The new generation and abortion

I believe a woman has the right to do as she wants with her own body. A baby/fetus/whatever you want to call it, is not her own body. Period.
You are wrong. aris2chat has clearly shredded the opponents' arguments on this page.

Newp. I am NOT wrong. It is MY opinion, and that is that. Maybe YOU are wrong. :rolleyes:
An opinion can always be wrong, Kat. Hitler thought exterminating Jews was a good thing. It wasn't.

Does not matter. If SCOTUS were to opine stupidly on the issue, the women in America would throw Congress out to get the impeachment majorities necessary for the executive and judicial branches. Soccer Moms are not going to allow their daughters' scholarships to uni be voided because all of sudden they are mommies.

Maybe so, but not in this case. I don't want to argue with you Jake. I respect that you have your opinion, and request you respect that I have mine. This would be futile. I won't change my mind.
Oh, I respect that you have an opinion, Kat, I really do.

Might be the right opinion for her but not for all women, not a few thousand year ago and not now. Even if clinical abortions could somehow be outlawed, there are so many other ways than can't be. Not as reliable always, but in the early weeks, safer. The closer to the end of the third months the moire a clinic might be the only option left. In later term for health or emergency reason, a clinic is the only safe way to be sure.

It is just about options and choices. No one is saying they have to use these options, just that they are there when there is no other way for the women.
got a problem with abortions being abused, don't go after women, doctors or clinics............. go vent at scientology for forcing women to get abortions
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

If it is not the moment that a woman's life begins. . . do tell, when it is that a woman's rights should begin?

I believe that a woman's rights (including her right to not be killed unjustly) should begin at the earliest moment that we can establish that her life has began.

You seem to be of the opinion that a woman's rights do not begin until we as a society can not stomach or justify the denial of her rights anymore.

Is that true?
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

If it is not the moment that a woman's life begins. . . do tell, when it is that a woman's rights should begin?

I believe that a woman's rights (including her right to not be killed unjustly) should begin at the earliest moment that we can establish that her life has began.

You seem to be of the opinion that a woman's rights do not begin until we as a society can not stomach or justify the denial of her rights anymore.

Is that true?

For some it is movement, when the fetus begins to kick, around the 5th month. For most it is birth when they become a separate life. Bible would have it a month after birth. With modern technology some women face the reality when there is a heart beat around the 6th weeks.

A fetus can be lost easily at any point in pregnancy and childbirth. Till is is actually born alive and breathing, I would then consider it a life. Before that is a potential life, but still a fetus, still part of the women and hers to care if she so chooses.

JMO, abortions as a choice is better done before the 5th month, by the 7th month only for health or emergency reason, preferably............. but it is not up to me, it is up to the woman.

I can not decide for someone else if and when. I do believe they should have the options whatever they decide.

I've seen too many horrors in the world to tell others what they have to do or can't do. Too many valid reason for exceptions to limits and regulations in such cases. I don't have to agree but I do support their right to make a choice for their own life.

You freely make decisions to limit animal populations but you won't let people make such decisions about their own lives? We have tried to eliminate most of the old natural cause of fetus and child death or population control and then want to overpopulate the world when we have limited water and food resources already stressed. What next? Another world war to bring population numbers back under control? What happens where there is stand room only and fights in the streets for a drop of water to drink? Are you expecting a global black plague to wipe out 50% of the population in the next decade? How about parents being able to afford a child or several children? How much can taxpayers afford to support other people's children? Where is the breaking point before we all turn on each other? Are there not enough poor or suffering that need our care and attentions and money? Even if you had money and a spring under your home, how many children can you possible be able to raise? For most families three is more than enough. A rare few can go a dozen, which would be the natural limit for most women. A small number might open their heart and home to more. Some women go crazy and can't handle even one.

What do you really expect from an unlimited number of babies being born in the world? Places like China were forced to set limits on the number of children a couple could have. Should the state be forced to do this everywhere?

Love your children. Adopt if you want. Don't tell other women they have no choice and have to have children because of your personal morality. Half the world does not share you hang ups about abortion on religious ground. More than half believe in the woman's right to decide no matter her faith or the country's. Should all woman have to leave the country to get an abortions because it offends you? Don't look

Don't approve of abortions, move to some country in south american where they are illegal. About the only place where they might still be.........for the moment, even in cases of rape and incest. With zika, that might change soon.

If you disapprove of abortions, don't get one. You control your life and you make those decisions for yourself.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

If it is not the moment that a woman's life begins. . . do tell, when it is that a woman's rights should begin?

I believe that a woman's rights (including her right to not be killed unjustly) should begin at the earliest moment that we can establish that her life has began.

You seem to be of the opinion that a woman's rights do not begin until we as a society can not stomach or justify the denial of her rights anymore.

Is that true?

For some it is movement, when the fetus begins to kick, around the 5th month. For most it is birth when they become a separate life. Bible would have it a month after birth. With modern technology some women face the reality when there is a heart beat around the 6th weeks.

A fetus can be lost easily at any point in pregnancy and childbirth. Till is is actually born alive and breathing, I would then consider it a life. Before that is a potential life, but still a fetus, still part of the women and hers to care if she so chooses.

JMO, abortions as a choice is better done before the 5th month, by the 7th month only for health or emergency reason, preferably............. but it is not up to me, it is up to the woman.

I can not decide for someone else if and when. I do believe they should have the options whatever they decide.

I've seen too many horrors in the world to tell others what they have to do or can't do. Too many valid reason for exceptions to limits and regulations in such cases. I don't have to agree but I do support their right to make a choice for their own life.

