior, and the mentally incompetent had to be suppressed and isolated–or even, perhaps, eliminated. His disciples felt the subtler and more "scientific" approaches of education, contraception, sterilization and abortion were more "practical and acceptable ways" to ease the pressures of the alleged overpopulation.

Critics of Malthusianism said the group "produced a new vocabulary of mumbo-jumbo. It was all hard-headed, scientific and relentless." Further, historical facts have proved the Malthusian mathematical scheme regarding overpopulation to be inaccurate, though many still believe them.

Despite the falsehoods of Malthus’ overpopulation claims, Sanger nonetheless immersed herself in Malthusian eugenics............................ | The Negro Project
Bully for you, but you are deciding for yourself and your body.
You don't have the right to tell another woman what to do or deny her her freedom because it does not fit your morality or faith.

You make your choice not to have an abortion. Every other woman has to make her own choices.

Abstinence and birth control are not always an option or not the best options for many. I am not fan of using abortion to replace birth control, but whatever the reason or change in circumstance be it a natural disaster or a change in a relationship or a matter of health at that time, the option should not be denied from a woman's choices.

You live your live, don't force others to do live by your individual expectations no matter their faith, culture or situation. Most rulings to inhibit abortions are being overturned. We would not undo the abolition of slavery so why would you want to enslave a woman to do your will like a slave master?

Each women might come up with a million reasons why it might not be the right time for her. You can't live in her shoes but you might try to understand her choices are not all as black and white as you might like.

You don't have to support a woman's right, but nor should you be so zealot about opposing her right to a decision, whatever it might be.

Do what is best for you and your life. That is your choice. Let others make their own decisions on their life and body.

We let a woman kill her eggs outside the womb so why should it not be her choice inside her own body???? If she stops paying for their preservations they will be destroyed anyhow. As women we can decide not to have sex during that week, but even then sperm might stay longer before reaching an eggs beyond that week. Many women don't even understand that much about their bodies and this is an age of sex education.

Women are not taught what to eat to help a pregnancy or to terminate one. Some out of curiosity or desperation seek the knowledge, but sometimes too late. Almost everyone in this country carries, for the time being, an effective contraceptives and hey don't even know it. Most kitchens have items that can be used. Every grocery store certainly does, and for pennies. We don't always need pharmacies and artificial chemicals or expensive items, nor do we have to resort to ancient things like crocodile dung. Real lamb skin has been used almost since recorded history but now we have things like latex, which many are allergic to or silicone which breaks easily and often uses talc to prevent pulling to put it on.

Girls/women are not taught how to naturally prevent a pregnancy and it can be intimidating for them to seek out help at a pharmacy or get instructions on how to use them.

A simple tea a few times a day can easily end a pregnancy, not quite 99% of the time but it has worked for millennia. Foods we eat every day can terminate and most doctors don't even tell pregnant women to avoid them, especially in high risk cases. Small amount prepared it the right or moderation is always good but some delicious thing we over indulge in at time or don't know that different preparation has risks. There are dozens of herbs and plants that can be taken or prepared specifically in combination to induce a miscarriage. Midwives are more likely to know these things than a traditional doctor is.

Options and knowledge

Freedom of choice
I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
You are wrong. aris2chat has clearly shredded the opponents' arguments on this page.

Newp. I am NOT wrong. It is MY opinion, and that is that. Maybe YOU are wrong. :rolleyes:
An opinion can always be wrong, Kat. Hitler thought exterminating Jews was a good thing. It wasn't.

Does not matter. If SCOTUS were to opine stupidly on the issue, the women in America would throw Congress out to get the impeachment majorities necessary for the executive and judicial branches. Soccer Moms are not going to allow their daughters' scholarships to uni be voided because all of sudden they are mommies.

avoidance and preventions first. That knowledge is vital.
Options afterward and understanding you don't need an ID to pick up an after pill or that they work up to 7 weeks is also not widely known to many.
I ask other mothers and then sat down with my daughters and their friends to give them information not given in their sex ed classes. I hope they don't need some of it, but they know more than they did.

No I did not need visual aids and fancy books, just good common sense and a little ancient wisdom.

If they had question I answered them honestly and frankly. I did not have to PC in any way.

I really don't know why other parents are not as honest or forthcoming before there is a problem to deal with. Even single fathers have to deal with women's issues at some point if they have daughters, or even sons there are thing they should know about women, why not all of it?

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