The new GOP Health Care Plan

All you need to know....

Preexisting conditions. The bill basically punts this issue to the states, repealing Obamacare’s protections.

How so?

Instead of repeating what the NationalRag prints, explain what you think their comment means.

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling..."
Now, you are aware, the National Review is not known as any champion of left wing liberal causes and true to form published a reasonably balanced article that was posted here by a trump supporting OP to support his fury? What, you are taken aback that we would read his post, and supporting article, quote it and speculate what went wrong with the President's party plan when it was turned over to his own party? Where did you think you were posting and for what reason?
There,s an old saying about money purchases, and the Democrat Party who is pushing a billionaire who got his money extorting kickbacks of taxpayer cash awarded by the gummint to 3rd world countries such as the Ukraine which has been under fire by Putin's Russia, and Biden knew just who to acquire over 30% of what the USA taxpayers were tapped to pay 3 billion, of which Biden gave them 6 hours to come up with his billion dollar demand as Vice President who would withhold the whole 9 yards if his personal cash demand went unpaid. Ukraine caved just to get the other 2 billion given. You all ignored the reality and put your support behind Slick Willie's slick partner, Joe Biden. And your Deep State made sure Joe went unpunished by running him for President, which means until he is defeated, dies, or is declared unfit for office, he will not be charged unless he loses in November.

Our Founders did not want an extortion kingpin to become President, nor do I. I hope you will rethink what it is like when the "socialist" euphemism off and start taking down leadership of the free world when we become state slaves to the sociocommunist country you set before us under AOC who hates america, land of the free and the brave and yokes whites to live under her communist thumb.
You are really rambling incoherently tonight
Are you off your meds?
Take a speed reading class, doll. It could result in your failures at comprehension. I mean that in a good for you way.

Read the rambling screed you just posted
Ever hear about .....Run on sentence?
I stand by what I said to you.
This plan is worse than Obamacare......Much worse

Biden is looking at expanding Obamacare coverage with a Public Option, expanded Medicaid and enhance subsidies

WTH is Obamacare with a Public Option vs expanded Medicaid and enhance subsidies.?

I've seen you post this before.

What does it mean?
This plan is worse than Obamacare......Much worse

Biden is looking at expanding Obamacare coverage with a Public Option, expanded Medicaid and enhance subsidies

WTH is Obamacare with a Public Option vs expanded Medicaid and enhance subsidies.?

I've seen you post this before.

What does it mean?
Could mean several things.

Could mean allowing a buy in to Medicare
Could mean an expansion of FEHB

What it provides is an option to use private insurers or the government run plan.

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