You freely make decisions to limit animal populations but you won't let people make such decisions about their own lives? We have tried to eliminate most of the old natural cause of fetus and child death or population control and then want to overpopulate the world when we have limited water and food resources already stressed. What next? Another world war to bring population numbers back under control? What happens where there is stand room only and fights in the streets for a drop of water to drink? Are you expecting a global black plague to wipe out 50% of the population in the next decade? How about parents being able to afford a child or several children? How much can taxpayers afford to support other people's children? Where is the breaking point before we all turn on each other? Are there not enough poor or suffering that need our care and attentions and money? Even if you had money and a spring under your home, how many children can you possible be able to raise? For most families three is more than enough. A rare few can go a dozen, which would be the natural limit for most women. A small number might open their heart and home to more. Some women go crazy and can't handle even one.

What do you really expect from an unlimited number of babies being born in the world? Places like China were forced to set limits on the number of children a couple could have. Should the state be forced to do this everywhere?

Love your children. Adopt if you want. Don't tell other women they have no choice and have to have children because of your personal morality. Half the world does not share you hang ups about abortion on religious ground. More than half believe in the woman's right to decide no matter her faith or the country's. Should all woman have to leave the country to get an abortions because it offends you? Don't look

Don't approve of abortions, move to some country in south american where they are illegal. About the only place where they might still be.........for the moment, even in cases of rape and incest. With zika, that might change soon.

If you disapprove of abortions, don't get one. You control your life and you make those decisions for yourself.
Regardless of the point where YOU yourself believe a child's life and rights begin. . . I am guessing that you agree that it would be a crime of MURDER to unjustly kill that child at any point thereafter.

So, we basically agree that there should be laws to guard children's lives and rights from the moment their life begins. We simply disagree on when that moment takes place.

Interesting that we already have laws which define 'children in the womb' as such and they already make it a crime of MURDER to criminally kill a 'child in the womb' in any stage of development.

More interesting than that is how those have to make exceptions to their own conclusions just to keep abortions legal.

Strike those exceptions and abortions will automatically be legally recognized as murders too.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

If it is not the moment that a woman's life begins. . . do tell, when it is that a woman's rights should begin?

I believe that a woman's rights (including her right to not be killed unjustly) should begin at the earliest moment that we can establish that her life has began.

You seem to be of the opinion that a woman's rights do not begin until we as a society can not stomach or justify the denial of her rights anymore.

Is that true?

For some it is movement, when the fetus begins to kick, around the 5th month. For most it is birth when they become a separate life. Bible would have it a month after birth. With modern technology some women face the reality when there is a heart beat around the 6th weeks.

A fetus can be lost easily at any point in pregnancy and childbirth. Till is is actually born alive and breathing, I would then consider it a life. Before that is a potential life, but still a fetus, still part of the women and hers to care if she so chooses.

JMO, abortions as a choice is better done before the 5th month, by the 7th month only for health or emergency reason, preferably............. but it is not up to me, it is up to the woman.

I can not decide for someone else if and when. I do believe they should have the options whatever they decide.

I've seen too many horrors in the world to tell others what they have to do or can't do. Too many valid reason for exceptions to limits and regulations in such cases. I don't have to agree but I do support their right to make a choice for their own life.

You freely make decisions to limit animal populations but you won't let people make such decisions about their own lives? We have tried to eliminate most of the old natural cause of fetus and child death or population control and then want to overpopulate the world when we have limited water and food resources already stressed. What next? Another world war to bring population numbers back under control? What happens where there is stand room only and fights in the streets for a drop of water to drink? Are you expecting a global black plague to wipe out 50% of the population in the next decade? How about parents being able to afford a child or several children? How much can taxpayers afford to support other people's children? Where is the breaking point before we all turn on each other? Are there not enough poor or suffering that need our care and attentions and money? Even if you had money and a spring under your home, how many children can you possible be able to raise? For most families three is more than enough. A rare few can go a dozen, which would be the natural limit for most women. A small number might open their heart and home to more. Some women go crazy and can't handle even one.

What do you really expect from an unlimited number of babies being born in the world? Places like China were forced to set limits on the number of children a couple could have. Should the state be forced to do this everywhere?

Love your children. Adopt if you want. Don't tell other women they have no choice and have to have children because of your personal morality. Half the world does not share you hang ups about abortion on religious ground. More than half believe in the woman's right to decide no matter her faith or the country's. Should all woman have to leave the country to get an abortions because it offends you? Don't look

Don't approve of abortions, move to some country in south american where they are illegal. About the only place where they might still be.........for the moment, even in cases of rape and incest. With zika, that might change soon.

If you disapprove of abortions, don't get one. You control your life and you make those decisions for yourself.
it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

If it is not the moment that a woman's life begins. . . do tell, when it is that a woman's rights should begin?

I believe that a woman's rights (including her right to not be killed unjustly) should begin at the earliest moment that we can establish that her life has began.

You seem to be of the opinion that a woman's rights do not begin until we as a society can not stomach or justify the denial of her rights anymore.

Is that true?

For some it is movement, when the fetus begins to kick, around the 5th month. For most it is birth when they become a separate life. Bible would have it a month after birth. With modern technology some women face the reality when there is a heart beat around the 6th weeks.

A fetus can be lost easily at any point in pregnancy and childbirth. Till is is actually born alive and breathing, I would then consider it a life. Before that is a potential life, but still a fetus, still part of the women and hers to care if she so chooses.

