The New Precedent


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
Obama set the precedent under the guise of prosecutorial discretion, to not enforce clearly written and defined laws.

During the 2012 election I kept saying, and my posts at the time will testify, that repealing Obamacare under the precedent set by Obama, does not require action from Congress. A new administration could simply appointment a commissioner of the IRS with order of non-enforcement.

My postings at the time pleaded with leftists to explain how that would be any different than Obama complete ignoring immigration law. Predictably the leftists on this board said how dumb I am, and the usual low-intelligence response you can expect from the vast majority of rabid leftists on this board. I am going to dig them up as they respond here and remind them of the utter bullshit they responded with at the time.

Well as I predicted, and I don't mean to pat myself on the back here but I don't ever remember anybody saying this, the IRS is going to defund Obamacare by taking away the "tax" for not having healthcare. The entire law is going to unravel, as it should. The entire scheme was meant to bankrupt insurance companies, vastly expand medicaid (up 58% in California), and set up the inevitable socialistic takeover of private healthcare.

As much as I agree with Trump's actions, this is a very dangerous path we as a county have decided to go down. And to all the leftists scared of Trump and his ability to ignore laws, to you I say Congratulations! You and your immature and ridiculous attempts to redefine gender are what got Trump elected. Democrats changed the Senate rules making Trump's cabinet picks rubber stamped--Republicans could end the laughable charade they are letting Democrats put on. Democrats have paved the way for Trump.

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