JMO, abortions as a choice is better done before the 5th month, by the 7th month only for health or emergency reason, preferably............. but it is not up to me, it is up to the woman.

I can not decide for someone else if and when. I do believe they should have the options whatever they decide.

I've seen too many horrors in the world to tell others what they have to do or can't do. Too many valid reason for exceptions to limits and regulations in such cases. I don't have to agree but I do support their right to make a choice for their own life.

You freely make decisions to limit animal populations but you won't let people make such decisions about their own lives? We have tried to eliminate most of the old natural cause of fetus and child death or population control and then want to overpopulate the world when we have limited water and food resources already stressed. What next? Another world war to bring population numbers back under control? What happens where there is stand room only and fights in the streets for a drop of water to drink? Are you expecting a global black plague to wipe out 50% of the population in the next decade? How about parents being able to afford a child or several children? How much can taxpayers afford to support other people's children? Where is the breaking point before we all turn on each other? Are there not enough poor or suffering that need our care and attentions and money? Even if you had money and a spring under your home, how many children can you possible be able to raise? For most families three is more than enough. A rare few can go a dozen, which would be the natural limit for most women. A small number might open their heart and home to more. Some women go crazy and can't handle even one.

What do you really expect from an unlimited number of babies being born in the world? Places like China were forced to set limits on the number of children a couple could have. Should the state be forced to do this everywhere?

Love your children. Adopt if you want. Don't tell other women they have no choice and have to have children because of your personal morality. Half the world does not share you hang ups about abortion on religious ground. More than half believe in the woman's right to decide no matter her faith or the country's. Should all woman have to leave the country to get an abortions because it offends you? Don't look

Don't approve of abortions, move to some country in south american where they are illegal. About the only place where they might still be.........for the moment, even in cases of rape and incest. With zika, that might change soon.

If you disapprove of abortions, don't get one. You control your life and you make those decisions for yourself.
Regardless of the point where YOU yourself believe a child's life and rights begin. . . I am guessing that you agree that it would be a crime of MURDER to unjustly kill that child at any point thereafter.

So, we basically agree that there should be laws to guard children's lives and rights from the moment their life begins. We simply disagree on when that moment takes place.

Interesting that we already have laws which define 'children in the womb' as such and they already make it a crime of MURDER to criminally kill a 'child in the womb' in any stage of development.

More interesting than that is how those have to make exceptions to their own conclusions just to keep abortions legal.

Strike those exceptions and abortions will automatically be legally recognized as murders too.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app

abuse of a child ........ yes

Terminating the life, under certain circumstances, no

If a child is in pain, I think that is justified to end the suffering.

Even without pain, if the child will never have normal life and cannot live on it's own I might even understand.

I can think if many exceptions where killing a child might be rationalized, but I doubt most other would agree with them all but then I've seen so many deaths and horrors, I am not as shocked or repulsed as others might be by such things.

Killing of child in general, no I don't condone, but under different circumstances it would be tolerated and even accepted, or at last understood.

You seem to live in black and white world of either good or bad with no sympathy or understanding of life and what others might be going through. I try to never have and not about to start now. Saddened, even a bit shocked at first, but I would not make a blanket absolute condemnation without all the facts, well at least most of them. We all make snap judgement at first sight about things far more complex.

A child's death is horrifying, but the reason might be endless, things I have not even considered yet. Till I understand, I prefer to reserve judgment.

I've know or seen times when a parent or caretaker will kill a child and have understood and have even seen myself in the same situation where I might do the same in under those circumstances. I've seen far worse.

Mercy death, survival death, salvation death, but killing in cruelty or just for the fun of it............. not acceptable, but even then there have been exceptions that I have understood from certain perspective, just not my perspective.
Abortion is not a spur of the minute decision. It is not done in ignorance
Abortion is the result of irresponsibility and ignorance
and not wanting to take on the responsibility of the consequences
of having unprotected sex, or dealing with the mental anguish
of having the baby and giving the baby up for adoption.

Thinking the percentage of abortions for compelling
or valid reasons, even comes close to abortion being the
only and first solution to getting rid of a baby you never wanted
because you were to irresponsible to take precautions, is absurd!

Be responsible when you're fucking!
Then we wouldn't have to listen to people like you,
who call killing babies a woman's right!
Abortion is not a spur of the minute decision. It is not done in ignorance
Abortion is the result of irresponsibility and ignorance
and not wanting to take on the responsibility of the consequences
of having unprotected sex, or dealing with the mental anguish
of having the baby and giving the baby up for adoption.

Thinking the percentage of abortions for compelling
or valid reasons, even comes close to abortion being the
only and first solution to getting rid of a baby you never wanted
because you were to irresponsible to take precautions, is absurd!

Be responsible when you're fucking!
Then we wouldn't have to listen to people like you,
who call killing babies a woman's right!

Rant at scientology for forcing women, but don't decide that a woman should not have a free choice if it is the best thing for her.

You would rather children be raised in institutions without parents or love? And what kind if people will they grow into?

Quality is often better than quantity. I rather a child is raised in love, lots of love, not just an empty existence in an unfeeling system.

Fewer kid with more attentions than just lost in the crowd and passed along till they can be shoved out.

We are not a dying breed, but in the next century we might end up killing ourselves with overpopulation and lacking resources, killing each other in greed and fear.

No child should just exist, they should be born in love and cherished. Can't force a women to love her child. Can't force her to properly care for the child she did not want or was not mentally or physically ready for. It should be the right time.

Women are duped, birth control fails, not in their full mental capacity, raped or there might just be a change in circumstance or her health that makes the timing wrong. There might be complications like RH factor or some high risk that puts both in danger. I had night terrors about childbirth with my second and was near panic about the last few months. A warnings? I nearly died from hemorrhage in the process, but there had been no previous warnings. There a a whole saga and a lot of mental trauma afterward for the whole family, but my daughter was healthy, I had to raise holy hell to find that out when I did wake hours later, the my family went through a panic because the hospital had our daughter registers but did not have me and no one could get any information over the phone, even when they did arrive the hospital some how "lost me" or never had me. The whole hospital experience was something I never wanted to live through least for several years and not there ever again. You as an outsider can't possible know what every women in all circumstance goes through that might make her unready for a child.

Whatever the reasons, they are hers.

She has to live her life not you, you have your own to deal with.

Childbirth is different for each women and with each child. A woman has to be willing to take the risk for both, or the right to decide against.

You get to choose to get on a plane knowing there are risk, you don't force someone who is afraid to get on one short of sedative or handcuffs. Why would you force a woman to go through a pregnancy and childbirth if she is not ready? It is her life and her right to make the choice for those risks? It is not a two to 12 hour flight, it's nine months or more of her life.
Sanger embraced Malthusian eugenics. Thomas Robert Malthus, a 19th century cleric and professor of political economy, believed a population time bomb threatened the existence of the human race. He viewed social problems such as poverty, deprivation and hunger as evidence of this "population crisis." According to writer George Grant, Malthus condemned charities and other forms of benevolence, because he believed they only exacerbated the problems. His answer was to restrict population growth of certain groups of people. His theories of population growth and economic stability became the basis for national and international social policy. Grant quotes from Malthus’ magnum opus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, published in six editions from 1798 to 1826:

All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room is made for them by the deaths of grown persons. We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality.
Malthus disciples believed if Western civilization were to survive, the physically unfit, the materially poor, the spiritually diseased, the racially inferior, and the mentally incompetent had to be suppressed and isolated–or even, perhaps, eliminated. His disciples felt the subtler and more "scientific" approaches of education, contraception, sterilization and abortion were more "practical and acceptable ways" to ease the pressures of the alleged overpopulation.

Critics of Malthusianism said the group "produced a new vocabulary of mumbo-jumbo. It was all hard-headed, scientific and relentless." Further, historical facts have proved the Malthusian mathematical scheme regarding overpopulation to be inaccurate, though many still believe them.

Despite the falsehoods of Malthus’ overpopulation claims, Sanger nonetheless immersed herself in Malthusian eugenics............................ | The Negro Project
Your first sentence is not supported by the rest of the post. You are dumber than Jake.
it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

If it is not the moment that a woman's life begins. . . do tell, when it is that a woman's rights should begin?

I believe that a woman's rights (including her right to not be killed unjustly) should begin at the earliest moment that we can establish that her life has began.

You seem to be of the opinion that a woman's rights do not begin until we as a society can not stomach or justify the denial of her rights anymore.

Is that true?

For some it is movement, when the fetus begins to kick, around the 5th month. For most it is birth when they become a separate life. Bible would have it a month after birth. With modern technology some women face the reality when there is a heart beat around the 6th weeks.

A fetus can be lost easily at any point in pregnancy and childbirth. Till is is actually born alive and breathing, I would then consider it a life. Before that is a potential life, but still a fetus, still part of the women and hers to care if she so chooses.

JMO, abortions as a choice is better done before the 5th month, by the 7th month only for health or emergency reason, preferably............. but it is not up to me, it is up to the woman.

I can not decide for someone else if and when. I do believe they should have the options whatever they decide.

I've seen too many horrors in the world to tell others what they have to do or can't do. Too many valid reason for exceptions to limits and regulations in such cases. I don't have to agree but I do support their right to make a choice for their own life.

You freely make decisions to limit animal populations but you won't let people make such decisions about their own lives? We have tried to eliminate most of the old natural cause of fetus and child death or population control and then want to overpopulate the world when we have limited water and food resources already stressed. What next? Another world war to bring population numbers back under control? What happens where there is stand room only and fights in the streets for a drop of water to drink? Are you expecting a global black plague to wipe out 50% of the population in the next decade? How about parents being able to afford a child or several children? How much can taxpayers afford to support other people's children? Where is the breaking point before we all turn on each other? Are there not enough poor or suffering that need our care and attentions and money? Even if you had money and a spring under your home, how many children can you possible be able to raise? For most families three is more than enough. A rare few can go a dozen, which would be the natural limit for most women. A small number might open their heart and home to more. Some women go crazy and can't handle even one.

What do you really expect from an unlimited number of babies being born in the world? Places like China were forced to set limits on the number of children a couple could have. Should the state be forced to do this everywhere?

Love your children. Adopt if you want. Don't tell other women they have no choice and have to have children because of your personal morality. Half the world does not share you hang ups about abortion on religious ground. More than half believe in the woman's right to decide no matter her faith or the country's. Should all woman have to leave the country to get an abortions because it offends you? Don't look

Don't approve of abortions, move to some country in south american where they are illegal. About the only place where they might still be.........for the moment, even in cases of rape and incest. With zika, that might change soon.

If you disapprove of abortions, don't get one. You control your life and you make those decisions for yourself.
Regardless of the point where YOU yourself believe a child's life and rights begin. . . I am guessing that you agree that it would be a crime of MURDER to unjustly kill that child at any point thereafter.

So, we basically agree that there should be laws to guard children's lives and rights from the moment their life begins. We simply disagree on when that moment takes place.

Interesting that we already have laws which define 'children in the womb' as such and they already make it a crime of MURDER to criminally kill a 'child in the womb' in any stage of development.

More interesting than that is how those have to make exceptions to their own conclusions just to keep abortions legal.

Strike those exceptions and abortions will automatically be legally recognized as murders too.

Sent from my SM-N920V using mobile app
Those laws have been made. Argue with the law, then. I am glad you are beginning to realize 'murder' is a legal term, while 'abortion' is a medical term.
Why are there so many plants to prevent and induce a miscarriage, from the beginning of time. Why have so many without the knowledge of how to terminate or options available end up feeling hopeless or shamed and resort to suicide?

Life is a test. A test is worthless without the opportunity to get things wrong. It's that simple.

What about what is right for the woman? If given safe options she can have children when she is ready with all the love in her heart.

What about her? She has a choice. She can choose not to have sex if she isn't ready for kids. She can choose to violate basic Morals by terminating a reasonable pregnancy (not rape induced or causing her impending death).

The key word is "CHOICE"......

.....Children are an option in life not a necessity.

Some women have children and get an abortions for many reason. It is not about not wanting children, but there are times when it is just not the right time, or too dangerous to try again

Children are only partially our choice. They are a potential consequence of a choice we make. We don't always get to choose our path in life. We must deal with the cards the Divine deals us, whether we like it or not.

Please don't say abstinence. A healthy life and healthy marriage includes sex.

You want to be celibate, fine, goody for you. Most people could not imagine a normal life without sex. They don't always see children in their life, or don't see them at that particular time

Not necessarily. My wife and I will go long periods of abstinence because the time may not be right for us to have a child. However, any time we do have sex we understand that may mean creating a child. It's that simple.

Some people don't want a house, car or pet at certain times in their lives, all of which they can give or sell, or loose, when circumstances change. A child is a far greater commitment and should be considered when the time is right, not forced on them.

We all make choices, a child is a serious choice and should be carefully considered.

Houses, cars and pets are a totally different situation. I've never met someone who had any of those things given to them as a consequence of a choice they made, without them wanting it.
Why are there so many plants to prevent and induce a miscarriage, from the beginning of time. Why have so many without the knowledge of how to terminate or options available end up feeling hopeless or shamed and resort to suicide?

Life is a test. A test is worthless without the opportunity to get things wrong. It's that simple.

What about what is right for the woman? If given safe options she can have children when she is ready with all the love in her heart.

What about her? She has a choice. She can choose not to have sex if she isn't ready for kids. She can choose to violate basic Morals by terminating a reasonable pregnancy (not rape induced or causing her impending death).

The key word is "CHOICE"......

.....Children are an option in life not a necessity.

Some women have children and get an abortions for many reason. It is not about not wanting children, but there are times when it is just not the right time, or too dangerous to try again

Children are only partially our choice. They are a potential consequence of a choice we make. We don't always get to choose our path in life. We must deal with the cards the Divine deals us, whether we like it or not.

Please don't say abstinence. A healthy life and healthy marriage includes sex.

You want to be celibate, fine, goody for you. Most people could not imagine a normal life without sex. They don't always see children in their life, or don't see them at that particular time

Not necessarily. My wife and I will go long periods of abstinence because the time may not be right for us to have a child. However, any time we do have sex we understand that may mean creating a child. It's that simple.

Some people don't want a house, car or pet at certain times in their lives, all of which they can give or sell, or loose, when circumstances change. A child is a far greater commitment and should be considered when the time is right, not forced on them.

We all make choices, a child is a serious choice and should be carefully considered.

Houses, cars and pets are a totally different situation. I've never met someone who had any of those things given to them as a consequence of a choice they made, without them wanting it.

"she" should just choose to not have sex.........

No "she" does not always have choice, or take protection and it fails....... or things happen after she is pregnant to make having a baby impractical or unsafe.

Why is it always on the "she" and men are ignored or somehow innocent in all this?

What crap!

Why she makes a decisions before the fact or after is less important than her choices for her life in the future.

Rape, date rape, or just a total and utter mistake, why is the blame and shame always on the women? How Victorian. Even the Bible had abortion.

If you personally have a problem with it, don't get one. Unless you seek to understand a woman's reason don't judge her. Even if they don't suit your sensibilities, she might have very rational reasons for her choices, other than casual birth control. There might be women who take it lightly, but even in case of rape, short of total shock panic and revulsion, the women I know who have decided to terminate have at least had mix feeling, but then several would have been killed if it was know they were pregnant.

How many girls/women have committed suicide because they were pregnant? Far too many. If a women has been a drug user the chance of her baby being healthy or adopted is minimal. Too many of them suffer with addiction and go through such pain and often have side effects for life.

What of women who find out the fetus has a birth defect? What if by mistake or just bad choices they face either mental or juridical incarceration?

It might just be a woman can't care for herself let alone a pregnancy?

Maybe it is her career or having to suddenly take on the care of a parent or spouse. Should she let them die and risk her own health and life for a baby that might not even be born?

Don't take options from women for your religious morality.

IF she dies then both lives die. Isn't saving one life moral? Why is the woman's life and health expendable for a possible baby that won't be born for months.

It is still her body that has to carry it. What about her life for those months?

Is it just clinical abortion you object to or any terminations. Natural methods you can't stop or outlaw. Why take away safe options? She could drink herself to death with water if she was desperate enough, would you outlaw that as well? What of carrying bags up stairs or working or just crossing a street?

She might and many do loose a fetus for so many possible reasons. How do you force her to not miscarry that potential life? Are you going to blame her for letting it die?

Women have always found ways to terminate if they have the knowledge and determination. If she terminates without you knowing, how will you prosecute or punish her? You have no right to know if a woman sees a clinic for an abortion or cysts or imbedded menses tissue? Even if she was pregnant, she would still have to terminate before the doctor could do a D&C to correct the problem. No you would have her suffer for nine months or more with the added burden of a fetus growing on top of it.

You don't get access to her medical records and no right to know if she does choose an abortion or just getting an annual pap smear.

What do you think you can do about it?

Take away a clinic and she might go elsewhere, hopefully not to some backroom quack. If she goes out of state or out of the country the result is the same. If she grows her own herbs or plants and makes a cup of tea, it is none of your business. She still is no longer pregnant. What do you indent to do beside rant about right and wrong or worse about some perceptions of hell fire waiting her in the future? You think killing her for not being pregnant is some kind of equal judgement? Incarceration and taxpayer expense? How does that resolve anything?

Should all women who don't have an abortion be given a live on tax payer dollars for the next twenty or so years? Oh, wait we have welfare and it just creates more poverty and crime, and too often the children end up suffering or abused in some way.

Some utopia where children become state property after birth and everyone has a service to the nation? Communists tried that and Plato's was far from desirable even if efficient. How do you plan this future without abortions, terminations, miscarriage or loss of a fetus/baby's life in utero or childbirth?

How many is too many children for a women to have? How many is too many for planet? Human growth is already pressing wildlife to extinction........but then so did caveman and the death of the mammoths and other animals of the time.

You have some way to make a woman want and love the result of the bad night or rape? You want her to give up on her life just to punch out babies to satisfy you?

What of all the children that are out there that need love now?

Why do you care so little about far greater issues and hung up on denying the rights and freedoms of a woman?

It is none of your business what she does or decides, it is her life and her body, be it nine months or longer. You will keep her imprisoned to ensure a safe delivery and then what?

Great, have more education to prevent and even teach abstinence, but only a few will actually care or follow your brainwashing. You will arrange marriage of 13 yr olds and expect them to have a dozen kids? Probably die in childbirth or complications from it, or just plain worn out?

Limit abortions and make it unsafe and you are guilty of killing more lives, by the twos. You going to want that on your personal head? How is that logical?

We don't live in a perfect world with perfect birth control that is safe for all women all the time. We don't have the perfect economy and space and resources for mass population growth. We certainly are not going have mass abstinence and eliminate all rape or other abuse of girls/women. We are not going to have a perfect well paid and supplied child care system free to all. We aren't going to have an adequate supply of well paying jobs for every person where they are happy and productive.

We do our best and keep trying but we also have to care for the mental and physical well being of each unique woman with her individual situation, and sometimes it is just not the right time for her to try and have a baby.

Care for the woman who is alive now and think about her needs before you plan for her dozen children not yet born. Deal with the life in front of you not some egg or embryo that has not yet developed enough to be an individual with it's own throughs and that can act on its own behalf.

You want to somehow transport an embryo into an artificial womb if a women is not willing to carry it and hold it till it is ready to be born, or get men to have womb transplants and carry their own spawn for nine months, great for you. Still can't stop a woman's right to control her own eggs. Artificially create a human egg maybe? That is still sci-fi for the moment. Right now there are women out there than don't want or can't consider carrying a baby to term or just down right afraid, nor can you force her to risk her life for nine months and all that goes with it.

I know, you still want to abolish all types of termination and abortion and enslave a women and use her body against her will...................

"Abortion is not right, it's not moral".......bull

Taking away a womans will and freedom is not right or moral

You do what is right for you and your body, don't tell others what is right for them for nine months or more, not in your neighborhood, across town, across the state, across the country or across the world. You take care of you.

We are all unique "individuals" with our own lives to lives and that might include not having children or opting to adopt instead when we are ready to be a parent and just so full of love and joy that we want to share it.
No matter how many times you say you can tell a woman what she can do with her body, you are wrong.

The body inside her body is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

If you want to stand there and insist that a women has the right to kill the body inside her body, then make that damn point . But the body inside her body IS NOT HER BODY, no matter how many times your ilk says differently.
No matter how many times you say you can tell a woman what she can do with her body, you are wrong.
I say before they get pregnant show them the video. You got a problem with that, snowflake jake?

The video should be mandatory viewing, as part of providing all information so the woman can make a fully informed decision, while pregnant as well.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

It's not her body. PERIOD.

It is a separate, brand new, never before human being, own dna, blah, blah, blah.

And you know it.

You're not in favor of women doing whatever to their body, you're in full support of women being allowed to kill a preborn human being.

So sick and tired of abortion supporters dodging what the actual issue is.
No matter how many times you say you can tell a woman what she can do with her body, you are wrong.

The body inside her body is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

is not her body.

If you want to stand there and insist that a women has the right to kill the body inside her body, then make that damn point . But the body inside her body IS NOT HER BODY, no matter how many times your ilk says differently.


Then it does not belong in her body at all or using her DNA

If she wants she should be allowed to get rid of that stranger person that invaded at any point

Let the other "DNA" carry it from the first moment to the last

Let it invade and threaten some other body for nine months if that woman does not want it.
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

It's not her body. PERIOD.

It is a separate, brand new, never before human being, own dna, blah, blah, blah.

And you know it.

You're not in favor of women doing whatever to their body, you're in full support of women being allowed to kill a preborn human being.

So sick and tired of abortion supporters dodging what the actual issue is.

The it does not belong in her body if she does not want it

explain her DNA

It is either her egg which she can dispose of or it does not belong in her

now which way are you going to spin this?

it is still her body being used and if she says no than it should be gone

you force a woman to carry for nine month something that is not hers in any way? and if she get tired of carrying or it causes her pain or suffering or health problems? If is not hers then she has every right to terminate

If you have a maggot or parasite growing in you or a cancer and you don't want it you get rid of it.

How do you force a woman to keep it against her will??

The embryo/fetus/body that is inside her is not a part of her and she does not have to share for nine months or care for it afterwards.

Does it pay rent to her? How much? Where is the contract? under what conditions can it be broken? At what point can she say there is too much noise or banging on the walls and causing disturbance and ruining her sleep and making it hard for her to function normally? What about when her feel ankles swell and she can't see her feet or know what she has on, or when she ha trouble sitting down and heart burn all night, or playing drums on her rips or a toes gets stuck and cant twist it out without breaking a rib for the stuck toe. Kicking her kidneys and waking her ever twenty minutes to pee, when is she supposed to sleep while the strange being redecorate her insides? Does the stranger pay extra for neck, back and hip pain? Not being able to drive for the extra size clothes needs? for the time off work, if she can work at all? Or time after work for a few weeks to recover from childbirth?

How much does it all add up to. when can she break it or demand more pay and better conditions ? An embryo carries that much gold to pay ahead?

How does it it get its food or dispose of its waste

how can you get it to move so the woman can get a good night sleep. What about medicine she normally takes, can she keep taking them all without a problem? and if she bleeds or breaks water or has contractions much too soon, will some try to prosecute her for a tenant that check out early? Who is responsible for the clean up and disposing of the waste?

What of allergies or Rh factor or some other health issue?

who writes out this lease signs and pays and if it needs to come to an end , where the border go to?

If it has be moved out at anytime, who does the removing?
Great news for the unborn! I saw a video that shows abortion supporters. They are asked to watch a video that shows how they are preformed. Everyone of them changed their mind after seeing exactly how they are preformed. I think that video should be shown in sex ed classes in schools. You know, in between teaching kids that being gay is okay.

it's not about so called supporters. It's about what is best for the woman. Her privacy, her body, her rights.

The body inside her body is not her body.

No matter how many times people like you say differently.

Of course it is, her egg, her womb, the risk to her body

Her choice if she is willing to put her health and life in danger.

No warning I would nearly die giving birth with my daughter. Nearly lost my son three times and then they tried to delay the birth because of risk to us both in the last hours even after being two weeks late.

Doctors would no let me take the risk again and I had a hysterectomy after I finished nursing. There were grave effect to my health because I made the choice to have my children.

It must be up to the woman if she is willing to take the chance. She needs to be aware of all the risks during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.

My daughter also ended up having to have a hysterectomy after her son. Not every women should or can go through pregnancy and childbirth. Not every woman wants to.

Not your decision, it has to be hers.

Every doctor, paramedic and ER knows the primary life is that of the woman, SOP, her needs always come first, physical or mental.

A woman has the right to accept, refuse or choose the type medical care she gets, including seeking an abortion. Her life and her liberty. Her control over her body, and her organs including her egg and womb. It is still her body filtering and feeding the embryo/fetus for nine months. Of course it is her body and her choices before, during the pregnancy and delivery. It is her choice to keep or give up the child after as well, well not knowingly her choice if she rejects all connection due to hormones or is allergic to the child afterwards.

She is the only one to decide.

It's not her body. PERIOD.

It is a separate, brand new, never before human being, own dna, blah, blah, blah.

And you know it.

You're not in favor of women doing whatever to their body, you're in full support of women being allowed to kill a preborn human being.

So sick and tired of abortion supporters dodging what the actual issue is.

The it does not belong in her body if she does not want it

explain her DNA

It is either her egg which she can dispose of or it does not belong in her

now which way are you going to spin this?

it is still her body being used and if she says no than it should be gone

you force a woman to carry for nine month something that is not hers in any way? and if she get tired of carrying or it causes her pain or suffering or health problems? If is not hers then she has every right to terminate

If you have a maggot or parasite growing in you or a cancer and you don't want it you get rid of it.

How do you force a woman to keep it against her will??

The embryo/fetus/body that is inside her is not a part of her and she does not have to share for nine months or care for it afterwards.

Does it pay rent to her? How much? Where is the contract? under what conditions can it be broken? At what point can she say there is too much noise or banging on the walls and causing disturbance and ruining her sleep and making it hard for her to function normally? What about when her feel ankles swell and she can't see her feet or know what she has on, or when she ha trouble sitting down and heart burn all night, or playing drums on her rips or a toes gets stuck and cant twist it out without breaking a rib for the stuck toe. Kicking her kidneys and waking her ever twenty minutes to pee, when is she supposed to sleep while the strange being redecorate her insides? Does the stranger pay extra for neck, back and hip pain? Not being able to drive for the extra size clothes needs? for the time off work, if she can work at all? Or time after work for a few weeks to recover from childbirth?

How much does it all add up to. when can she break it or demand more pay and better conditions ? An embryo carries that much gold to pay ahead?

How does it it get its food or dispose of its waste

how can you get it to move so the woman can get a good night sleep. What about medicine she normally takes, can she keep taking them all without a problem? and if she bleeds or breaks water or has contractions much too soon, will some try to prosecute her for a tenant that check out early? Who is responsible for the clean up and disposing of the waste?

What of allergies or Rh factor or some other health issue?

who writes out this lease signs and pays and if it needs to come to an end , where the border go to?

If it has be moved out at anytime, who does the removing?


The body of the preborn is not the body of the woman. How you're spinning it any other way is nothing short of moronic.


You advocate, approve of, are all for the killing of preborn human beings and you hide your approval behind the guise of "women's rights".

Shame on you.
Abortion is not a spur of the minute decision. It is not done in ignorance
Abortion is the result of irresponsibility and ignorance
and not wanting to take on the responsibility of the consequences
of having unprotected sex, or dealing with the mental anguish
of having the baby and giving the baby up for adoption.

Thinking the percentage of abortions for compelling
or valid reasons, even comes close to abortion being the
only and first solution to getting rid of a baby you never wanted
because you were to irresponsible to take precautions, is absurd!

Be responsible when you're fucking!
Then we wouldn't have to listen to people like you,
who call killing babies a woman's right!

Rant at scientology for forcing women, but don't decide that a woman should not have a free choice if it is the best thing for her.

You would rather children be raised in institutions without parents or love? And what kind if people will they grow into?

Quality is often better than quantity. I rather a child is raised in love, lots of love, not just an empty existence in an unfeeling system.

Fewer kid with more attentions than just lost in the crowd and passed along till they can be shoved out.

We are not a dying breed, but in the next century we might end up killing ourselves with overpopulation and lacking resources, killing each other in greed and fear.

No child should just exist, they should be born in love and cherished. Can't force a women to love her child. Can't force her to properly care for the child she did not want or was not mentally or physically ready for. It should be the right time.

Women are duped, birth control fails, not in their full mental capacity, raped or there might just be a change in circumstance or her health that makes the timing wrong. There might be complications like RH factor or some high risk that puts both in danger. I had night terrors about childbirth with my second and was near panic about the last few months. A warnings? I nearly died from hemorrhage in the process, but there had been no previous warnings. There a a whole saga and a lot of mental trauma afterward for the whole family, but my daughter was healthy, I had to raise holy hell to find that out when I did wake hours later, the my family went through a panic because the hospital had our daughter registers but did not have me and no one could get any information over the phone, even when they did arrive the hospital some how "lost me" or never had me. The whole hospital experience was something I never wanted to live through least for several years and not there ever again. You as an outsider can't possible know what every women in all circumstance goes through that might make her unready for a child.

Whatever the reasons, they are hers.

She has to live her life not you, you have your own to deal with.

Childbirth is different for each women and with each child. A woman has to be willing to take the risk for both, or the right to decide against.

You get to choose to get on a plane knowing there are risk, you don't force someone who is afraid to get on one short of sedative or handcuffs. Why would you force a woman to go through a pregnancy and childbirth if she is not ready? It is her life and her right to make the choice for those risks? It is not a two to 12 hour flight, it's nine months or more of her life.
You as an outsider can't possible know what every women in all circumstance goes through that might make her unready for a child.
An outsider? Meaning what? My opinion is contrived
and not arising from my own personal experiences? don't know me or what I've been through.
Trust me, my life is based on a true story.
Whatever the reasons, they are hers.

She has to live her life not you, you have your own to deal with.
The overwhelming majority of abortions performed
are due to casual, unprotected sex.
There is only one reason a female owns, irresponsibility!
If it's a young girl, the parents or guardians own it!
Rant at scientology for forcing women, but don't decide that a woman should not have a free choice if it is the best thing for her.
Rant at Scientology? Putting yourself in a position
to be manipulated and subjected to the principles of a cult,
is most unfortunate but doesn't remove accountability.

That's why there are so many symptoms of irresponsibility...
because there are so many excuses, under the guise of reasons,
that removes addressing irresponsibility and accountability.

Why aren't the morning after pills
reducing abortion by, at the very least, half?

Cuz, females aren't even responsible enough
to go out the next day, after unprotected sex,
and pop a pill...come on, really?

Let's call a spade a spade, no matter how you slice it,
Irresponsibility is irresponsibility, case closed, end of story!
You would rather children be raised in institutions without parents or love? And what kind if people will they grow into?
I would rather people be responsible so this wasn't a reality.
There are plenty of people who want children but, are unable
to produce children. It would be great if people adopted instead of
using surrogates.

What kind of person would an unwanted baby grow up to be?
In the instance you provided... we'll never know now will we.
Everyone adjusts differently, statistics aren't inclusive.

Was there a baby that was aborted, who would've grow up...
and found a cure for cancer
become PotUS
won an Olympic medal
discovered a new planet
saved an endangered species
made a scientific breakthrough....

We'll never know
I rather a child is raised in love, lots of love, not just an empty existence in an unfeeling system.
There are plenty children living a life of abuse and neglect.
If the amount of people that champion for a woman's right
to end a life, redirected their focus on the children that are
abused, neglected, unloved and without a decent home,
what an impact that would have in making a difference.
No child should just exist, they should be born in love and cherished. Can't force a women to love her child. Can't force her to properly care for the child she did not want or was not mentally or physically ready for. It should be the right time.
Then, there are too many women who should have aborted.

Providing an easy way out isn't a solution, it's a cop out
Addressing a cop out as a woman's right is not confronting
the issue of personal responsibility and accountability,

Avoiding the real issue is what drives abortion
as a woman's right to choose as a solution.

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